WM10 release build (10584.218) issues and solutions

Maybe you're right but not in this case. In my case in the store the double apps are listed without any icon for pausing/canceling/resuming the download.

I had this happen to me last night when I installed the USA Today app. The app installed fine and I used it, then I noticed that there was a second copy, grayed out and pending.

I did a hard reset. I moved all apps back to my device, did a backup, did a format on SD card and then the hard reset. I also selected to wipe the SD card during the reset.

Everything was fine, all apps reinstalled to the device just like always. Updated apps and then found that 47 out of my 70 something apps now have a second, grayed out and pending copy in the app drawer.

I don't have any more time to mess with this today, so since my apps are working I'm not going to fool with it. You are not alone.
I had this happen to me last night when I installed the USA Today app. The app installed fine and I used it, then I noticed that there was a second copy, grayed out and pending.

I did a hard reset. I moved all apps back to my device, did a backup, did a format on SD card and then the hard reset. I also selected to wipe the SD card during the reset.

Everything was fine, all apps reinstalled to the device just like always. Updated apps and then found that 47 out of my 70 something apps now have a second, grayed out and pending copy in the app drawer.

I don't have any more time to mess with this today, so since my apps are working I'm not going to fool with it. You are not alone.

Unuseful. That's a last Redstone iussue. Maybe it could be fixed on next fast build
Unuseful. That's a last Redstone iussue. Maybe it could be fixed on next fast build

EDIT: OK, I was reading the topics for both builds trying to decide if I'm going to go back and posted this thinking I was in the other thread. Everyone gets a full refund at the door.


Well, all I can say is that this didn't happen to me until last night, and I'm on the build that this topic related to.

If you find it "unuseful" you can ignore me and both of us will be just fine in the end.
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Re: Latest Build .218

With Diagnostic and Reporting turned down to "Basic" I'm in the 1.5% per hour or so range. I'm reliably getting 48 hours out of this build, which I think is excellent.

Using 640xl
Im not that great happy with this build im lacking of battery after new build so much battery drain in this build
I had updated my lumia 535 yesterday from 8.1 to production build n i am faceing some screen flickering issues like on start screen while hiding navigation bar on it n it lags a bit too not as smooth as 8.1 i did a hard reset after installing n did not backup anything. Anyone wid the same issues? Or can tell me how to fix them? P.s i cant log in my fb account in uc browser too it loads the fb login page again n again even after puting my user name n id it load the same page
My daughter has a 640 DS and is experiencing crashes within the foto and the gallery app. Also, sometimes 6tag will not start.
Pretty random, and a Soft Reset helps, but just for some days, then it restarts.
Battery life is pretty great.
Re: Latest Build .218

My battery usage on my Lumia 640 dropped to about 4.64% per hour since I installed W10. My wife's 640 running 8.1 remains at 1.49 loss per hour according to Battery Pro.
I've been running W10 since April 7, and have the .218 update....It runs fine, but I am still waiting for improved battery usage!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Latest Build .218

BUG!!! I lost a bunch of needed photos! Lumia 950 was set to save to SD card and after I restarted, every photo since the upgrade was gone. Tested multiple times after realizing and every time I rebooted...gone. After telling it to store to phone...no problems. Switched back to SD take some photos...reboot...gone! Has anyone else had this issue?
Could not update my 1020. Wifi updatye was not performing, so i turned on 4G. It installed and when it started with the moving gears, i got a sad face emoticon. Then the phone resets and shuts down. Had to rola back to 8.1
Anyone with the same issue? OR successfull 1020 update?
Re: Latest Build .218

