WP7 Mango Strengths/Weaknesses

So I disagree with what I see from Android's approach to giving the phone computer-like resources. You don't throw more RAM and CPU at an ugly, inefficient OS...

But what if you could do it with a pretty, efficient OS? ;) Just cause a device has similar features to Android doesn't mean it has to execute like Android. Blackberry's new OS (on their Tablet) can multitask even better than Android and with 1GB RAM and a 1Ghz dual core (it also runs an Android runtime App in there too). There's no reason WP couldn't also with a bit more power than it has now. Just because its there doesn't mean you have to use it. Like I said before, you can disable background tasks on Blackberry's QNX OS.

Not to offend (and not pointing to you individually here kevm) but I see some similar attitudes here that I've seen from iPhone users. If we dont have it, we dont need it. For multitasking, Flash, dual core phones, etc... I'm not saying WP DOES need all that, but I know I'd sure like those features. The ONLY reason I looked towards WP was because Blackberry couldn't give me a +4" phone and I hate iOS and dont want Android. While there are so many positives to WP and it looks just beautiful ( I think a nicely designed WP App holding to the basic Metro style has the nicest look of ANY platform), there are surely downsides. I have a tablet that can multitask and has Flash and powerful hardware, so its not quite a big of deal to me. However, I'd love Flash, true multitasking and even more power. So... it is what it is. People will just decide what is more important to them. Considering high end Android phones aren't a whole lot more than Mango phones, I dont really believe the added hardware would add too much cost. Plus, you dont always have to get the top of the line phone if you dont want to pay the premium.

I dont want to beat a dead horse so I'll leave it at that. :)
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What is multitasking anyways? How many things at once does the phone need to do? I can listen to music, have the wi fi on, surf the web using Surf Cube, get text notices and send replies (which means using the keyboard too), have the phone radio on, be charging the device and when surfing I've connected to you tube videos, the phone automatically pauses the music so the video can be heard and as soon as the video stops the music restarts - I didn't have to touch any music controls; I turn the phone and the screen rotates - all of this happening at the same time! Sounds like decent multi-tasking to me!

No lagging, no "too many cards" notices, no screen freezes, no rebooting needed!

And before people fuss about having to dive deep into the settings why don't they peruse the marketplace? Seems to me that people aren't doing their own homework before they start fussing about a new device.

There are nice apps designed to enhance the WP 7 and offer what an individual may want. I use "connectivity shortcuts" and pin the tiles I want. "Stop the music" app offers a button to shut off the music and exit the music instead of just pause it ( so I don't have to restart the phone to completely exit the music - weird from MS - but still a personal way that suits me.

It takes a little time to really learn each of these devices. I doubt I fully learned my Palm Pre. I keep reading this and other forums and each time has shown me something new. Even reading the help topics has offered me new tips.

I guarantee that MY WP7 phone isnt set up the same way others are, because I don't use it the same way they do all the time. I've never had an Android oran Apple phone, but have tried them multiple times in demo units and even browsed their forums. To me they just didn't seem very smooth or intuitive and they seem cluttered. Maybe because I used Palm for all those years, I enjoyed simplicity. The ventures into WinMo weren't successful - but from the first play time with a demo WP 7 I was hooked!

I wish that people really would learn more about the device in their hands before they start saying it is sub-par or that Apple and Android are far better.
I don't think anyone stated Android or iOS is better in every way. Just certain aspects are better executed. On an OS that is designed to reduce uneccessary screen presses, why not a quick toggle for WiFi and Bluetooth? It's probably one of the largest things I miss out of Android. Even unjailbroken iOS devices can do the same, now. It's not even about power saving for me, it's about stopping my phone from tyring to go out with every restaraunt's and store's wifi point, and preventing the BT speaker in my car from trying to take over a conversation... while I'm at home (yes, it's range is INSANE, though home is small). Things that should not take more time to toggle status then they do now.

As for pausing music, I just use the volume keys, which bring up a quick music control panel :)
Its sub par and Android and IOS are better. I use them all every day and you don't have to be a fan of anything to see what's obvious. I'm way more productive on those devices than on WP and the hardware is clearly superior. That's what matters. Looks are secondary.

Saying an OS doesn't need more than its given doesn't make the hardware less bad, so I'm wondering when people will stop using that excuse. Nexus s was the reference phone for Android and it is single core with 512 Mb RAM. Android does not "need" uber specs to run, but why would you "upgrade" to a phone whose hardware is at best marginally better than what yo have. To support the cause? Or maybe cause wave one devices were crippled in design to accommodate a beta OS which didn't have support for relatively commodity hardware when it was released?

Thx but nothx. Even apple new better than to just *** a few hundred MHz clock speed. People with a clue know there's more to processor quality than raw cock speed and dual cored have not so obvious benefits that you don't get with a single core.

Nevermind those GPUs Re terrible by today's standards.

And I was urged to post mostly by the disgusting last sentence in your post. I wish you would, too.

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
I meant pockets post. This board express program is terrible and will not allow me to scroll the text box to edit that in.

