This would be nice, I agree. But, having said that, it wouldn't make my day anymore productive.
*** It's not just about YOU.
BT file transfer works just fine for me and specific apps don't really qualify as a knock on the OS against iOS and droid.
*** Apps can swap platform choice. If someone needs Skype for work do you think they're going to choose a Windows Phone that doesn't have a Skype app, when Symbian, Blackberry, iOS, and Android all have it?
Definition is irrelevant. It's said 'in response' to claims that it needed it.
*** Wut?
And this is in relation to what exactly?
*** In relation to the template responses from people who assume that because something is OKAY for THEM, than it is OKAY in GENERAL. Look at your first response in this quote for an example of this...
Well, you've already said it's sub-par, yourself, to which you're having a hard time substantiating.
*** Marketshare and Sales numbers speak for themselves.
That would be merely an opinion. What I said is recognised throughout the industry. But, hey, if you can't deal with that fact and wish to play 'semantics', that's fine. Weak gravy.
*** Again, Wut? Lol.
Coming from someone who in their last breath said: "People with a clue know there's more to processor quality than raw cock speed."
*** The G2 was released a year and a half ago with that single core underclocked 800 Mhz processor. The same SoC type that's in the "new WP7 Mango devices" at the end of 2011. Didn't technology move on since then?
Yes, and I also hear the price of fish has gone up. El oh el.
FFS. *sigh*