WP7 Mango Strengths/Weaknesses

It's BECAUSE we care about WP7 that we criticize it so harshly, we want to see it grow and exceed expectations. If another OS has a feature that I want, why should windows phone not have it too? Doesn't mean I want to use that OS, but I want the features/apps that it has.

Submit it to MS, then. We can criticise an OS without attacking it.

Seriously, people, don't act like conspiracy theorists. We all aren't out try to "get you," or anything.
He's not negative, you guys just hate anyone who says anything that isn't completely glorifying the windows phone. This community is one of the reasons why I am dying to get away from windows phone, you are completely happy with a subpar OS and that doesn't bode well with how MS will choose to update it.

To be fair to most people on here, that's not true. I'm harsher than most on WP7 even though I like it a great deal because I tend to be picky about everything (a knock-on of mild OCD - you should see how well organised my cutlery drawer is!), and I tend not to let people slag off iOS/Apple unjustifiably because I'm a more than happy iPad/iMac owner too, but I don't get grief for it. Sure there are one or two hardcore MS fans who won't hear a word against the format, but you get fanboys anywhere.

On the whole this forum is remarkably open, and I think most people accept that WP7 still has ground to make up in a few areas. But at the same time, it's also already equalling and in some cases bettering the other OSs on the market.
To be fair to most people on here, that's not true. I'm harsher than most on WP7 even though I like it a great deal because I tend to be picky about everything (a knock-on of mild OCD - you should see how well organised my cutlery drawer is!), and I tend not to let people slag off iOS/Apple unjustifiably because I'm a more than happy iPad/iMac owner too, but I don't get grief for it. Sure there are one or two hardcore MS fans who won't hear a word against the format, but you get fanboys anywhere.

On the whole this forum is remarkably open, and I think most people accept that WP7 still has ground to make up in a few areas. But at the same time, it's also already equalling and in some cases bettering the other OSs on the market.

pics!! I always fear my cultry drawer is gonna lose me a finger or something :(

Yeah, I'm getting the feeling it's just people who are always used to xda devs flame wars, and just insta-react to anyone who even slightly counters them :P
It's BECAUSE we care about WP7 that we criticize it so harshly, we want to see it grow and exceed expectations. If another OS has a feature that I want, why should windows phone not have it too? Doesn't mean I want to use that OS, but I want the features/apps that it has.

Playing the victim card doesn't work. I've seen numerous posts of yours that clearly go out of the way to bash. Not criticise for the bigger picture (because you care). It's just bashing.

I'm all about objectivity. Most of the time, people's choices boil down to personal taste and lifestyle, to which you can't really argue with. I only challenge those (most of the time - obvious Android fanboys) who overlook and slate the WP7 concept because they're fixated with their favourite platform.
He's not negative, you guys just hate anyone who says anything that isn't completely glorifying the windows phone. This community is one of the reasons why I am dying to get away from windows phone, you are completely happy with a subpar OS and that doesn't bode well with how MS will choose to update it.

Here we go again with WP7 being subpar, yet all the issues with android with malware, poor performance in all but the highest spec devices, lack of updates is brushed aside because they can boast of multiple core and high res screen devices. Guaranteed when MS releases the Xbox companion app for WP7 and its brought up as a positive for WP7, it will be dismissed because "I dont use xbox, dont care", etc. Thats the double standard that WP7 haters adhere to when a feature of WP7 is shown to be better than on competing OS's.

And really, this community being happy with a subpar OS? On the contrary, we are happy with the OS AND the fact that its being improved. If we had the attitude you say none of us would have upgraded to Mango. Interesting how you try to assign our satisfaction with WP7 as an influencing factor on how MS would update WP7, makes perfect sense. Its not as though I havent been tweeting to Joe Belfiore and Brandon Watson on things like no backup, no BT audio with videos, missing Facebook updates. No, its down to forum posts here that would determine MS's WP7 strategy because we are all happy WP7 users. /stepford smile

And if this community has such a negative effect on you, best to move on to one that agrees with you.
Playing the victim card doesn't work. I've seen numerous posts of yours that clearly go out of the way to bash. Not criticise for the bigger picture (because you care). It's just bashing.

I'm all about objectivity. Most of the time, people's choices boil down to personal taste and lifestyle, to which you can't really argue with. I only challenge those (most of the time - obvious Android fanboys) who overlook and slate the WP7 concept because they're fixated with their favourite platform.

