How many WP8 owners don't own XBoxes?

Chris Sandiford

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One of the biggest draws to WP8 is the XBox integration and achievements for Xbox games.

This was a quote from the thread.

Is Xbox one of the biggest draws for everyone?
Or just gamers?

I'm a non-gamer. This interests me. I picked the WP environment because a: it came on a Nokia and b: it looked different and the integration with Windows itself looked promising.

How many people are actually XBox owners and WP8 owners?
Are they a minority?
Did this integration put people off and is this why MS is easing up on the integration?

The use of the XBox name for games and music has been there since the Lumia 800 and WP7. If you are loyal to another console, would you be happy seeing it on your phone and PC screen every time you used it? As a non gamer I'm not bothered about the loyalty but I also don't want to see the XBox name everywhere in an environment just because it was made by the same company.
Will it be in the next suite of Office Tools too?

I'd suggest there is a massive percentage of people who have a Windows 8 environment on the PC and phone but DON'T play with consoles. Is this is why the swing away from XBox has happened - are people being put off by it or is the market share of interested users not as great as MS predicted?

I'd be interested to see any stats about WP owners vs XBox owners.

EDIT Close to 75% of owners don't have an X Box it seems!
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Just to point out Xbox games for WP7 came out at launch of WP7 way before the lumia 800 and it was one of the main reasons why I went with WP with the HTC HD7. The ability to see who was playing what, message them from my phone while they were online and be able to view all my xbox live stuff was a massive draw as an xbox 360 owner and avid gamer. Its also only improved as both services have expanded.

Many of the reasons for games not being branded xbox is the hoops developers have to jump through in order to get there games online with the xbox brand. That's all changing apparently so we may end up seeing more xbox branded games rather than MS easing up on intergration

Chris Sandiford

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Sure. My first experience of it was with the Lumia 800 but you're right - it launched with WP7.

My assumptions for XBox games might be off then, but what if it's seen as a detractor for potential adopters..?

How many Playstation owners have WP devices?


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I skipped current generation, the previous one I had a GameCube, before that a NES and between the gaps some PC :p

I mosy got WP due to Nokia, however now I'm so deep in the Windows 8 ecosysem (8.1 PC, Surface RT with 8.1, Lumia 920) that I'm really interested in the Xbox One just to complete the ecosystem.


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Don't have an Xbox. Don't want one but into the windows ecosystem non the list.

Sent from my Lumia (LIME) via Tapatalk


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Sure. My first experience of it was with the Lumia 800 but you're right - it launched with WP7.

My assumptions for XBox games might be off then, but what if it's seen as a detractor for potential adopters..?

How many Playstation owners have WP devices?

I wouldn't say it was a detractor as such I know over 10 people with WP personally and none of them have consoles, none of them are gamers either so the xbox tile isn't even on their screens.

I would say that if your a gamer and looking for integration between devices you are more than likely to have a phone relating to that console, I know numerous people with playstations that all have sony phones.

Maybe its more down to brand loyalty than any sort of integration though.

Its an interesting topic and point of discussion.


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If I were to buy an Xbox, I'm sure that one of two things would happen. It would either collect dust, as the Wii does, or it would destroy my life.


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Got WP, not an Xbox and I'm a gamer. However I'm one of those antiquated people that thinks games are meant to be played on the PC. I do have a console though... A N64 and I love it to bits. One of these days I may very well fire it up once more to play Mario 64.


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May 24, 2013
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Moved to WP earlier this year attracted to the WP8 OS. Never owned a console but am getting into gaming and the next gen consoles really appealed, especially the home entertainment, skype and so on integration. Xbox One on pre-order can't until the 22nd 😊😊


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Had an xbox since 1st gen.

I did not get a windows phone device because of the xbox integration. I don't care for achievements, never did on the xbox. I dont play much games on any phone and the only game i play on xbox is battlefield. Other than that its used for watching movies both from netflix and pc. This whole WP with xbox integration is pretty useless to me.

I think Smartglass is more useful but thats also available for android.


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You should have a "there is an Xbox in my house and I own a WP device" option.

My GF bought an Xbox 360, I dunno, last year I guess. It's the limited edition Star Wars set with an R2-D2 styled console and C-3P0 styled controller. It's largely for her and the kids, I'm not a (video) gamer. I've bought a couple of games and tinkered on it a bit, but whatever... it's not really my thing.

It was not at all instrumental in my decision to buy a WP device.

Chris Sandiford

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So far the poll is showing 75% of people only have a WP device and 3/4 of the Xbox owners got one independently of the gaming integration.

This is a far cry from these "millions" of people I've seen quoted that jumped to WP because of Xbox.


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Jan 4, 2013
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Never even owned an Xbox Original. The only Xbox-related thing I have is the wired 360 controller, connected to my PC. FOR STEAM GAMES...

Chris Sandiford

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Jun 30, 2013
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You should have a "there is an Xbox in my house and I own a WP device" option.

My GF bought an Xbox 360, I dunno, last year I guess. It's the limited edition Star Wars set with an R2-D2 styled console and C-3P0 styled controller. It's largely for her and the kids, I'm not a (video) gamer. I've bought a couple of games and tinkered on it a bit, but whatever... it's not really my thing.

It was not at all instrumental in my decision to buy a WP device.

Seems like the second option fits for you 😏


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the latest console my family has owned is a Nintendo Gamecube. before that a 64.
right now, the poky integrated graphics in my laptop power my games

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