Apps Don't Update


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Dec 26, 2012
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Just a quick question really.

Why don't i get any notifications when an app has been updated on the store? Just browsing the store and clicked on a few apps I've already downloaded and they all say update.

Pretty poor that im not notified to update them Imo.


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Jul 26, 2011
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Just a quick question really.

Why don't i get any notifications when an app has been updated on the store? Just browsing the store and clicked on a few apps I've already downloaded and they all say update.

Pretty poor that im not notified to update them Imo.

Do you have the Marketplace tile on your Start Screen?

You aren't the only one with the issue either, although they are WP7.


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Apr 9, 2013
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i've got the same problem....once in a blue moon it will inform me there are Updates available (# inside Store Tile)...but very rarely.

Djal Tropoje

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Feb 10, 2013
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Once i used this trick , you can try it , i left my wifi open and then i turned my Lumia off . I restarted it and the Wifi was automatically turned on , and then it worked , its like forcing it............
Be sure that the Wifi connection , connects always automatically


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Apr 9, 2013
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No , but when your restart your phone with your Wifi open , it kinda force the updates , worked for me anyway

I have my WIFI set to automatically stay connected at lack screen and always auto connect, doesnt help.

Again for me its not always, but maybe half the time


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Dec 4, 2012
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A trick you can try (it worked for myself and others) is to unpin the store tile, clear IE cache/history/etc, restart the phone, pin the store tile back.

What you need to understand is that the updates do not come instantly. Example. If right now, WPCentral puts up a news article about an app update, i'm not going to see the (1) on the store tile. If i go in the store and manually look, it will be there.

If I wait (most of the times overnight), it will eventually be seen. Majority of my updates happen in the night time, so when i wake up in the morning, I see the updates on the tile.

We're not sure how exactly or at what time it exactly checks. Some users have speculated that it checks for updates at the time your phone was initially set up. So maybe if you don't have an internet connection at that point in time, it won't check? Again, this is just speculation

Hopefully they will provide a "check for updates" option in the next update.


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Feb 17, 2013
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I had not had any update notifications for months, my phone had also developed an issue where 2 photos would show up in the camera roll, for each pic taken.

After a phone reset both issues have been solved. I had not tried a reset since I got the phone last year.

However, I had the issue with the spinning cogs after the reset, and it took an age of button pressing to get it out of this loop.

Everything is now fine though, and running much slicker.


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Dec 15, 2007
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I generally have two or more most nearly every morning. In my area they come during the night. I haven't done anything that I'm aware of to set it up or expedite the process it just happens most every night


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Nov 13, 2012
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I get updates everyday. Usually around the same time in the evening.
Settings > email + accounts > microsoft account > "download new content" set to "as items arrive"


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Sep 30, 2012
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Here's my experience:

Let's say your phone battery just died or you did a soft reset or turned your phone on for the first time. Let's call that time 8pm. Your phone will not check for updates until roughly 10-12 hours later. That's 6-8am roughly. At this time your phone will check once per day if you have a data connection running for updates on the store. If you don't have a data connection when it tries to connect, it'll try again the next day and the next day etc.

Okay well that's fine but I can't remember what time I turned my phone on! I've not had an update for months what can I do?
In my experience the quickest way to get an update is to leave your data connection (or WiFi if you have it set not to turn off after the screen has been turned off for 30 seconds) turned on for 24 hours. Keep checking your phone during this time and you'll notice that around a certain time your phone will check for updates. This is your phone's update time. All you have to do now is to remember to turn your data connection on around this time whenever you are curious whether you've got an update or not and the live tile should update.

If you've done this and still nothing try ttsoldier's method of wiping the IE cache, unpinning the store tile and doing a soft reset. It should be 10-12 hours after that soft reset that your phone should try to update.

Hope this helps!

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