You've seen numerous posts of mine bash you, because you're the worst ****** on this forum.

BTW, since so many of you want me gone. I'm never posting here again.
You've seen numerous posts of mine bash you

Aww, are you sure you want to continue with this little white lie of yours? Every time I've pulled you up one of your comments (because you care), you've never come back to me. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and ask you to post these hurtful posts though. ;)

because you're the worst ****** on this forum.

In the context of 'fanboys', that must make me "the best". Thanks! :)

BTW, since so many of you want me gone. I'm never posting here again.

Shame. I thought we could have been friends.
In the context of 'fanboys', that must make me "the best". Thanks! :)

Nope, that would be me. Suffered though the DVP nightmare while you were cuddling with your HD7 and still came out the other side a WP7 fan. Yay me! :D
He's not negative, you guys just hate anyone who says anything that isn't completely glorifying the windows phone. This community is one of the reasons why I am dying to get away from windows phone, you are completely happy with a subpar OS and that doesn't bode well with how MS will choose to update it.

Yes he is. I have many things I want to see added to the platform, and have many critiques of things not yet implemented, and I am a huge WP fan. N8ter literally only *****es, and its tiresome. Go to the xda forums and look up his posts. He clearly hates the platform, says he is 'not a fan' yet continues to use it and post about it day in and day out.

There is a big difference in using a platform you like, seeing its faults and trying to discuss how it could be better, and using something you hate and making sure everybody knows why it sucks.

*edit* thanks theefman!
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Whoaw. *bows respectfully* You, sir, deserve it! :D

Thank you, young sir. :) On a related note, I dropped my DVP on the way into work today and the screen stopped working so I've been WP7-less all day! Not fun, but I've got a spare at home so just need to swap my SIM while I decide if its worth getting the broken one repaired. Brings home painfully the lack of backup on WP7, going to lose my texts and my progress in Fusion: Sentient (was getting my butt kicked anyway, so maybe a new start will help!)

Unfortunately there is no ignore feature on this forum.

There is, just click a users name, then select profile, then user lists and choose ignore list. (Dont put me on it!) :)
He's not negative, you guys just hate anyone who says anything that isn't completely glorifying the windows phone. This community is one of the reasons why I am dying to get away from windows phone, you are completely happy with a subpar OS and that doesn't bode well with how MS will choose to update it.

Skeedaddle then
This would be nice, I agree. But, having said that, it wouldn't make my day anymore productive.

*** It's not just about YOU.

BT file transfer works just fine for me and specific apps don't really qualify as a knock on the OS against iOS and droid.

*** Apps can swap platform choice. If someone needs Skype for work do you think they're going to choose a Windows Phone that doesn't have a Skype app, when Symbian, Blackberry, iOS, and Android all have it?

Definition is irrelevant. It's said 'in response' to claims that it needed it.

*** Wut?

And this is in relation to what exactly?

*** In relation to the template responses from people who assume that because something is OKAY for THEM, than it is OKAY in GENERAL. Look at your first response in this quote for an example of this...

Well, you've already said it's sub-par, yourself, to which you're having a hard time substantiating.

*** Marketshare and Sales numbers speak for themselves.

That would be merely an opinion. What I said is recognised throughout the industry. But, hey, if you can't deal with that fact and wish to play 'semantics', that's fine. Weak gravy.

*** Again, Wut? Lol.

Coming from someone who in their last breath said: "People with a clue know there's more to processor quality than raw cock speed."


*** The G2 was released a year and a half ago with that single core underclocked 800 Mhz processor. The same SoC type that's in the "new WP7 Mango devices" at the end of 2011. Didn't technology move on since then?

Yes, and I also hear the price of fish has gone up. El oh el.

FFS. *sigh*
*sigh* indeed.

Skeedaddle then

Trying to ignore the deterioration of the thread and get back on track.....
WHile I do think that the Mango Version of WP 7 is awesome and it is a wonderfully smooth operating OS on a single core processor that allows me to use my phone all day long and deep into the night without needing an extended battery or a power outlet lifeline; something that would make it handier would be an active way to move from the information icons on the lock screen to the actual notices they represent.

I like knowing how many emails I've received from each account - but seems like it would be really great if I could say, tap twice on an icon and then be taken directly to that email app. Currently the only thing that happens is the lock screen bounces.

Maybe if not a double tap then maybe a "memory slide" so that I'd hold the icon of the email app I wanted to go to then slide the lock screen. The OS would then take me to that email app. Similarly if I wanted to quickly edit a calendar item being displayed I could tap and slide from the calendar notice on the lock screen.