BUG!!! I lost a bunch of needed photos! Lumia 950 was set to save to SD card and after I restarted, every photo since the upgrade was gone. Tested multiple times after realizing and every time I rebooted...gone. After telling it to store to phone...no problems. Switched back to SD take some photos...reboot...gone! Has anyone else had this issue?
That sucks.. Not sure what happened, but sometimes SD cards go bad. Mine could read fine, but wouldn't write any changes to card. The result pictures that I thought I took weren't there, and pictures that I tried to delete refused to disappear. Repair failed, so I ended up tossing the card.
I m on latest built w10m Lumia 640.(.218)
My lock screen is too buggy I think.when i type pin.
Its not like wp8.1 smooth and fast.
Any solution on this ???
Running .218 on an unlocked Lumia 640 Gophone.
The camera app updated from the store yesterday.
The HDR (Rich Capture, or whatever it is called this month) was iffy right after the W10 update.
Now it never works. I just tried to take a photo, and it is still 'Saving" after 3 minutes, then just ended unsuccessfully. Several attempt were successfully saved yesterday, but when attempting to 'Choose the best lighting', I get the message: 'Something went wrong. Please try again'.
Also, when choosing the lens in settings, I get a message 'Find more lens' Where did they go? Some show up when I choose to edit AFTER a photo is taken.But no Bing QR lens is listed-where did it go? Must we now use a separate app to record QR's?
So.....since the update, unable to reliably save photos with HDR enabled and unable to adjust the lighting in the unusual event of a saved pic!!
I've heard there were problems with the camera. Now it is my problem.
Battery usage remains at about 4.66%/hour.
Running .218 on an unlocked Lumia 640 Gophone.
The camera app updated from the store yesterday.
The HDR (Rich Capture, or whatever it is called this month) was iffy right after the W10 update.
Now it never works. I just tried to take a photo, and it is still 'Saving" after 3 minutes, then just ended unsuccessfully. Several attempt were successfully saved yesterday, but when attempting to 'Choose the best lighting', I get the message: 'Something went wrong. Please try again'.
Also, when choosing the lens in settings, I get a message 'Find more lens' Where did they go? Some show up when I choose to edit AFTER a photo is taken.But no Bing QR lens is listed-where did it go? Must we now use a separate app to record QR's?
So.....since the update, unable to reliably save photos with HDR enabled and unable to adjust the lighting in the unusual event of a saved pic!!
I've heard there were problems with the camera. Now it is my problem.
Battery usage remains at about 4.66%/hour.

Yup,same here,besides some of the photos taken with rich capture are poor qality,even my old LG L9 is capable of taking better ones. And then there is battery life,i drained 40% in one hour while taking photos,that's just ridiculous. And have you noticed that when you delete photos from photo app and if you open your gallery through camera,they still will be there. And that's annoying as hell because they're being uploaded to onedrive.
Agree with you. I'm using it on my lumia 1320 and no problem whatsoever. Run smooth compared to previous build and battery?.. Wow! Battery last longer compared to when I was in win 8.1. Great build indeed. Happy with it even though MS did not release it officially to some old lumia phones. Great job win insiders.

Don't you have freezing problems ?
Yup,same here,besides some of the photos taken with rich capture are poor qality,even my old LG L9 is capable of taking better ones. And then there is battery life,i drained 40% in one hour while taking photos,that's just ridiculous. And have you noticed that when you delete photos from photo app and if you open your gallery through camera,they still will be there. And that's annoying as hell because they're being uploaded to onedrive.
I'm happy with the editing available with Rich Capture, when it works, as I am able to significantly repair/adjust photos.
The increased battery usage doesn't surprise me, but I rarely take more than 2 or 3 photos at a time-probably a lot of computing occurring during the photo editing process. However, it surely shouldn't be SO MUCH!
I do not find deleted pictures on my SD card, but they certainly are transferred to Onedrive very fast. I routinely go to Onedrive to delete them.
The issues on lumia 730 after this update:
1)Phone restarts automatically
2) Brightness increases extremely or decreases for short time periods
3) Apps crash and automatically exit
4) Edge browser scrolls items automatically making screen blank all the time
5) one of the best camera phones by nokia now after update captures blurry images
6) Battery drains faster
7) music player has bugs which cannot be counted.

Reported this to Microsoft, reset done on phone both hard and soft, reply from the customer care was wait for the update to fix these issues, after using 8.1,8 and 7 from the past 4 years this is the most glitchy operating system called windows 10 i have used.

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