Bugs and Defects Thread - Surface Pro 3

I did some algebra homework in OneNote today with the pen. I was aggravated that anytime I took my arm off the screen, then went back to using it (tablet lying on table), my forearm would hit the capacitive start button before the screen sensed the pen, and took me to start.

Also, three times now, there's been a segment of my screen in the upper left area that would not register a touch. Restarting the computer solved that.
I tried a couple SP3s at Best Buy and had my SP2 in my bag to compare. In OneNote the SP3 pen felt laggy, and someone with me also tried it and it couldn't keep up with her handwriting speed, so what she wrote was almost illegible. I got out the SP2 and she could write perfectly at full speed. The SP3 is almost useless for note taking as is, unless you write really slowly. What's up with that? I thought it was supposed to be optimized for note taking. Other than that major issue, it's a beautiful device; I love the new kickstand and screen and touchpad. But they really need to get pen performance up to speed or I'd never switch from the SP2, even if it was a free trade in.
The SP3 is almost useless for note taking as is, unless you write really slowly.

That's pretty disappointing, since that would have been my one major reason for biting the bullet on this. However, a recent penny arcade post about how Microsoft was working directly with gabe to improve pen usability issues seemed to indicate they were working on a resolution to the problem. They had already started fixing pressure curve issues as well as the capacitive window button being accidentally pressed issue, and it sounded like the engineers' next step was writing lag. so, maybe a firmware update will fix everything!!!!! Here's to hoping.
I did some algebra homework in OneNote today with the pen. I was aggravated that anytime I took my arm off the screen, then went back to using it (tablet lying on table), my forearm would hit the capacitive start button before the screen sensed the pen, and took me to start.

Also, three times now, there's been a segment of my screen in the upper left area that would not register a touch. Restarting the computer solved that.

I keep forgetting to try this in the store, but can you simply hold the SP3 so the Windows button is at the top instead of the bottom?
if you don't care about the orientation of the kickstand, I think you can. I don't feel like I'd need the kickstand to write notes....
Correct - it can be used upside down without a problem because in portrait mode the kickstand isn't a factor.
if you don't care about the orientation of the kickstand, I think you can. I don't feel like I'd need the kickstand to write notes....

It's not a perfect solution, since the kickstand's flattest setting is a lot nicer for handwriting than lying flat. That's the whole reason for the new kickstand; the SP2 can lie flat and it's not ideal. I've taken to folding my case and stuffing it under the top of the SP2 to get the best angle (which the SP3 can do with the new kickstand).
It's not a perfect solution, since the kickstand's flattest setting is a lot nicer for handwriting than lying flat. That's the whole reason for the new kickstand; the SP2 can lie flat and it's not ideal. I've taken to folding my case and stuffing it under the top of the SP2 to get the best angle (which the SP3 can do with the new kickstand).

My post was referring to HopMedic's complaint (and some of the reviewers) about accidentally hitting the home button. It would seem that simply using it with the home button at the top would prevent the issue.
This is one of the few times I've been at an advantage writing as a lefty. Years of ink and pencil smudges on my hand and this is the payoff! ;)
I've been having issues getting it to turn on/resume.

I have updated the firmware. Pretty frustrating. Took me a while just to get it turned on the first time.
Am I missing something here. I own a Surface Pro 2 and am not doing anything differently.

*Edit - Not sure what was going on, but seems to be fine now.

The same thing happens to me the first few hours I had it.
I tried a couple SP3s at Best Buy... In OneNote the SP3 pen felt laggy... The SP3 is almost useless for note taking as is, unless you write really slowly. What's up with that?

Remember that most of, if not all of, the devices on display at places like Best Buy have yet to be updated. You're not going to see optimal performance until the updates have been installed.
I'm having enormous difficulties with a 5GHz hotspot at home. The hotspot works fine for every other device I have, including my SP1, but on the SP3, connecting is hit-and-miss, and waking up from hibernation shows the connection as active, but it flat doesn't work until I cycle the connection (either by selecting my 2.4GHz hotspot and back, or turning WiFi off and on).

Whoever posted the Thurott article on the interaction between Visual Studio/Hyper-V and connected standby - thanks, I was wondering why connected standby suddenly stopped working on mine.
I'm having enormous difficulties with a 5GHz hotspot at home. The hotspot works fine for every other device I have, including my SP1, but on the SP3, connecting is hit-and-miss, and waking up from hibernation shows the connection as active, but it flat doesn't work until I cycle the connection (either by selecting my 2.4GHz hotspot and back, or turning WiFi off and on).

I am having the same issue with 5GHz WiFi. I've actually stopped using it all together for the time being and switched back to 2.4GHz. It really doesn't make a difference for my usage, but it would be nice to see it fixed.
Is there a list of things to check when receiving your SP3? Aside from the normal stuck/dead pixels and stuff, is there anything not mentioned here that I should check before putting my screen protector on and deciding everything is good to go?
Is there a list of things to check when receiving your SP3? Aside from the normal stuck/dead pixels and stuff, is there anything not mentioned here that I should check before putting my screen protector on and deciding everything is good to go?

I would definitely advise you to go through the setup first, and make sure the touchscreen and everything works, and that it boots properly. I had an issue with the touchscreen on mine, so definitely check that first.
I am having the same issue with 5GHz WiFi. I've actually stopped using it all together for the time being and switched back to 2.4GHz. It really doesn't make a difference for my usage, but it would be nice to see it fixed.

This statement makes me wonder what might be interfering. The reduction in frequency is telling to me, because the higher a frequency range is used, the more difficulty there is in penetrating. For this reason, the Navy uses ELF (extremely low frequency) in the range of 3-300 Hz to communicate with submerged submarines.
Am I the only one with a stuck/dead pixel? I see one if i look real close, kind of annoying but I don't know if I should try sending it back for one pixel.
Am I the only one with a stuck/dead pixel? I see one if i look real close, kind of annoying but I don't know if I should try sending it back for one pixel.

I'm afraid your not. I have a stuck/dead pixel on mine as well. I already exchanged my SP3 once and the new one has it too. While I was at the store, I checked 4 of the demo units and they also had dead pixels. My advice to you is that if it's not that noticeable don't bother trying to exchange it. Based on my experience it looks like the chances of getting one without is pretty slim.
Why is my surface pro 3 showing up like this when i connect it via HDMI? It's not the adapter or cable because it works fine on my macbook. I've tried changing the resolution but that doesn't work. Everything looks like there are dead pixels on the TV and grainy.

Link to pictures: Surface HDMI - Imgur

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