Anybody returning your 950 XL?

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New member
Nov 25, 2015
It would be interesting to discover the reasons anyone else would return their Lumia 950 XL.

I am returning, I will post my reasons as the first reply.


New member
Nov 25, 2015
Things that made me return the Lumia 950 XL

I so wanted to keep this device and thumb my nose at both Apple and Android. :unhappysweat:

One single issue is the that eclipsed them all. No Apple OSX tool to transfer content to and from the phone. An app did exist this summer when I tried out a less expensive Lumia 521 (WP8), but the app is gone from the Apple app store and the forums speculate it's because
Microsoft has not submitted an updated app to the Apple store. Without the ability to easily transfer content to and from the phone, this downside is a HUGE issue. Using some networked based storage as a relay is not an option for a device that cost $689.56 USD.

The second big fail was having to wait over 30 days for the dock. Continuium is the single feature, even if not perfect would have made me ignore all the other gripes and keep the phone. I had 30 days to return the phone and if not able to experience Continuium until after the window to return the phone ended, it was a deal breaker for me.


  1. Hunting for the middle button to sleep and wake is an annoyance. If there was only one button on the right for power and the volume rockers were on the left then sleep and wake would be easier. I keep hitting the volume up button instead of the power button.
  2. No notification LED.


  1. No unified inbox for the built in email application.
  2. BIG-ONE, Even though the preference download all images is checked off only senders in my contacts will display all the images.
  3. Even a message sent from the phone to myself with an attached image will not display the attached picture until I tap the picture.
  4. Using the LIGHT theme, there is not enough contrast when viewing the inbox to see which messages are NEW/UNREAD.


  1. The "HERE MAPS" was replaced by "Maps" which takes forever to download even the smallest of individual maps. Can't imagine how log it's going to take when all the maps have to be updated, probably a day.
  2. Activating Cortana by voice is not consistent, sometimes three tries before it catches.
  3. The "Lumia Offers" app once launched will hide the three (3) soft buttons so you can't hit the Home button. You have to sleep then wake to get back to the home screen.

Missing Apps:

  1. The only Starbucks app, a 3rd party one was killed by Starbucks, I love Starbucks.
  2. No visual voicemail app from T-Mobile to support the Windows 10 Mobile platform.


  1. Not a part of any mobile payments system yet.
  2. No infrared like my other phone, a Samsung Galaxy Note 4, cant use the phone as a TV remote.
  3. Expected a single sim model but received a dual-sim model, specs are slower data on DUAL-SIM verses SINGLE-SIM.
  4. Can't disable the icon in the notification bar about the empty second sim slot, taking up valuable notification bar real-estate.
  5. I can add items to the speed dial on the Phone app but can't delete an entry I just addedd.
  6. Hunting for the middle button to sleep and wake is an annoyance. If there was only one button on the right for power and the volume rockers were on the left then sleep and wake would be easier.
  7. While doing very little, when the screen is on, the unit is noticably warmer than every other phone I have owned.
  8. WiFi disconnects when sleeping, doesn't connect reliably when powered back on.
  9. The ( PHONE & MESSAGES ) desktop icons show unread items but all the items have been read.
  10. There was a quick choice for "QUIET TIME" but I could not find where to enable it and be quiet between 10pm-6am. It maybe buried somewhere but it was just not very intuitive and easy to find.


New member
Jan 6, 2014
Er, plug it in with usb and copy stuff to it? Or is os so backward it can't do such a thing without some specially designed app?

Seems like you were just looking for excuses to return it. 90% or more of your "deal breaker issues" are easily solved.


Active member
May 6, 2015
Visual voicemail is built in the os there's no need for a tmobile app

Sent from mTalk


New member
Mar 31, 2012
Things that made me return the Lumia 950 XL

I so wanted to keep this device and thumb my nose at both Apple and Android. :unhappysweat:

One single issue is the that eclipsed them all. No Apple OSX tool to transfer content to and from the phone. An app did exist this summer when I tried out a less expensive Lumia 521 (WP8), but the app is gone from the Apple app store and the forums speculate it's because
Microsoft has not submitted an updated app to the Apple store. Without the ability to easily transfer content to and from the phone, this downside is a HUGE issue. Using some networked based storage as a relay is not an option for a device that cost $689.56 USD.

