AMA with Dan Rubino: Everything Lumia 950

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How can I get the white unlocked Lumia 950 in the US? The Microsoft Store doesn't have that option. Or is it an AT&T exclusive model? Some European countries have the white unlocked Lumia 950 option as well, so I think it's weird for the U.S. not to have it.

Unlocked Lumia 950 will be sold in the US. I'm not sure if it'll be on sale on the 26th or a few weeks later, but it is coming. They're likely giving AT&T a little breathing room to sell it on contract first.
I am using windows hello with my surface pro and it is 99.99 accurate and fast. If it is the same scanner in 950 i expect the experience to be very good .
for comparison I have Galaxy note 4 ( long sype fingerprint) Tab s 10.5 ( swype fingerprint) and Galaxy S6 ( hold finger finger print) . I also dabbled in Android face unlock on my nexus 4 a So far I prefer the windows hello better and in terms of usability it is much ahead due to speed

There is some confusion here: Surface uses facial recognition; Lumias iris scanners. Check this for more info: Windows Hello ? What's the difference between an iris scanner and 3D facial recognition? | Windows Central
MS store in India clearly mentions DUAL sim on front page for both 950 and 950Xl while US and UK store do not. I think the dual sim version is only for developing countries

I was told by MS dual SIM will be sold in the US and elsewhere too. They do sell dual SIM BLU phones here too, so...
Hi Dan,

With gorilla glass, do you think it is good idea to get a screen protector as well, or do you think the gorilla glass provides sufficient protection? I've also never had a tempered glass screen protector, so I was wondering about that as an option.

I don't use a screen protector, but it depends on how you treat your phones and your history of dropping them. GG3 will scratch after long enough use, tossing it freely into bags, putting keys in your pocket with the phone, etc.

1. I hope you will do a side by side of continuum on 950 and 950XL. Apart from the display size that is the only difference which can decide between the two as most other features are same. If you are not gaming I don't think the 810 will make a drastic difference in everyday use of phone call and messaging .

2. Also does it get warm when using continuum and processor heavy tasks such as watching 1080P . videos or large excel speadsheet set to auto calculate

3. What about Surround Audio does the display dock support 5.1 audio out over HDMi when connected by cable. It will make a great plex player for video and audio if it does

4. last question - does the surface dock work with USB drives/ keyboard when not powered sort of OTG use just to transfer files

1. We'll do side by side when we get the phone in
2. I can't say the 950 even gets that warm for games, definitely not video. I dunno, maybe I'm not using it hard enough, but really heat is not an issue at all
3. No idea, will have to test this week
4. see #3 above
Hi Dan! Can we connect external HDD through USB-OTG?

Yes. Last night I connected a 1TB Toshiba HDD with no issues and played a movie. If the drive needs an external power source, that's an other issue. If it's straight one USB then it should work.
Thanks for taking the time to do this Dan. I've looked over multiple reviews of continuum and other users posts but can't find anyone saying how the VLC app runs on it (if at all, although it is a Universal app so should do). Can you try it if you haven't already?

I have seen the photos app can play video, but that is the Microsoft photos app so I'd expect that to work, I'm wondering how a third party app plays.

Thanks again.

I'll try VLC this week. I don't have my Continuum setup at home, but maybe I'll try Miracast later.
Is USB OTG on 950 support external DAC? Wanting to buy FiiO E7 or the iBasso variant soon so wanted to check if it will work on W10m.

As I don't have a DAC I cannot answer. Will look into it, but I pretty much don't even know what DAC means so I have to do some research.
Hi Dan, in your review you said it was a good phone but questioned the flagship status. What would you have liked to see in order for it to be a flagship other then the looks?

I'll have more on this this week and I've talked about it before: When you look at the Surface Pro and Surface Book you see flagship, premium, innovative devices. I don't see that here. They are high-end (specs) but do not represent the best Microsoft can do. This phone targets where tech is now, the Surface targets the next curve...what is coming next. A flagship phone is ahead of the curve, not meeting current expectations.
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If I purchase the unlocked 950 from Microsoft, I know I'll get OS updates directly from MS. But what about firmware updates? Will those come from MS as well, or only from the carrier I connect to?

Good question. My hunch is this "AT&T only" thing is about AT&T letting Microsoft directly update the phones with very little interference. My guess is other carriers could not guarantee that. Since WaaS is such a big deal even for Mobile, I think Microsoft said "it has to be this way or no way".

Only way to prove this will be to see how AT&T 950 is treated for its first update. Time will tell, but that is my best guess.
Also, Dan? Arts Technica reported some 3D performance degradation on Gfx bench marks. Can you try resource intensive games like Asphalt 8 and Mortal Combat to see how it substantiates into real world performance?

Peter also noted he saw no real world effect of those benchmarks and I'd agree. Games run fast and smooth, no issues.
Will the 950 or any Win10 phone ever get T-Mobile WiFi calling and VVM? Is this a TMo thing or a MS thing? I just made the switch from ATT to TMo and I miss VVM: And I really miss the WiFi calling my wife's crApple 6Sux has. Please puffer some sign of hope, especially for the white dual SIM 950 that is waiting at the MS store for me to pick up.
VVM maybe if it's standard. Not sure bout Wi-Fi calling but last I heard there is some special firmware needed to make that happen.
Hi Dan

Two questions which has not been asked anyone in the forumn

1) Do you know who makes the image sensor of 950? As L1020 was made by Toshiba

2) LG V10 has both AMP & DAC which will be great for Audiophile fans, do you see Lumia or Surface Phone ever going down the Audio route?

1. I do not, but will try to find out
2. I mean, we had that in some HTC windows phones I believe. Yeah, I would imagine a 'Surface Phone' would have those too.
Hi Dan,

Maybe a dumb question, but what do you expect to be the differences between the AT&T 950 and the unlocked one. Other than the phone being locked to AT&T and the obvious pre-installed apps, should we expect no other differences? AT&T will fling tons of money at me for buying a 950 and trading in my Icon, but I don't want to be stuck waiting on AT&T for upgrades or other issues.


I do not expect any other differences besides the inclusion of PMA in addition to Qi. See my earlier response about AT&T upgrades. My hunch is AT&T will let MS update these frequently. AT&T and MS have a very good relationship.
I read a review on C|NET that said the Continuum dock was constantly losing its connection to the phone, have you been having the same problem?

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

I have had no issues. I mean, it's cables, so if one is bad or loose...
hi dan
1.950 or 950XL for a new windows phone user (both phones will be without a contract)
2.are u using a case or not ? if yes which one?
Daniel, while using continuum what happens if we try to open a non-universal app in the monitor? Or does it show only universal app in the app list?

You can't. Those apps are greyed out and you get a message telling you they do not run.
Are you having any issues with WiFi? My new 950 keeps dropping my Wifi signal and yet my 1520 has no problems (running side-by-side with SIM in 950). Also, I've noticed that after about 7 hours of use everything on my 950 has come to a crawling stop. Have you experienced this? Store freezes when opening, apps like Audible, Store, ESPN or Shazam get a white screen when I try and open and then just shut the app down.

No, I have not.
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