WPCentral Contest: Submit your Nokia Glance Background!

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These 3 photos will show you the original (Of the beautiful Olivia Wilde) the filter setting (on 3 of 4) and the results of how awesome she looks! Sometimes I go to look at the glance screen and already forget what time it is, and have to look again! haha, no but seriously! I edited the original picture myself to be grayscale and very dark so it'll highlight her face :-)



Image 2.jpg


Here are mine. Don't have a camera, So I screenshot the pics They are both black and white with their appropriate sliders shown :D Enjoy! If I can only choose one let me know! and I will delete one :)
Based on an illustration I drew which ended up getting sold as a Luxe Plate for iPhone (I know, I know, but they don't make them for Windows Phones, and frankly, after watching the horrible beating my wife's 920 has taken over the last year without much more than some surface scratches, I'm pretty convinced we don't need protection anyway ;) )

Unedited - I just exported the art from Illustrator as a 1280x768 jpeg (quality 100) and told Glance to use it.



  • P1090449.jpg
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My raging bull on my black Lumia 1020! :)

Ps: sorry my pic is with this orientation but I don't know how to rotate the image here since it is with the correct orientation on my laptop
Since glance background allows you to rotate up to four images, I decided to go for a little "in-your-face" messages for people jealously looking at my RED Lumia 920. No slide, images are all 450x750 .png files (much smaller than .jpg). They appear dimmed onscreen.

damned.png device.png
smartest.png trends.png
leader.png success.png

If you like any or all of these, you're welcome to snag them right from here.
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I am not eligible to win bit I still like to play.

Hers is mine on my 1020

2013-10-10 18.03.03.jpg

This is the picture I used. It was taken with my L1020.



White/black on color and the second 'effect' on the effect bar. This is a picture I took of our sanctuary here at All Saints Lutheran in Mason just before we blessed quilts to be sent through Lutheran World Relief to help those in need around the world :).
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