Wouldn't THAT be cool? :cool:
I like knowing how many emails I've received from each account

Yes, it's nice to see how many emails are in each account. :)

but seems like it would be really great if I could say, tap twice on an icon and then be taken directly to that email app. Currently the only thing that happens is the lock screen bounces.

Maybe if not a double tap then maybe a "memory slide" so that I'd hold the icon of the email app I wanted to go to then slide the lock screen. The OS would then take me to that email app. Similarly if I wanted to quickly edit a calendar item being displayed I could tap and slide from the calendar notice on the lock screen.

Wouldn't THAT be cool? :cool:

That could definitely work. I just get a bit apprehensive about flaky lock screens. When my phone is locked, I like the confidence that it isn't ringing someone in my pocket.
How about a lockscreen target? If you want to go straight to an app, you press and hold the notification icon and drag it to a relatively small target spot that only appears when you start holding and moving - that launches whatever app the icon represented, and after you're done backs you out to the lockscreen again. As long as the target isn't too big, it should prevent any accidental launches.


Flick lockscreen up fully - unlock as usual.
Flick lockscreen down fully - advanced notifications showing email headers, who called, who messaged you etc., and from these you can launch the app if you need to, or go back to the lockscreen if it isn't urgent. Ties in with the whole "one quick look and you're done" idea.
If the target area was private (chosen by the user), I think the first one is a fantastic idea.

Option 2 doesn't really work as I can imagine nosey partners checking your email/call/SMS record whilst you're out of the room. . .

. . . and, no... I'm not paranoid. :P
He's not negative, you guys just hate anyone who says anything that isn't completely glorifying the windows phone. This community is one of the reasons why I am dying to get away from windows phone, you are completely happy with a subpar OS and that doesn't bode well with how MS will choose to update it.

This operating system is nothing but sub-par. Just enjoy the phone new apps are coming out everyday by the time you know it Tango is released etc.

In regards to features it goes both ways iOS and ICS want features thats in WP7 and WP7 wants features that are in iOS and ICS. If you combine all 3 you will have the perfect phone but it doesn't work that way. Joe B is a talented dude and dont underestimate Microsoft. I underestimated them when Vista came out and the OG Xbox and look how that turned around.
This operating system is nothing but sub-par. Just enjoy the phone new apps are coming out everyday by the time you know it Tango is released etc.

In regards to features it goes both ways iOS and ICS want features thats in WP7 and WP7 wants features that are in iOS and ICS. If you combine all 3 you will have the perfect phone but it doesn't work that way. Joe B is a talented dude and dont underestimate Microsoft. I underestimated them when Vista came out and the OG Xbox and look how that turned around.

We were stuck with Vista for 2+ years, but the desktop and console markets are completely different, so it's not comparable. Sony made a huge blunder releasing the PS3 late and not capitalizing on the XBox 360's notorious lack of reliability (RRODs galore) by launching price-competitive with Microsoft. Microsoft has always been dominant on the desktop, and since they are basically the Android++ of Desktop Operating systems with ridiculously good development tools support and a completely end-to-end solution (Enterprise, SMB, Consumer) it is no suprise that they could absorb Vista. Most Windows users don't upgrade until they get a new computer so many of them simply didn't care, since they got XP computers, never got the free upgrade, and didn't upgrade until after Windows 7 was released, anyways.

If top OEMs like Adobe or even Microsoft themselves had dropped support for XP on Vista release, I think it would have been a bigger problem. Windows's Back and Forward compatibility gives Microsoft a huge edge over something like Linux and cheaper OEM Windows machines gives them an edge among general consumers over Apple. Business use doesn't need any explanation, there...

There's a reason why Desktop Windows and XB360 either remained or became dominant despite widely publicized blunders (Vista, RRODs), while Windows Mobile floundered to nothingness.

Different markets are different.

Microsoft didn't seem to get it back then IRT Mobile (Windows Mobile, XP/Vista/7 on Tablets/Slates/Touchbooks without a Touch-Friendly UI, AOI touchscreen PCs, etc.), but I think they're getting it now. Different markets require fundamentally different approaches. Before, th ey were approaching the Mobile Market as if it was the Desktop Market on a different form factor (i.e. Desktop to Laptop is not the same as Dekstop to Tablet/Smartphone). That doesn't work too well, obviously.

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