Wow can a Surface ever cause a Mac land....


Aug 2, 2012
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I am curious....have you taken your RT or Pro into what I call Macland ( Starbucks ) ??? :smile:

I went off to visit my Mom, take her some treats and the finish cut of a video of my Father in his marching band prior to his passing. (She loved it)

Any way I don't drive, so I use a combo of bus and taxi to make my way, and at the change over spot (Starbucks), I got coffee for us and called the cab.

I was told it would be a bit as the cab company was overloaded. As I had my Surface with me I was happy to wait.

Well you would have thought I pulled out kittens from my backpack and started to tear them apart. It went from nice and quiet to mumbles and grumbles. :smile: One comment I did manage to hear was " Ugh what's that doing here?" :smile:

Being I live in a University town there is a large population of Mac users......and they do not seem to like us Surface dwellers.

What reaction have you gotten from your Surface? Good or Bad????

Much like BlackBerry owners claiming evil bias at an AT&T or VZW store or by some kid working in. Best Buy, I must admit I always find myself wondering whether people reporting this sort of thing are either overly sensitive or prone to dramatics. I can't say I have ever observed any version of that at any WiFi hotspot. People are generally too busy doing whatever they came in to do to pay attention to anything else. In fact, the only question I have ever been asked is whether the device I am using is one of the Surface tablets. Just a question with no value judgment attached at all.


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Nov 20, 2013
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I know, isn't it amazing how you can go from screen, to keyboard to mouse and back around again and not even think about it? Of course, I get irritated with myself when I try to touch the screen on my non-touch work PC!

That said, I did once sit by a fellow "Surface Dweller" while waiting for a flight in Charlotte. We had a nice chat while everyone else thumbed away on their iPhones.


Jan 3, 2013
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Being I live in a University town there is a large population of Mac users......and they do not seem to like us Surface dwellers.
Must be a town full of people who don't have to pay their bills with their own money.

My 6 year old 17" Gateway laptop which I bought for $699 is still going strong with zero issues. That could never be said about a Mac because you'd have to add a "1" in front of that dollar figure.

I've worked on dozens of OS's and W8 is by far one of my top 2 or 3. Just like buying a new car, once you get used to where the buttons are and what they do, it's effortless.


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Nov 16, 2013
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Much like BlackBerry owners claiming evil bias at an AT&T or VZW store or by some kid working in. Best Buy, I must admit I always find myself wondering whether people reporting this sort of thing are either overly sensitive or prone to dramatics. I can't say I have ever observed any version of that at any WiFi hotspot. People are generally too busy doing whatever they came in to do to pay attention to anything else. In fact, the only question I have ever been asked is whether the device I am using is one of the Surface tablets. Just a question with no value judgment attached at all.

I don't think I am overly sensitive. However as I said I am in a University town, and the typical person who has time to sit and make use of the WiFi are the people who attend school.

If there was a Tim Horton's I could have stopped at I would have waited there, as I have also said it is were you will see Windows laptops always open. Now as a rule my wait time for a cab is never that long, but due to a busy day I had to wait. It was the only time I have ever used the WiFi but not the only time I have grabbed coffee for my Mom and myself, and any time I have been in, it is a Mac expo.

I have never had this issue as I have traveled through Toronto. A place where people don't seem to notice others are even around :) It is also where I have been asked about my phone, and it's "Huge Arse Camera".

Now trust me when I say I have a thick skin, as I am the only Windows Phone user in a group of iPhones.


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Apr 27, 2011
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....Modern/Metro UI is optimized (I'd say over-optimized) for touch screens. It is a waste of screen space on typical notebook and desktop systems. It (Metro/Modern) will not be embraced by F500 corporations because of that.

I would have to disagree. The reason it will not be embraced by Fortune 500 companies (yet) is because the OS isn't five years old. I've worked for three different Fortune 100 companies. At one of those, I was an IT guy.


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Jun 20, 2011
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I go in Starbucks from time to time and whip out the Surface 2 and what I've gotten was a mixture of smiles and curiosity. For the most part, I tend to "stay in my lane". That is true with my Surface 2 and my Lumia 920. If anyone that knows ONLY one device elects to get into my lane and dance, they lose. They always lose. However, if I allow for them to judge what's best for me aka, I ride in their lanes, I have a battle on my hands...and they know it.

