WM10 release build (10584.218) issues and solutions

BUG!!! I lost a bunch of needed photos! Lumia 950 was set to save to SD card and after I restarted, every photo since the upgrade was gone. Tested multiple times after realizing and every time I rebooted...gone. After telling it to store to phone...no problems. Switched back to SD take some photos...reboot...gone! Has anyone else had this issue?

I have this problem in my 950 dual sim,set to savepic in sd card but didn't loose ny pic. Kept prompting me to scan nd fix issues with sd card
I've got a bluetooth bug. Volume to a bluetooth headset is very low, maybe 30% of normal max volume. The headset works normally on other devices. The bluetooth on the phone provides normal volume to speakers or the car stereo, just not to the headset. 950XL DS
everything is good except notification sounds(atleast this is what i have noticed). When phone is locked no facebook messenger,whatsapp ,text message or anyother notification sounds. but if phone is not locked everything is fine:unhappysweat:
Re: Latest Build .218

Hey I need answers for two questions...1) IS 730 SUPPORTS CONTINUUM 2)is WINDOWS HELLO iris recognition cant be done in 730
Re: Latest Build .218

Hey I need answers for two questions...1) IS 730 SUPPORTS CONTINUUM 2)is WINDOWS HELLO iris recognition cant be done in 730

Nope, Continnum only on 950 series. And Iris is again only on 950(fingerprint scanner required for Hello)
Re: Latest Build .218

I have used the EMPTY HOTSPOT feature in win8.1 denim .. . . *( that means using hotspot without mobile-data to share files via EASY TRANSFER or WIFI FILE SHARER )...but now in win10 its gone.. . .will it be back .. . .it is a basic feature all OS have and it too HAD
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Re: Latest Build .218

Few days ago I tried adding another speech language on mine L930 and nothing, it's been stuck on "downloading" for days. Is there anyway to cancel the download or remove it?

I have 640XL Dual sim with me. After Updating to 10586.218 build there are many issues i had faced . First Battery Life that i got very poor than 8.1.2. Secondly many apps and games freeze and crashes frequently like when ever i m using default camera app and tried to use manual or even automatic mode it crashes after clicked single Photo. Even Photo App its not good as it is in Windows 8.1.2. plus they remove many features & app that have in the Lumia Camera App like Bracket Shots with Different exposures, Refocus App.The Facebook App also crashes eventually many times for me.I don't get it the point to remove old use full and responsive APPS!!! I hope that in next update 10586.242 this might be solved.
In the changelog they mentioned this:
  • Improved UI for tracking data usage under Settings > Network and wireless > Data usage.
but in my case it's the opposite. When I turn off the celluar data it "resets" the already used capacity until I turn it on again.
And I hoped they fixed the buggy Data usage menu -.-
I updated my 820 to latest pre-release, .242, to see how it works. Primary 640 will stay on 8.1 untill all major annoyances are fixed.

How does it work then? Quite well, actually. Nokia folders app works. Lenses were be found after hard reset, but they should work out of the box after update without extra steps. Also MS Weather on lock screen is missing still. Will it be fixed, like, ever? In Redstone/Anniversary perhaps?

Has anyone experience their emails are not downloading past 30 days or so? I have my three inboxes set for emails to download at "anytime".
This is a response to post #170
Go into Settings/ phone update. You will see the phone is waiting to do an update to install the language. Do restart now and bingo, all is well
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everything is good except notification sounds(atleast this is what i have noticed). When phone is locked no facebook messenger,whatsapp ,text message or anyother notification sounds. but if phone is not locked everything is fine:unhappysweat:

Hard (factory) reset needed. I had the same problem and it is gone after a hard reset.

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