An Alternative Solution to Solve Fast Battery Drain


New member
May 27, 2013
Hi Folks,

For you having sick-fast battery drain issue, I found, tried and confirmed a succes (on 620) of the following solution. Basically, it is opening every app (including games), and allowing location access (where available) in the setting, followed by a restart.

Nokia lumia 920 overheat and battery issues resolved? 24 hours - Microsoft Community

I've tried every other solution I can find in this forum (soft reset, deleting/reinstalling specific apps, turning off background tasks, set lower data connectivity speed (e.g. 2G instead of 3G), closing background apps, etc). With those solutions I got only 12-24 hours normal battery drain before the issue came back and I had to soft reset. Only the solution formerly mentioned above solved my problem consistently, without turning off/on or soft reset.

I hope this helps.

PS. Oh, btw, the issue came up to my 620 after amber update.
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Yes amber has definitely been giving goosebumps lately but then it takes a little bit of time then adjusts itself. Now a few things:

1. Glance turn it off or switch it to peek mode.
2. Turn location off. Only turn it on via settings when using here drive or here maps.
3. If you are using Nokia Pro Cam location has to be turned off or else it drains the battery and in every pic takes the latitude and longitude as well. Stupid i know but true.
4. WiFi is killing my battery after amber update. So i removed notifications which aren't necessary.
5. Games also run in background after amber update so go to settings and swipe to applications and then click background tasks. Block everything except whatsapp or the app you want to get notifications for.
6. Lastly discharge the battery to under 10% (not dead) and then recharge it to 100% using data cable connected to your PC and charge it 1 hour more at 100%. It will definitely improve battery performance.

Lastly skype is said to have issues with battery drainage. So if you are using a lot of skype that can cause this too...

I have a Nokia Lumia 720 so hope my suggestions work for you as they worked for me and now i have very good battery backup. Been 2 days since i charged. Will continue for 3rd day with no charge as well.
Sonal, thanks for the additional alternatives. I've tried also some of those without consistent results. Well I guess there are variations of the causes of the issue, hence differents solutions to solve them.
Yes true... Now i subscribed for 2g and i am using 2g whole day and i am getting barely 1.5 days - 2 days battery life. Before 2g i was getting close to 3 days. So basically my mail downloading and whatsapp and facebook chat are eating up my battery as i found.

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