Battery Love/Hate Relationship


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Aug 25, 2011
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I upgraded my 920 to WP 8.1 update one developer preview last month. But its battery was still better. So how will Denim enhance the batter of 930? Although Nokia device are famous for horrible battery when intially launched, after couple of updates, its battery improves. I have experienced this with Lumia 900, 920 and now 930. Dad's 1320 is an exception. But it is because of the huge size.

You just contradicted yourself :p. Like you said, updates sometimes improve battery life, and Denim is a (firmware) update. And if any kind of update is known for improving battery life it is firmware updates, because firmware can change the way the phone's hardware and OS interact with each other.

But weird that you said that the DP got you the same battery life since it is known that the DP previews are terrible for battery life, which I experienced too with my HTC 8X and Lumia 920.

Switching from my L920 to my L930 did actually even felt the same as updating my L920 to the DP of windows 8.1, which was terrible for battery life. Lumia cyan brought it back to normal as expected. That's why I think Denim can solve the problem a bit. Not that I am on a DP, but maybe WP 8.1 update 1 and cyan create bugs in in some ways that are only to be resolved with Firmware, thus Denim. But we'll see.


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Aug 25, 2011
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My battery already lasted 21 hours and I'm now on 45%. So it does better, but I didn't use the phone much at all. And a few minutes ago it was on 49%, posting on Windows Central takes easily a few percentages off.

P.S. It already dropped to 44%!

CB Stuart

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Apr 19, 2014
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I have an icon on Verizon with preview for developers. My battery was very bad. So I did a hard reset. My battery actually got worse after that. And not to mention the few other glitches my phone had. Those didn't get any better. What can I do now?


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Nov 10, 2014
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I have an icon on Verizon with preview for developers. My battery was very bad. So I did a hard reset. My battery actually got worse after that. And not to mention the few other glitches my phone had. Those didn't get any better. What can I do now?

time to trade it for a real smartphone, such as Z3C, Note 4, or even an old lgg2 with its two day battery.

CB Stuart

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After the battery saver update to preview for developers a few days ago, my battery has been better when I'm not using the phone.


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Jun 10, 2013
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I've had my 930 since last Thursday. Phones great. It does get hot with use towards the bottom, but not so hot that I can't hold it. Also, the battery life is ok on standby but as soon as you use anything it goes down rapidly. I took it off charge this morning and didn't use it all and after 2 hours it had lost 2%. My year old 1020 with the same backup however was off charge for 3hr 51mins and lost only 1%. that's with gps on and 15 apps allowed to run in the background but none were open. I don't know whether to take it to a service centre for a replacement or his this just how the phone operates?

Any suggestions, I've already done a hard reset and also numerous soft ones. i'm at a loss.

CB Stuart

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Apr 19, 2014
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I've had my 930 since last Thursday. Phones great. It does get hot with use towards the bottom, but not so hot that I can't hold it. Also, the battery life is ok on standby but as soon as you use anything it goes down rapidly. I took it off charge this morning and didn't use it all and after 2 hours it had lost 2%. My year old 1020 with the same backup however was off charge for 3hr 51mins and lost only 1%. that's with gps on and 15 apps allowed to run in the background but none were open. I don't know whether to take it to a service centre for a replacement or his this just how the phone operates?

Any suggestions, I've already done a hard reset and also numerous soft ones. i'm at a loss.

Dude losing 2% in 2 hours is great. My icon loses 1 or 2 percent an hour on standby depending on the connections.


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Nov 20, 2014
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Ok after reading all this, i have decided to register on this forum and post my 2 cents on this :)
sooo..umm... Hi all ::excited:

My 930 battery last 1 full day if i don't abuse it too much. Sure, that little mAh for that kind of phone is just embarasing and stupid. I mean cmon :/

Because of what i did to my last battery in Nokia E7 (run time of 1 hour), i am taking a realy good care of this one. I try to charge only when completely empy, closing all apps i don't need as soon as i'm done, my emails and other online notifications, weather and chats are only updated when i connect to a wifi, same with onedrive. I do however have LTE always on with good reception, location too (find my phone off tho). I type about 50 texts per day and talk for about 20-30 min, but i do quite some browsing.

Anyways, i am actively keeping an eye on my bat. usage, and all the graphs i saw abowe seem very very good to me heh. Here's what i'm talking about:

Last 48 hours graph:

You can see how fast this thing goes down. Not normal..


As you can see on this pic, my average runtime from full charge is 1 day, and i am being very carefull. If i browse the web a bit too much, my battery drains within 5 hours. I noticed something else that some of you did aswell. When i sleep (everything is OFF), in the morning i see that the bat. level has droped about 9-10%, not doing anything at all.

I haven't done a reset yet, but now that i've read about it here, i'll try and see if it will help. Fingers crossed that Denim might fix some things about this issue.

Take care


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Jun 10, 2013
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Good luck with that. I'm taking mine to a service centre on Saturday to be looked at in the hope of getting a replacement. Mines exactly the same. The other day I took it off charge and I lost 1% in about 2mins. It's ridiculous and not normal. The battery also gets warm if I'm using the phone for more than 5mins. If I'm on the phone for about 10-15mins I can expect to lose about 10% that's not usable in the real world. Sure the phone has ok standby (at the moment I lose 1% an hour, on my 1020 it's about 1% every 4 hours) but what am I suppose to do? Not use the phone all day.

