Dear Microsoft, please fix our Windows 10 pet peeves


Active member
Nov 13, 2012
Working with Windows 10 I keep running into things that would be super easy to fix but that are somehow never addressed. These don't seem to float to the top of the Feedback Hub either, so why not list them in a thread and hope that MS sees them.

All I want for Christmas is for Microsoft to fix these.. :angel:

- start the People app. The search box is not active! d'Oh!! You have to hit 'tab' six times, or mouse all the way over to the search box and click before you can start typing. SUPER easy to fix.

- hitting the Win key and typing a name, Cortana doesn't search contacts. d'Oh! Why on earth are contacts not worth searching?

- In mail when I get ten photo attachments I want to open the first one, and swipe to the next one. That doesn't work, instead we need to open and close each image individually. Easily a weekly annoyance.

- minor gripe: Hitting Winkey-S and typing 'remind me to start a thread at noon' nicely shows the reminder I want to make, but I can't just hit enter to complete setting the reminder. I need to hit tab five times and hit enter.

- using Cortana to set a reminder, and then mouse-clicking the time field we get a touch control to change the time. This is cumbersome to use with the keyboard. Please allow us to type in the time field directly (as well).

- Hitting the Win key to open Start and doing anything other than typing immediately disables the search-as-you-type option. Example, hit Win, then touch-pan the start menu, and then type. At this point nothing happens. Why disable typing?

- The surprise Cortana web search. Type "remind me to <something embarrassing> at 1 pm tomorrow". Cortana struggles, and boom, your private request is sent to I really want the web search put behind a button, or at least add a toggle to disable web searches by Cortana.

- In Mail if pictures are not shown by default (better for privacy/security) the option "Download message and pictures" is shown all the way at the end of the email. For long emails this means a lot of unnecessary scrolling if you want to toggle images on

- Mail still doesn't have contact groups. Such a weird omission.

- Uninstalling an app that has an update available leads to the app getting reinstalled. As far as I can tell there is no way to remove the 'pending update' from the app store.

OK, those are my gripes for now, anybody else have Win10 annoyances that are easily fixed?
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This colour is pretty harsh on the eyes :straight:
Haha, Windows Central pet peeve? Let me find something better, looks OK on dark theme. Please stand by while I get my spray can.

Edit: spray can deployed, please report back with visual impact
Video app always opens in full mode which is irritating as I usually don't want it in full mode
The Movies & TV app? If I open it, make it windowed, and close it, the next time it opens windowed, just like other Win applications.
1. I can no longer grab a Title Bar and drag it to a another screen without first hitting the maximize icon (which reduces the size of the window a little, and only then can I grab and drag it)

2. Most of the time, new windows open "BEHIND" Edge, meaning the I have to minimize the Edge window to see the new window.
1. I can no longer grab a Title Bar and drag it to a another screen without first hitting the maximize icon (which reduces the size of the window a little, and only then can I grab and drag it)
Huh.. I can still grab the title bar without having to 'unmaximize' the window. Works with Edge and with Chrome at least.
Well @Joe920, that's odd...I haven't been able to that for months now????? I wonder if there is a setting that I have overlooked? I can't grab the Title Bar and drag on "any" window, on any computer (custom build with 3 screens, SurfaceBook, Surface Pro 3). I wonder why?????
Well @Joe920, that's odd...I haven't been able to that for months now????? I wonder if there is a setting that I have overlooked? I can't grab the Title Bar and drag on "any" window, on any computer (custom build with 3 screens, SurfaceBook, Surface Pro 3). I wonder why?????
Weird. Seems like there is a registry setting for this: Maybe create a restore point and try the 'enable' registry merge?
I find this EXTREMELY annoying! I was using it all the time, and with the first creators update it was just gone. And its not mentioned anywhere that the DNLA feature has been removed or why! -.-
I'll start and end with the start. Since the latest big update there is always the message have you lost your password under the pw box at first login. No MS, what gave you the idea that i have? To spell it out, such a message should appear after a failed login, this just gives the impression that "something went wrong earlier".

Oh and the explorer:)
I have issues with the Action Center - even if I have notifications, the heading "no notifications" is still present at the top and the animation is also not working properly all the time - sometimes it just appears diagonally instead of horizontally. Not to mention that in tablet mode, it doesn't take the full height of my screen if I hide the taskbar - it just behaves the same way as if the taskbar were there.
Cortana regional restrictions. I'm not talking about some of those things that logically need different data, like package tracking which would require coordinating with different postal services. I'm talking about things like smart home control. Why can't Cortana control my Hue lights in Canada? I don't know why that is any different than enabling it in the U.S.

Another Cortana: I can get notifications that I got a text, and I can reply to those notifications. But what do I do if I want to text somebody who didn't just text me? I need a quick button for it either in Cortana or in the MyPeople bar. I used Skype SMS relay for a while instead, but it is so unreliable that I couldn't keep doing it.

Mail app frequently crashes for me, mostly since the FCU.

BitLocker shouldn't be restricted to only Pro versions. Everybody should be able to encrypt their data. Other differences between the versions make sense - consumers don't need remote desktop, for example - but this one bugs me.

Virtual desktops are not persistent. I would probably use them if I could boot up each day with the same set of apps opening in desktop 1, another set in desktop 2. If I have to build up what's in each desktop each time, it's often not worth it. Maybe the Timeline functions will include this.

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