Accessories, Accessories, Accessories

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Curious to see how many of you have attached the bumpers. I'm hesitant to do it for no real reason other than waiting for a better option. If you have installed them, what do you think of them?
i installed mine. very easy to install. i like the protection and feel i can place it down wherever with no worries. adds very little to the duo’s size. also, i dislike cases but use one to provide protection when placing phone on a table. this is imo a great compromise. edge protection and table protection without a case. i will buy the otterbox sleeve for when i need to put duo in my day bag for example.
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I went the 1st day bumper free then I installed them and actually kind of like them. I did get one slightly off but it's not much (I would say to be careful to align the end carefully where you start and it should go cleanly) it's not off by much and I don't want to mess up the adhesive so I am leaving it as is. I suppose at some point I will replace it with a different color.

I installed the bumpers to keep the device from sliding on the desk as I was inking in OneNote. I also like that they make the device easier to hold.
If I install the bumper first, will that make it impossible to add a skin or screen protector?
If I install the bumper first, will that make it impossible to add a skin or screen protector?
A skin on the back of the device yes because part of the bumper covers the back of the phone on the "main" right display behind the power / volume buttons. But for screen protectors nope. The bumpter just adds a bit of rubbery thickness to the off-screen edges.
If I install the bumper first, will that make it impossible to add a skin or screen protector?

If you look at the dBrand installation video, it has you rubbing down the edges of the skin. That might be tough with the bumper on it. dBrand does provide a short one for the back with bumper, but that will be even tougher to smooth down. Don't know about other brands.
I bought and just had delivered a sopieguard skin. It's the special textured, honeycomb black version. Problem is, I don't have the Duo. I jumped the gun and bought the skin. Anyway, if anybody is interested, you can have it free of charge. Just let me know and send me your address.Screenshots_2020-09-16-16-48-34.jpeg
I went the 1st day bumper free then I installed them and actually kind of like them. I did get one slightly off but it's not much (I would say to be careful to align the end carefully where you start and it should go cleanly) it's not off by much and I don't want to mess up the adhesive so I am leaving it as is. I suppose at some point I will replace it with a different color.

I put the bumper on last night. Might just be a coincidence but I'm having an issue where if I start a call routed through my headset and close the phone, the call gets hung up. It wasn't doing this before so I'm wondering if the bumper is separating the halves enough to cause a displacement in the Hall effect sensor.

Have you noticed any changes?
I put the bumper on last night. Might just be a coincidence but I'm having an issue where if I start a call routed through my headset and close the phone, the call gets hung up. It wasn't doing this before so I'm wondering if the bumper is separating the halves enough to cause a displacement in the Hall effect sensor.

Have you noticed any changes?

I have not had any change since installing my Bumpers.

I put the bumper on last night. Might just be a coincidence but I'm having an issue where if I start a call routed through my headset and close the phone, the call gets hung up. It wasn't doing this before so I'm wondering if the bumper is separating the halves enough to cause a displacement in the Hall effect sensor.

Have you noticed any changes?

I had that happen to me today, and I don't use a bumper.
I took the Kensington case and put a adhesive ball mount socket on the back and used my old car mount's ball that's on my dash. Works perfectly.
If I recall if you get a call and open the Duo all the way it answers the call, I wonder if it's something like that (close the Duo and your call is done..
(I have a Kensington holster inbound, I was thinking about replacing the clip with a proper one, I worry about it slipping off when I sit)

If I recall if you get a call and open the Duo all the way it answers the call, I wonder if it's something like that (close the Duo and your call is done..
(I have a Kensington holster inbound, I was thinking about replacing the clip with a proper one, I worry about it slipping off when I sit)

I rarely open it completely unless I have to use the camera. It's becoming a nuisance but being a long time Windows guy I've developed a knack for creating a workaround. I initiate the call from my watch and it goes to my headset without having to pull the phone out of my murse. I'm getting the Kensington today according to UPS so we'll see if that makes it easier. I hate to carry more than one accessory on my belt but.....
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