Zune->Xbox Music... I get it.


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Nov 13, 2012
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Funny that this thread was brought back, I was just reading a Zune/Xbox Music FAQ Microsoft put together. Talks a lot about Zune music on Xbox Music. Might be of help to some people here:

Syncing music FAQ | Windows Phone How-to (United States)

I'll have to go back and read that link when I have a chance.

Just updated my phone to OS version 8.0.10211.204 last night hoping that some fix for the music issue might have been made; however I am still having the same issues.

I still can't see AAC files made with iTunes (256kbs AAC) that are loaded to the phone.


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Nov 19, 2011
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Local sync is the only way I'm gonna get all my subscription content back on my phone without blowing my data cap pulling it from the cloud. Redownloading doesn't even work because it just says it's already in my collection. There've been a few tunes I actually had to buy to get them on my phone, and that's not cool. To buy everything I've downloaded so far since I got the Zune Pass would probably cost me a couple grand.


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Nov 19, 2011
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Except that you can't. There's a lot of dissatisfied customers being vocal on the interwebs. XBox Music and syncing is broken. It does not work. Period. This just one thread that documents the MANY issues that users are having.

Master List Of Issues With XBox Music On WP8 - Microsoft Community

The Zune software synced music, videos, pictures, podcasts, etc. It did a fine job of doing that with my WP7 devices. Now they got rid of that, and created these stupid connector apps that are still in beta that crash all the time. There's Windows Media Player, and regular file transferring. What MS did was kill off a great syncing app that did a great job of doing everything and then replaced it with multiple apps that don't do everything, and of top of that, do what they do very poorly. It's more than just music. Read through the threads.

Personally speaking for myself. I don't give a flying !@#$ about XBox Music, Pandora, Spotify, or streaming music. I don't listen to music that way. I have my own library of music I listen to. If I like something I'll buy it and download it. And I expect to put it on all my devices with very little to no effort. I don't want it eating up my data plan through streaming. When I want to listen to a certain song or album, I don't want to run a situation in where I have a crappy connection or I can't download it locally because I'm on a plane or whatever. It's pretty simple really. They should have just kept the software, renamed it to whatever they wanted, updated the logos, and added support for WP8 devices. WP7 never had issues like the ones described and it certainly did not completely screw up the metadata on my music library. Wrong album art, wrong artist names, wrong song titles, wrong track orders, etc, etc, etc. The Zune software never did any of that.


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