Xbox Live ID's

I wish I could copy and paste within BoardExpress :\

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Just joined today but have been on this website for about a month, xbl/zune: ResidentJMizzle Im either playing the xbox or playing the phone, add me sometime.

Zune is amazing by the way, its just over-shadowed by everything apple.
My gamer tag is:


All capital letters if you add me let me know you are from WPC

:ninja: Dave
Add me: NJ Louie
I love achievements.

Sent from my Windows Phone 7 using Board Express.
Just joined wpcentral. I have had a Samsung Focus for a few months and really love it! I been gaming with Xbox since 2001 and my 360 has become the center of my home. I'm a science teacher who is happily married with 3 kids. My gamer tag is Carbon14
Zune and Gamertag: GreeneGiant007

I'm sure you'll beat me in gamer points.....maybe. ;-)
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gamertag: digid3vil4

Im pretty much a pure WP7 gamer with the odd 360 game achievement here and there.
Add me if u enjoy competing for phone achievements or play multiplayer games.
gamertag: gearhead05

I'm tired of all my WP7 games' leaderboards being empty. I have no competition; ADD ME! And if you remember, try to add a note saying your from the forum so I have an idea of who you are.
gamertag: gearhead05

I'm tired of all my WP7 games' leaderboards being empty. I have no competition; ADD ME! And if you remember, try to add a note saying your from the forum so I have an idea of who you are.

Just so you know, I've added you. I don't have a gold membership, so I can't message you. Really, all WP7 users should have the ability to message other WP7 users and not have to sign up for Gold membership, but hey, at least we have this forum and many others to choose from. ;-)
Zune and Xbox Live: Carkosa

Just so you know, I've added you. I don't have a gold membership, so I can't message you. Really, all WP7 users should have the ability to message other WP7 users and not have to sign up for Gold membership, but hey, at least we have this forum and many others to choose from. ;-)

That is quite annoying. I upgraded my Xbox live gold account to the Family Pack, which is a very good deal, by the way, so I can add my girlfriend to take advantage of all the features.
I can be reached on XBL via AdamJPart, via phone I'm normally on PvZ or Bejeweled LIVE, on 360 its MW2/BlOps, Forza 3 & L.A. Noire.

PS: I've added a few of you, explained in a message who I am, so easy adding people via WP7's XBL hub too.
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I Am looking to build up my friends list on my phone as it is zero at the moment. I like to compare scores on all my games. I have a separate gamertag for my Arcade & phone games from my main profile so feel free to Add us.

Gamertag: supadryzarcadz

Games playing at the moment on HD7 are
Parachute Panic
Doodle Jump
Flight Control
Angry Birds
Twin Blades
Full House Poker
Fruit Ninja

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