WP7 Mango Strengths/Weaknesses

We were stuck with Vista for 2+ years, but the desktop and console markets are completely different, so it's not comparable. Sony made a huge blunder releasing the PS3 late and not capitalizing on the XBox 360's notorious lack of reliability (RRODs galore) by launching price-competitive with Microsoft. Microsoft has always been dominant on the desktop, and since they are basically the Android++ of Desktop Operating systems with ridiculously good development tools support and a completely end-to-end solution (Enterprise, SMB, Consumer) it is no suprise that they could absorb Vista. Most Windows users don't upgrade until they get a new computer so many of them simply didn't care, since they got XP computers, never got the free upgrade, and didn't upgrade until after Windows 7 was released, anyways.

If top OEMs like Adobe or even Microsoft themselves had dropped support for XP on Vista release, I think it would have been a bigger problem. Windows's Back and Forward compatibility gives Microsoft a huge edge over something like Linux and cheaper OEM Windows machines gives them an edge among general consumers over Apple. Business use doesn't need any explanation, there...

There's a reason why Desktop Windows and XB360 either remained or became dominant despite widely publicized blunders (Vista, RRODs), while Windows Mobile floundered to nothingness.

Different markets are different.

Microsoft didn't seem to get it back then IRT Mobile (Windows Mobile, XP/Vista/7 on Tablets/Slates/Touchbooks without a Touch-Friendly UI, AOI touchscreen PCs, etc.), but I think they're getting it now. Different markets require fundamentally different approaches. Before, th ey were approaching the Mobile Market as if it was the Desktop Market on a different form factor (i.e. Desktop to Laptop is not the same as Dekstop to Tablet/Smartphone). That doesn't work too well, obviously.

Agreed but my point is when Microsoft has a great idea they stick with it and change the game just like what they did with Xbox they introduced how an online community affects gaming etc and just like how their doing it with phones with the focus of people rather than turning a phone into a pocket PC which they tried Win Mo 6/6.5.

I am only assuming that iOS and Android will start integrating more social networks into their OS as a result of this . Android already started with some features on ICS lets see what iOS has to offer.

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