The second big fail was having to wait over 30 days for the dock. Continuium is the single feature, even if not perfect would have made me ignore all the other gripes and keep the phone. I had 30 days to return the phone and if not able to experience Continuium until after the window to return the phone ended, it was a deal breaker for me.


  1. Hunting for the middle button to sleep and wake is an annoyance. If there was only one button on the right for power and the volume rockers were on the left then sleep and wake would be easier. I keep hitting the volume up button instead of the power button.
  2. No notification LED.


  1. No unified inbox for the built in email application.
  2. BIG-ONE, Even though the preference download all images is checked off only senders in my contacts will display all the images.
  3. Even a message sent from the phone to myself with an attached image will not display the attached picture until I tap the picture.
  4. Using the LIGHT theme, there is not enough contrast when viewing the inbox to see which messages are NEW/UNREAD.


  1. The "HERE MAPS" was replaced by "Maps" which takes forever to download even the smallest of individual maps. Can't imagine how log it's going to take when all the maps have to be updated, probably a day.
  2. Activating Cortana by voice is not consistent, sometimes three tries before it catches.
  3. The "Lumia Offers" app once launched will hide the three (3) soft buttons so you can't hit the Home button. You have to sleep then wake to get back to the home screen.

Missing Apps:

  1. The only Starbucks app, a 3rd party one was killed by Starbucks, I love Starbucks.
  2. No visual voicemail app from T-Mobile to support the Windows 10 Mobile platform.


  1. Not a part of any mobile payments system yet.
  2. No infrared like my other phone, a Samsung Galaxy Note 4, cant use the phone as a TV remote.
  3. Expected a single sim model but received a dual-sim model, specs are slower data on DUAL-SIM verses SINGLE-SIM.
  4. Can't disable the icon in the notification bar about the empty second sim slot, taking up valuable notification bar real-estate.
  5. I can add items to the speed dial on the Phone app but can't delete an entry I just addedd.
  6. Hunting for the middle button to sleep and wake is an annoyance. If there was only one button on the right for power and the volume rockers were on the left then sleep and wake would be easier.
  7. While doing very little, when the screen is on, the unit is noticably warmer than every other phone I have owned.
  8. WiFi disconnects when sleeping, doesn't connect reliably when powered back on.
  9. The ( PHONE & MESSAGES ) desktop icons show unread items but all the items have been read.
  10. There was a quick choice for "QUIET TIME" but I could not find where to enable it and be quiet between 10pm-6am. It maybe buried somewhere but it was just not very intuitive and easy to find.

Not sure if this helps but you say there is no app to transfer to mac from the phone, I am using one drive for this with my macbook pro. There is a one drive app within the apple mac store and it syncs with the phone all files there show up on the macbook. Also you can send files via bluetooth to your macbook or mac which ever you use.

I do agree on some of the other points mine is starbucks as well, and the fact that this platform has no payments system coming from IOS and Android I would expect at least a scannable starbucks card but nothing, it shows just how much the first party vendors just dissed microsoft.

I do not blame WM for this its more of DEVs and not the one's that have stuck around helping us by creating apps that help. Quiet time is still there not sure where you are looking its located in the pull down shade there is a moon there that says quiet time.


New member
Nov 25, 2015
Ok ( PepperdotNet ), let's take a few items at a time and see if you can provide a solution that you state "are easily solved". I won't return until the Microsoft store opens tomorrow anyway and if you are correct I may decide to keep the phone.

1. No unified inbox for the built in email application.

2. Even a message sent from the phone to myself with an attached image will not display the attached picture until I tap the picture so the mail app does not handle inline images well.


New member
Nov 25, 2015
If you mean "Visual voicemail is built in the os there's no need for a tmobile app" that you can call your own number to get voicemail, then you are correct, if you mean you can keep a history of voicemail messages visually and play them at will without calling T-Mobile voicemail then you are not correct.


New member
Jan 31, 2013
This smells funny. Starbucks app? Ya I pick my phone on if there is app for a coffee shop. I would say wp is really easy to setup and migrate your info.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


New member
Mar 31, 2012
Ok ( PepperdotNet ), let's take a few items at a time and see if you can provide a solution that you state "are easily solved". I won't return until the Microsoft store opens tomorrow anyway and if you are correct I may decide to keep the phone.