And you can think I'm a fan all you want. I use the same screen name on here xda and crackberry. Check the vibrant forums and you'll see I'm equally critical of all the platforms I've used extensively.

All three communities think im a hater which is more than fine with me. Mostly because I'm very critical of all those platforms.

I don't pay (buy devices) to praise. I pay to judge and judges exist to deduct not add points. If more people did then perhaps some of these idiotic changes like defacing ie mobile wouldn't have gone live.

Cell purchases are always comparative. Assuming the averaged rep will let the average consumer leave the stores with a wp without pitching them android or iOS devices is not intelligent. I go to carrier stores all the time and even with two phones on me in plain view, they still do it.

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
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Its sub par and Android and IOS are better. I use them all every day and you don't have to be a fan of anything to see what's obvious. I'm way more productive on those devices than on WP and the hardware is clearly superior. That's what matters. Looks are secondary.

Saying an OS doesn't need more than its given doesn't make the hardware less bad, so I'm wondering when people will stop using that excuse. Nexus s was the reference phone for Android and it is single core with 512 Mb RAM. Android does not "need" uber specs to run, but why would you "upgrade" to a phone whose hardware is at best marginally better than what yo have. To support the cause? Or maybe cause wave one devices were crippled in design to accommodate a beta OS which didn't have support for relatively commodity hardware when it was released?

Thx but nothx. Even apple new better than to just *** a few hundred MHz clock speed. People with a clue know there's more to processor quality than raw cock speed and dual cored have not so obvious benefits that you don't get with a single core.

Nevermind those GPUs Re terrible by today's standards.

And I was urged to post mostly by the disgusting last sentence in your post. I wish you would, too.

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express

To you, everything about WP7 is sub par. Even though Pocket_Fuzz detailed how he uses different functions on his phone at the same time you dismiss it and claim android and ios are better, flawless and make the world a better place. And seeing as you say buying a WP7 isnt intelligent, why do you use it?

Android and ios are sub par to me because they dont have Xbox live, native access to Skydrive or Office but you dont see me going to those fan sites and moaning about it all day long.
Don't put words in my mouth. I said assuning customers don't contrast the platforn befire making a purchase isn't intelligent.

Its there in plain english, yet you feel the need to twist my own words in reaponse to. Me.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
To you, everything about WP7 is sub par. Even though Pocket_Fuzz detailed how he uses different functions on his phone at the same time you dismiss it and claim android and ios are better, flawless and make the world a better place. And seeing as you say buying a WP7 isnt intelligent, why do you use it?

Android and ios are sub par to me because they dont have Xbox live, native access to Skydrive or Office but you dont see me going to those fan sites and moaning about it all day long.

Services are services. That's a bad way to choose a platform because they are easily accessible otherwise, barring XBL. Native is. Cute modifier to use to rule out the competition by default though.

There are office suites with cloud storage on all platforms. All OEM android phones cone with a third party suite, and Google Docs offers cloud storage. That means Microsoft has to compete on the merit of the actual apps, And Office Mobile is anemic compared to the top third party offerings. Productivity does matter.

OneNote is a win against Android, but Microsoft released it for iOS for free.

iOS has Game Center which has pretty much achieved feature parity with XBL. Both iOS and Android have more apps and better games.

Microsoft services are.decent. theybarent good enough to buy a phone based in three services that arw half baked into the phone and keep in mind I got my HD7 almost a year before that stuff existed. All platforms and companies are pretty matches when it comes to services now.

This thread is about (dis)advantages of Mango.

Quote me where ibsaidbandroid or iOS is flawless. Better != faultless. It simply means better. However.I'm sorry saying that crushes your feelings.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
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Its sub par and Android and IOS are better. I use them all every day and you don't have to be a fan of anything to see what's obvious. I'm way more productive on those devices than on WP and the hardware is clearly superior. That's what matters. Looks are secondary.

Could you elaborate on how you are way more productive? On both the iPhone and especially Android, I find I am less productive throughout my day as I have to navigate through numerous screens and apps to get what I want. On WP it's mostly there on the start screen.

Saying an OS doesn't need more than its given doesn't make the hardware less bad

But, it's never said in as an attack. It's qualifying WP current need (lack of) for big memory and dual-cores.

so I'm wondering when people will stop using that excuse.

I guess it'll be when people stop creating problems for the platform that don't exist.

Nexus s was the reference phone for Android and it is single core with 512 Mb RAM. Android does not "need" uber specs to run

I, and many others who have used Android disagree with this, flat out. Android is renowned for lag and system reboots.

, but why would you "upgrade" to a phone whose hardware is at best marginally better than what yo have. To support the cause? Or maybe cause wave one devices were crippled in design to accommodate a beta OS which didn't have support for relatively commodity hardware when it was released?

Or maybe it's simply to add required lifting power that the previous handsets missed.

Thx but nothx.

Be seeing you. :)
Could you elaborate on how you are way more productive? On both the iPhone and especially Android, I find I am less productive throughout my day as I have to navigate through numerous screens and apps to get what I want. On WP it's mostly there on the start screen.

