Bugs and Defects Thread - Surface Pro 3

Two things so far bother me.
1) the pen loop isn't as bad as i feared, but it still looks cheesy.
2) in tablet mode you swing the cover around the back, but then when you hold it your fingers hit all the keys. Yes, the keyboard is disabled so it's not actually causing a problem, but it still feels weird. Of course the solution is to pop it off, twist it around and voila. So not a big deal at all.

*Just thought of one more. And this really isn't MS or the SP3's fault but:
Why does Chrome look like garbage on the SP3? Is it the high resolution combined with the scaled desktop? Because IE11 looks gorgeous whereas reading text on a Chrome webpage looks like it's smeared with vasoline. Even their icons on the task bar are little pixelated messes. I don't have anything against IE11, but all my bookmarks are synced through Chrome (including work/home/phone) and i don't want to change. I would be very appreciative if Google fixes this soon.

There is a version of Chrome for Windows 8.1 that has improved 64bit support. Just Google it or look for it on winsupersite.com
There is a version of Chrome for Windows 8.1 that has improved 64bit support. Just Google it or look for it on winsupersite.com

Are you referring to Chrome Canary?: That's basically Chrome Beta, and you use it at your own risk. "Google Chrome Canary has the newest of the new Chrome features. Be forewarned: it's designed for developers and early adopters, and can sometimes break down completely."
Chrome Canary Browser

Here is the solution I ended up using: Chrome High DPI: How To Enable It In Windows 8, 8.1 (v34+) | Ubergizmo
Double-check to make sure you are running Chrome version 35.x, then scroll down and follow the instructions under Solution (Chrome 35.x). Ignore the rest. Basically it's just downloading a registry key, running it, allowing it to make changes, then RESTARTING your entire computer. After that Chrome is beautiful. In addition i also download the "undo" key, just in case a future Chrome update breaks this.

Even after that IE11 looks and acts better.
My volume rocker is annoyingly stiff, especially the volume-up half, which feels like it may be not seated correctly - it feels slightly mashed in.
I was wondering if anyone could confirm if this was normal, or at least they observe it on their own devices:
1. There is a slight elevation at the back of my device, where the two panels meet (See picture, left side). It depresses slightly when you push it. If you notice, it is more prominent on the left side than on the right.
2. I noticed that when I have the kickstand set on a specific angle, there is still a small wobble when you try to move it. Again, the wobble is more prominent on the left side vs. the right. Not sure if any of these things are indication of bad assembly on my specific unit -- or I'm just being paranoid.

Thanks for the help, y'all.
I have noticed some display models at the Microsoft Store have the same issue. Heck, even my dad's Surface Pro 2 has a similar problem but since the SP2 is dark colored, it's not as noticeable.
Aetherius, mine does not have that bow. I think if I were you I would take that one back to the store; that looks a little too-not-cool for me.

I do notice that when the kickstand is set at certain angles the unit is a little wobbly. But I think what's happening in my case is I pull the kickstand back slightly unevenly, so that one side is set at an angle slightly different than the other side, then it wobbles. I think it only takes a millimeter difference to cause the issue. An interesting phenomena, but not shocking considering the kickstand's full range of motion.
I've had 7 SP3s and I know at least one of them had that weird bowing issue, my current one does not seem to though. At least not that bad.
Bluetooth headphones (Jaybird) constantly disconnect/connect when there is no audio stream flowing. Very annoying because the headphones beep a few times every time they disconnect and connect. Also, if playing several videos in a row, the videos start up on the speakers until BT reconnects.

When using Citrix to connect with Windows 7 desktop, the Windows button on the bezel opens the Windows menu on the remote desktop instead of switching to the tile view on the SP3. To access the tiles, slide the charms in and tap the Windows button there.
Wireless network completely disappears when recovering from sleep mode, SP3 shuts down when sitting idle for a long period of time, SP3 becomes non-responsive have to hard reset, touchscreen becomes non-responsive.
I'm so glad absolutely NONE of that happens with me.... mine has only been better with every update and wasn't bad before them. Weird how that is.
Wireless network completely disappears when recovering from sleep mode, SP3 shuts down when sitting idle for a long period of time, SP3 becomes non-responsive have to hard reset, touchscreen becomes non-responsive.

The tablet doesn't shut down when idling for a long period of time. It's actually a feature of sorts. The SP3 goes through multiple layers of "sleep." For about the first four hours or so (not exactly sure), the SP3 works just like an iPad or any other tablet in that it starts right up the second you press the power button. Afterwards, however, it goes into hibernation when idling for a few hours. It's designed to conserve battery. But it should still start up relatively quickly from hibernation, within a span of a few seconds.

Your second issue with the disappearing network is actually relatively common, and mine does it about once a day. Microsoft is aware of the issue and promises a fix.

Lastly, it has happened to me once or twice that after a restart, the tile start screen becomes unresponsive and a hard reset is necessary to get it working again. But again, this is very rare for me, and ONLY happens when I restart the tablet. I'm pretty sure this is a simple software bug that will get ironed out with time.
Even with all the recent WiFi updates, I still have to manually cycle WiFi after waking from a sleep.

And, since I have Visual Studio installed (and by extension, Hyper-V), I've lost the instant-on connected standby (or whatever it's called).
Just noticed a very strange problem. If I use the Surface Pen and try to tap anything on the bottom half inch of the screen, the cursor freaks out and will move all the place along that bottom half inch. For example, If I try to tap on a running application on the task bar, the cursor freaks out and slides along the task bar to the right. If I tap, nothing happens or the clock/calendar will open because the cursor is over there when It should be on a running application that's on the other side of the task bar.

I already calibrated the pen. I can use my finger to open these applications and do other things on the bottom of the screen no problem. It's just when I use the pen on the bottom half inch of the screen in any application that makes everything all screwy. Anyone have any ideas? I haven't reset it because I'd like to see if anyone else has an idea before I do that. Thanks everyone. =)

EDIT: Fixed it. Just reset the calibration data. Very strange occurrence though. I thought it might be the magnets causing a disturbance with the screen. Guess not. Carry on everyone!
Has anyone experience a period of time when booting up that the touch screen doesn't work? After booting, it takes about 20-30 seconds before I am amble to unlock the screen; it won't even detect the pen.

I no longer feel the haptic feedback when taping the Windows button on the bezel. I looked in vain for a setting to control that. After considerable research I found a tear down page for the SP3. It shows the haptic buzzer is on the opposite side of the tablet from the Windows button. I lightly pinched the left side of my SP3 and tapped the Windows button on the right side. Sure enough, the little buzz is very clearly there. I tried feeling different parts of the front and back while tapping the button. The feedback attenuates as you move further from the location of the buzzer (or course). On my SP3, by the time I get to the right side bezel, I can't feel it at all. This is something new. Even earlier this week I could feel it.
If I tap the power button now, I get the slide to shut down screen.

Going to try a re-install to see if that helps.

EDIT: Seems to have fixed it.

Weirdly the 16th July Firmware update is showing again on my download list. Just installed it again. I was very sure I'd installed it before.
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Also, three times now, there's been a segment of my screen in the upper left area that would not register a touch. Restarting the computer solved that.

Just go my SP3 (i7) today and after playing with it for a while, had this same issue. I was afraid it was defective, but a restart corrected the issue. Hopefully it doesn't happen again, or if it's a bug it gets squashed.

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