Funky Cricket

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Oct 4, 2012
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I blew my brother in law away when I showed him my surface pro and one note with natural writing to text. He's a big ipad user, iphone, and windows laptops for work (he's a professor and researcher for psychology). He was amazed. He said the Ipad was 'okay' for email but you couldn't really do research work on it. He pretty much fell in love with it.


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Jan 4, 2013
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That's a possibility , however the original comment painted a different picture IMO. How often do you joke with people you've never seen before, at a starbucks, about their device, without directly addressing them?
Or they could, you know... be joking.


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Sep 13, 2011
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Lol, I did something worse than taking a Surface to a Starbucks... Picked up a docking station for my surface at the windows store. They must have given it to me in the biggest bag they had, and it's not one of those flimsy bags you get at a super market... Anyhow, with bag in hand and window logos clearly visible on the sides, I went to the mac store across the way. Went inside and started looking for those Philips Hue bulbs. Anyhow, I could feel the stares I was getting... And if felt good, in a weird sort of way. ;) Mac people seem to get too uptight over stupid things.


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Nov 16, 2013
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Lol, I did something worse than taking a Surface to a Starbucks... Picked up a docking station for my surface at the windows store. They must have given it to me in the biggest bag they had, and it's not one of those flimsy bags you get at a super market... Anyhow, with bag in hand and window logos clearly visible on the sides, I went to the mac store across the way. Went inside and started looking for those Philips Hue bulbs. Anyhow, I could feel the stares I was getting... And if felt good, in a weird sort of way. ;) Mac people seem to get too uptight over stupid things.

A true Surface dweller :) HA HA


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Jan 13, 2013
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Not so much the RT I have the Gen 1 Pro, but I often get strange looks when I do business meetings and start drawing/writing notes from either interested bystanders or clients. The worst instance was a pretentious Mac owner who hostile/curious as to what I was using. Hostile as soon as I mentioned MS Surface, but to cut a story short after I 'explained' why I used it over any other device his final comment was "Why can't Apple do something like this" and walked off.

The one thing I've noticed, particularly the Pro, is that it sells itself once people actually play with it. With Apple users they tend to be upset when they realise that the Wacom tech is embedded making the device more suitable for artists than the Apple devices some users to the point that declaim they've been betrayed (yes I've had that). On the most part I tend to ignore the stares/curious looks/hostility but it can be disconcerting to clients when we meet in coffee shops/restaurants.


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Sep 13, 2013
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I bought a surface pro 2 to use at high school (they are making devices near compulsory for schoolwork) and all my teachers and classmates were blown away by how powerful it is. The first question they ask is what device is it, then the see it's running Windows 8.1 and recoil in fear and then they watch me use the OS to take notes AND edit my RAW photos off my 1020 in Lightroom and so far I've convinced half my friends to consider a Pro 2/Surface 2. It's just the form factor of which Windows 8 is currently designed for is tablets really, and people find it annoying that it looks all different to previous versions of Windows


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Oct 6, 2011
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I've taken my Surface into Starbucks several times and I've only had one reaction from a customer and it was very positive, she even asked me about it.

That was in a University town as well!!


Jan 3, 2013
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I would have to disagree. The reason it will not be embraced by Fortune 500 companies (yet) is because the OS isn't five years old. I've worked for three different Fortune 100 companies. At one of those, I was an IT guy.
Bingo. I work for a F200 company and we just went to Windows 7 last spring. We are still rolling out the new image to almost half the company. Too much is at stake to roll out an immature OS for X more dollars.


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Feb 22, 2013
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I go to Starbucks a couple times a week with my Surface Pro and the only comments I ever got was from two other Surface users (ironically on the same day). The first guy had just traded in his iPad because he said it wouldn't run Flash and Java. He was fairly blase. The other guy was a true ****** and chatted me up for five minutes getting pretty excited to see another Surface Pro in the wild. No one else has even given a look (that I've seen) that indicates they care what I am using.
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