AMA with Dan Rubino: Everything Lumia 950

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Hi Dan,

Got an ATT Lumia 950 and am impressed with my experience so far. One thing I am not finding however, is the Hey Cortana function. Is it in this build or planned for future release?
It is there. I'll be doing a how-to likely today.
Hi Dan,

Quick question; does Edge on mobile support cast like on the desktop? I believe other apps such as Music and Videos also support cast on Desktop. Is it the same on Mobile?

No, I do not see it there. For casting on mobile though i swear by Tubecast.
I just got my 950 today. Set up was a breeze. Loving the new Windows 10 UI. However, I lost the ability to use my Nokia Treasure Tag; no app now. Any ideas why? Or when a WP10 version will be made available? Thanks Dan. -Dan G

Try using the Gadgets app to set it up.
OK, I have 2 questions....

1: With the dock, can you select screen mirroring? Similar to the way you can using Continuum via wireless?
2: Have you tried some native USB C adapters like USB C to displayport, hdmi, ethernet, etc?
1. I'm pretty sure yes, but I'll try to confirm on Monday
2. No, but I'm looking order a few and will try
Hey Dan, I know you've liked the Galaxy 6 Edge's camera quite a lot. In your time with the new Lumias, do you think the camera is as good or better than the Samsung?

I think in many ways it is better, but GSE still has advantages e.g. pano, filters, etc.
Hi Dan, I really liked (to point of relying on) Gestures Beta on my Lumia 920 but it doesn't seem to work in the W10 preview. Does the Lumia 950 have anything similar out of the box?

Unfortunately, no. I'm not sure if it will either, but it could be taking time to port. I really think Microsoft will add features to these phones over the next few months.
Hi Dan,

I also like this question, but would like to broaden it a bit. I suspect many of us are trying to decide whether to buy the ATT 950 now or buy the unlocked one next week. What we need to know is what are the differences between the two products?

Wireless Charging: Qi, PMA, Both, are they different in this regard?
Updates: Will Microsoft Branded phone get updates that ATT will block or delay (Outside of Insiders)?
Is the Unlocked one still an ATT branded phone, just unlocked?
Are the cellular bands and frequencies the same for both phones?
Are there any other differences?
Unlocked just Qi; only AT&T has PMA + Qi
See my earlier responses, I think AT&T will still have 'lite' approval but they will let MS update more frequently. I really think this is why AT&T was chosen to sell the 950 as other carriers would not concede that to Microsoft.
The only thing branded on AT&T's is a globe stamp on the back cover, the firmware specifying and some preinstalled apps. I don't expect any of that in the unlocked version.
I don't believe there are any other differences with the radios.
1. What do you think will be the successor to the 950?

2. Do you think it would be a good idea to merge the previous plans with McLaren with the Surface Phone?

3. Do you think its successor will have better sounding equipment (speakers and Dolby Audio support)?

1. I'll have more on this later this week
2. Those are two hypotheticals, so I would need to know more before I could weigh in on it
3. Yes
Hi Dan,
I was wondering if you can use office (not just read, but editing and creating new documents as well) with continuum without having an office365 subscription? Since they said office is basically free to use under probably 8" or so, but with continuum you use it with a device under 8" on a display over this limit...

99.9% sure you do not need an Office 265 sub. The phone does not show up under my sub and I have no reason to believe you need one. Office is just free and included AFAIK.
I just saw your video of the USB OTG function of the lumia 950. However, I believe I read somewhere it also supports arduino. Is this true and if so, how does this work exactly?

No idea, sorry. Will keep it in mind.
1. Are all WP8 apps compatible with W10M?
2. How is performance. My 920 is quite slow these days (multiple seconds to launch apps)
3. How is the groove music app performance? On the 920, the music app is still a cluster f***
How does camera perform at high ISO levels? I heard it goes to 12 800, but it don't think it makes any sense to go that high if you want your pictures to look good. What is in your opinion the last usable ISO level?

I have not tried high ISO, really. I also have not felt a need to shoot manually much either. Holding still in low light produces amazing images with low noise. We'll do more in-depth over the coming weeks.
Microsoft says that they will be delivering windows as a service. Does that mean once OEM/Carrier deliver Windows 10 mobile update, from that point onwards Microsoft deliver windows 10 mobile future updates independent of the carrier's??

I think carriers like AT&T will have a heads up on updates and do some quick testing, but I do not think they will interfere as much. I think this is why the 950 is not on other carriers as they could not guarantee such a thing. We'll have to wait and see what actually happens.
hi dan
1.950 or 950XL for a new windows phone user (both phones will be without a contract)
2.are u using a case or not ? if yes which one?

I need time with the XL, but it's button layout is kind of odd. That will be a preference thing with some being okay with and some hating it. Other than that I consider them to be the same phone. Sure XL is faster (1.8 vs 2.0 Ghz) and has more two more cores, but how that translates into real world experience is not known. I think it may make a slight difference with Continuum. So if you are going to use Continuum a lot the XL may be a better choice.

Regarding case, no I don't use them on Lumias and don't feel the need here.
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