But, it's never said in as an attack. It's qualifying WP current need (lack of) for big memory and dual-cores.

I guess it'll be when people stop creating problems for the platform that don't exist.

I, and many others who have used Android disagree with this, flat out. Android is renowned for lag and system reboots.

Or maybe it's simply to add required lifting power that the previous handsets missed.

Be seeing you. :)
1. Those OSes have capabilities I need that WP doesn't. The inability to send video out from the phone being one of them. Lack of BT file transfer and notnhaving Sony's frame grabber app for video.

2. I think that bears defining what an attack is. It is defined oddly on certain forums.

3. I forgot the problems don't exist because WorksForMe™

4. If I said I and many others who used WP agree its subpar and its reknown for looking like a chalk board with nice handwriting on bit yous take that as seriously as I took that statement from you.

Some Android handsets were underclocked 800 MHz and ran fine. G2, e.g.

5. Cause a gyro is lifting power. And a FFC... lol. No Its cause the OS obviously didn't support the HW. Windows phone is still NT. Under thatbpretty face is the same OS that was Windows Mobile core (the same one that made them cripple the HD2 to run it, albeit updated now). They still have lots of work to do there, but migrating to NT may help them a lot in that area. Time will tell.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
1.The inability to send video out from the phone being one of them.

This would be nice, I agree. But, having said that, it wouldn't make my day anymore productive.

Lack of BT file transfer and notnhaving Sony's frame grabber app for video.

BT file transfer works just fine for me and specific apps don't really qualify as a knock on the OS against iOS and droid.

2. I think that bears defining what an attack is. It is defined oddly on certain forums.

Definition is irrelevant. It's said 'in response' to claims that it needed it.

3. I forgot the problems don't exist because WorksForMe™

And this is in relation to what exactly?

4. If I said I and many others who used WP agree its subpar

Well, you've already said it's sub-par, yourself, to which you're having a hard time substantiating.

its reknown for looking like a chalk board with nice handwriting on bit yous take that as seriously as I took that statement from you.

That would be merely an opinion. What I said is recognised throughout the industry. But, hey, if you can't deal with that fact and wish to play 'semantics', that's fine. Weak gravy.

Some Android handsets were underclocked 800 MHz and ran fine. G2, e.g.

Coming from someone who in their last breath said: "People with a clue know there's more to processor quality than raw cock speed."


5. Cause a gyro is lifting power. And a FFC... lol. No Its cause the OS obviously didn't support the HW.

Yes, and I also hear the price of fish has gone up. El oh el.

FFS. *sigh*
Seriously, give it up. You are always posting negative things about WP7, not once have you had anything positive to say, but always how much of a chore it is for you to use WP7 and how android and ios are better. No one here will say WP7 is perfect but in your eyes its good for absolutely nothing and ALWAYS comes in a poor alternative to your preferred OS's, to the point you now claim ios game center is on par with Xbox Live on WP7.

So why not just move on? Why come to another forum (from XDA) just to spread more negativity about WP7? You dont engage in any conversation that shares how people enjoy using it, or post help with solutions for those with problems, you are only in those discussions which discuss its deficiencies (which are present in all OS's, but you choose to focus on those in WP7) you obviously dont enjoy it, dont like it, only post negative things about it. Even those who have issues with missing feature still mangage to express appreciation for the OS while hoping for improvements, and can still enjoy it.

I'm not sure but this sounds like the actions of a certain fairy tale creature that dwells under a bridge, but maybe I'm mistaken?
He's not negative, you guys just hate anyone who says anything that isn't completely glorifying the windows phone. This community is one of the reasons why I am dying to get away from windows phone, you are completely happy with a subpar OS and that doesn't bode well with how MS will choose to update it.
We can all constructively criticise the platform, but the 3 of you are just out to bang on about how it's not like the Droid. It's just the same old **** that people are tired with.
It has a LOT to do with their multitasking functionality. Part of Apple's UI design guides require a back button in the application design, which generally makes Android and iOS multitasking very similar*. Per application. Not across the entire user experience.

If the government really wanted data easily, they should of banned VPNs alltogether, lol. But going after RIM = RIM not even in the books for where I work.

* relative to WP7. Dunno about WebOS.
WebOS was true multitasking. Drained the battery like a mofo, but you could run as many apps as you wanted. Card metaphor for managing them was sweet too. Mango's switching is like an early beta version of WebOS' cards. Even though I have an HTC Trophy (which works for most stuff), I keep my Palm Pre2 around in WiFi mode for listening to podcasts. Mango is *better* for listening to podcasts than nodo, but still nowhere near as good as webos. Dr. Podder and Stitcher rock on there. At least Stitcher is coming to WP7.
We can all constructively criticise the platform, but the 3 of you are just out to bang on about how it's not like the Droid. It's just the same old **** that people are tired with.

It's BECAUSE we care about WP7 that we criticize it so harshly, we want to see it grow and exceed expectations. If another OS has a feature that I want, why should windows phone not have it too? Doesn't mean I want to use that OS, but I want the features/apps that it has.

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