Xbox Live ID's

Xbox & Zune: King Louie IV

I just got my wp7 and I'm loving it so far. I can unlock achievements where ever I go. I just unlocked all of the achievements in Butterfly. I LOVE ACHIEVEMENTS!!!
Sorry my name is Oldman Greybush and ya I'm a huge Zune fan, have every model since gen 1.

Ok, I requested you via Zune. I've only had the Zune 80 (2nd gen) and I had a couple of Portable Media Centers prior to that. I'm really liking Zune Pass - it's drawn me away from my usual heavy podcast listening and pushed me towards discovering and rediscovering some great music. I can't wait until WP7 has full parity with Zune HD because that's an experience that I've really been looking forward to.
Hey guys!

Pretty new to the forums :) Just joined today.

Switched from an old iPhone 3G to the Samsung Focus and absolutely loving it :) Seriously in love with WP7 haha.

I'm on XBL and Zune as ehrratic!
gamertag is Z0MBIE ZAKK

the o is a zero

note: previously was Reaperzombie
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my gamertag is my username. im down for some chess matches if you message me your email and i play most every other game more so chess, bejewled and crackdown 2.


for both Zune and Xbox Live. There's not enough excuses for me to fork over the cash for a gold account just yet, so if you need to message me do it here or via
Hey guys, I'm 'GaMMa' on Xbox Live and Zune. I need some more WP7 gamers on my friends list, so send me a friend request! Anyone else out there got Flight Control? I need someone to battle with for high scores.
downhillrider1 gamertag. Playing Black Ops and the only WP7 Xbox live game I have ATM is Need For Speed.

Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
I play fruit ninja need for speed max and marker glyder assasins creed and just about every xbl game besides flight control my name is frankied101

Sent from my LG-C900 using Board Express

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