16MP HTC Bresson Windows Phone for T-Mobile?


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Well in theory you'd still be able to get them both on contract price... Think about it, you sign a two year with T-Mobile, it gets transferred to ATT then resign an ATT two year for the Nokia. I wouldn't worry too much about the merger not going through because if it doesn't then whenever T-Mobile files for bankruptcy they'll let you go without the cancellation fee by law so its win win...
yup that's what i meant... i remember working for cingular when we merged and how people were getting free high-end treos and htc devices for zilch to come off the old at&t plans. back then, unlimited minutes for $100 (charter plan, they called it) were unheard of. no one wanted to leave their unlimited plans. now for $100, you get sms, data and minutes unlimited.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Well hang on now, don't just go diving into a new phone because of the number it has on the camera lol I am definitely going to make sure that it has a real glass lens with a decent sized sensor if its the same tiny POS lens that all smartphones have I'll gladly keep my 5 mp that'll most definitely shoot better snaps than a super squished 16 mp lol.
i agree... especially with HTC. their cameras always had the MP, but the lens was always lacking. i remember the EVO owners had issues with the 8mp and had to switch it to 5mp for decent shots. i'm not sure if they ever fixed that issue, but even my nexus one had it's issues with the camera.

i want it because it looks like the nexus s or mozart (the wp7 devices i wanted to begin with).


New member
Jan 30, 2011
You know what though? The sensation was the first device after switching to wp7 that made me reconsider Android but I came back to senses lol. If they don't get the lens right or the screen size big enough, then I'll just wait for Nokia devices as those cameras are amazing anyways and hopefully they can get a 4 in. or above phone going.

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