Rant over.


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Nov 20, 2014
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I highly doubt service will do anything heh. They can just say it is the way it was meant to be, nothing you can do about it... Getting hot doesn't bother me that much tho, i'm just glad i don't have any purple or other issues some people have... But i was actually considering about swapping a more powerfull bat. inside :D Not sure if any fits tho...

Fred Wilson2

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Aug 25, 2014
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I try to charge only when completely empy,

Take care

Actually, for best battery life (max capacity over time with the least amount of lose) , it's best to keep the battery topped off and not wait until it's low before charging.
Lithium's do not like being deeply discharged at all and will hold up better over time if kept topped.



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Nov 20, 2014
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Actually, for best battery life (max capacity over time with the least amount of lose) , it's best to keep the battery topped off and not wait until it's low before charging.
Lithium's do not like being deeply discharged at all and will hold up better over time if kept topped.


Are u sure? Cuz i dont know what to do anymore. Some people say dont charge the battery half full, or almost full... Which one is it now?

Fred Wilson2

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Aug 25, 2014
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Yes I'm sure. I'm an engineer with a company that produces security devices for aircraft, along with mainship batteries and e-batts, amount other things. We produce several sizes of lithium batteries for aircraft and I can say for sure that lithium's do not "like" being discharged too deeply. The hold their rated capacity for a much longer time if kept topped. Also, as an aside, one way to decrease their capacity faster is to charge them when they are hot.



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Nov 20, 2014
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Yes I'm sure. I'm an engineer with a company that produces security devices for aircraft, along with mainship batteries and e-batts, amount other things. We produce several sizes of lithium batteries for aircraft and I can say for sure that lithium's do not "like" being discharged too deeply. The hold their rated capacity for a much longer time if kept topped. Also, as an aside, one way to decrease their capacity faster is to charge them when they are hot.


Usefull info, thanks :) I'll try to keep that in mind now.
Take care

Paul Verizzo

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Jul 20, 2013
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Yes I'm sure. I'm an engineer with a company that produces security devices for aircraft, along with mainship batteries and e-batts, amount other things. We produce several sizes of lithium batteries for aircraft and I can say for sure that lithium's do not "like" being discharged too deeply. The hold their rated capacity for a much longer time if kept topped. Also, as an aside, one way to decrease their capacity faster is to charge them when they are hot.


It's not about "liking," it's about results. And not rumors. Lith-Ions canNOT be discharged too much because the controls are built into the phone or battery. Yes, way back in the NiCad days, before microchip controllers, you could actually flip the polarity by over-discharging.

I have been into battery technology for a half century, building power packs for different uses, for instance. And take this to the bank: NMH and LithIon batteries achieve their greatest operational capacity if you cycle them three times from fully charged to the device shutting off. I usually see a 20%-25% increase in capacity with my system.

After that exercise, charge as needed or when convenient. It doesn't matter if it's at 95% or 5%.

Just this week I got a new Info-Lithium battery for my camcorder. I wished I had noted how long it lasted on each discharge (many hours!), but I'll say that the difference between the first and second runs was at least 25% better.

So, you can believe someone who heard something on some forum from some guy, or you can believe this guy who can give real life experience over many years and many batteries of NMH and LI types.

Fred Wilson2

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Aug 25, 2014
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Say as you wish, however, as mentioned, we specialize in producing all types (SLA, NiCad and Lithium) mainship and e-batt batteries for aircraft, commercial and military and I can assure you that lithium's will loose capacity faster if discharged "deeply" than if they are kept topped.
How much "faster" is hard to say. They have a certain number of discharge/charge cycles during their life time. Deeply discharging and then charging counts as a charge cycle. "Deeply" depends a little on the particular lithium chemistry as there are several in use now.
I never said that they can be discharged "too much", I said that deep discharging and then charging will shorten their capacity faster than keeping them topped. As an aside, for "long term" storage they should only have about a 50% charge. This is why the cellphones (when new) have their battery only charged about 1/2 way, if anyone has noticed.
And this is not something I "heard" on the internet. This is from a engineer with over 40 years experience in the field (me).


It's not about "liking," it's about results. And not rumors. Lith-Ions canNOT be discharged too much because the controls are built into the phone or battery. Yes, way back in the NiCad days, before microchip controllers, you could actually flip the polarity by over-discharging.

I have been into battery technology for a half century, building power packs for different uses, for instance. And take this to the bank: NMH and LithIon batteries achieve their greatest operational capacity if you cycle them three times from fully charged to the device shutting off. I usually see a 20%-25% increase in capacity with my system.

After that exercise, charge as needed or when convenient. It doesn't matter if it's at 95% or 5%.

Just this week I got a new Info-Lithium battery for my camcorder. I wished I had noted how long it lasted on each discharge (many hours!), but I'll say that the difference between the first and second runs was at least 25% better.

So, you can believe someone who heard something on some forum from some guy, or you can believe this guy who can give real life experience over many years and many batteries of NMH and LI types.

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