1. No unified inbox for the built in email application.

2. Even a message sent from the phone to myself with an attached image will not display the attached picture until I tap the picture.

1. I have a unified email box its says all and it has my two gmail accounts and outlook account all under the one mailbox deal.

2. I agree with you here I selected download images automatically and yet most if not all of my emails still have that box with a crack line in it as if the picture can't download just boxes with no pictures. Not sure why outlook or this mail it self handles in this fashion because the app on IOS and Android displays the pictures within the emails. If anyone can help with this let me know as well, and yes I do have download images on regardless if wifi or cellular data.


New member
Nov 25, 2015
You won't have a unified inbox after you update.


Ahead of the Lumia 950 hitting shelves, Microsoft has been forced to remove a feature from Windows 10 on mobiles that was causing an app to constantly crash. The Mail and Calendar app last week received an update that introduced a unified inbox. That didn't work properly, however, and Windows Central reports that Microsoft has backtracked by removing the feature altogether in a further update.

The unified inbox was intended to provide a single screen of all the emails in every inbox. It has been a staple of the iPhone since iOS 4 in 2010. The removal of the feature will be a blow for customers expecting the new Lumia to stack up well against the competition.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
This smells funny. Starbucks app? Ya I pick my phone on if there is app for a coffee shop. I would say wp is really easy to setup and migrate your info.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Not sure if you are being funny or not if there is an app here where i can load my starbucks account on so that I can pull up the card for them to scan my screen then that is awesome please provide the name. I am not complaining I am looking for answers lets not take it as someone is attacking and help each other. All I see is a Timmys app and there is no Timmys near me and I have never heard of it before going into the windows app store.

Also christenmartin - can you tell me when using groove music how do i get the songs downloaded to the device so that it is not streaming using data? I created the playlist and its on there but it is streaming it vs downloading to your phone like google music and Apple music does. I pay for both of those services , and I set up the groove music at 9.99 I would hope you could save these playlist vs just streaming using data.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
Thanks for your post. However, it's simple, if it doesn't work for you move on. Why are you interested in why other people would return their phone? Are you trolling or just trying to spark an angry mob?


New member
Nov 25, 2015
christenmartin - "Ya I pick my phone on if there is app for a coffee shop."

Sure, returning the phone because of a single app would be silly, interpreting what I said and only focusing on the Starbucks app as the only reason I was returning the phone is also silly.

Don't focus on a single item, take all the items I listed over a 12hr period together.


New member
Aug 19, 2014
If you mean "Visual voicemail is built in the os there's no need for a tmobile app" that you can call your own number to get voicemail, then you are correct, if you mean you can keep a history of voicemail messages visually and play them at will without calling T-Mobile voicemail then you are not correct.

I can confirm that the same condition applies to AT&T customers - no VVM on unlocked, non-AT&T phones.


New member
Dec 5, 2014
I can confirm that the same condition applies to AT&T customers - no VVM on unlocked, non-AT&T phones.

I don't know about the 950XL, but It absolutely worked for my unlocked RM-985 L830 on AT&T, without issue.

There is a thread about this in the 950 forum, and it seems to be more of a W10 sometimes works/sometimes doesn't thing.

Being unlocked is not the issue.


New member
Jan 6, 2014
Starbucks doesn't need an app, their website works fine in the browser. You can even display a barcode.

VVM is an issue on US carriers especially with unlocked dual sim phones for some reason. Probably because the carriers don't have the IMEI in their databases and therefore don't know what the device capabilities are. I expect this situation to change depending on how many support calls ATT is getting about it.

Unified inbox doesn't work yet. It will eventually. Anybody who participated here the past few months really has no excuse, if they are surprised that Windows 10 Mobile is still a work in progress.


New member
Dec 5, 2014
bruce - this isn't a knock, just a comment about how funny "different strokes for different folks" is. I personally don't like the unified inbox.


New member
Nov 25, 2015
bruce - this isn't a knock, just a comment about how funny "different strokes for different folks" is. I personally don't like the unified inbox.

I agree, the unified inbox is not for everyone but with 3-4 mail accounts, having a separate tile on the home-screen for each email account or switching between the separate accounts within Outlook is something new and not welcome.
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