Xbox Live ID's

My tag is my name: Se1fcr3ation

had my FOCUS stolen at work ( cause its such an AWSOME phone lol :( () but im getting a new one int he mail int he next couple dayz :P . so feel free to add me.
XBL/Zune tag: jdegreez

add me if you want. Edit: I'm mainly an Xbox guy, but play WP on the go.
Last edited:
XBL: Res215dg

Only games I play on XBL are Halo Reach (Big Halo guy :)) Gears of War, and Fable III but I also play other Arcade games also- I'm more of a PS3 guy but love WP7 phones!

I'm building up my WP7 game collection so look for me there too! If you add me, let me know you are from WP7- it's nice to know where or what games I find my XLB friends from
I Am looking to build up my friends list on my phone as it is zero at the moment. I like to compare scores on all my games. I have a separate gamertag for my Arcade & phone games from my main profile so feel free to Add us.

Gamertag: supadryzarcadz

Games playing at the moment on HD7 are
Parachute Panic
Doodle Jump
Flight Control
Angry Birds
Twin Blades
Full House Poker
Fruit Ninja

Hello, anyone who sent a request can you please do so again. Started over again with same gametag
mutize23 is my gt please add me as i have no friends lol

games i play, assassins creed angry birds parachute fruit ninja pes11 and tentacles
My gt is kismayaz. Anyone can add me if you like. I don't know anyone else with a windows phone.

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
Gamertag: Vulak Aerr. I'm on WP7, 360 and GFWL (yeah, some people DO use it). Feel free to add me. I'm just going to invite a few from the last few pages I think.
Hello all, by GT: The420Dank

I was hoping to add some more peeps for wp7 games' leaderboards. I've check A LOT of the profiles posted here and haven't really found anyone who plays more than 1 game. Most people I find don't play any wp7 games at all which is what I thought this thread was about.

There has to be some fans of wp7 who play a lot of the games like myself, I've got a huge collection of wp7 games. If you're an avid gamer and play a lot of the games then add me. If you only play 1 game like bejeweled or something, we might not benefit from each other because I don't play bejeweled and play a ton of other games, I probably won't show up on your leaderboards.

Hopefully I can find some gamers out there, thanks all.

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