Bugs / Defects with your Lumia 925

Hey all. I had a strange problem with my 925 last night; wonder if anybody else has seen a similar thing.

Basically, my phone was down in battery saver mode last night running on about 12% of juice. When scrolling up and down on my home screen, there was a noticeable brightness flicker. This flicker occurred whenever I initiated a scroll, but was not apparent when the screen was left idle. The flicker disappeared completely when I turned off battery saver. I haven't seen the problem before and am running GDR3, so was wondering if it is a bug with this.

Interested to hear if anybody else has experienced anything similar.


It seems the above problem was being caused by a live tile from the Amazing Weather HD app. Tile removed, problem solved.
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Hey all. I had a strange problem with my 925 last night; wonder if anybody else has seen a similar thing.

Basically, my phone was down in battery saver mode last night running on about 12% of juice. When scrolling up and down on my home screen, there was a noticeable brightness flicker. This flicker occurred whenever I initiated a scroll, but was not apparent when the screen was left idle. The flicker disappeared completely when I turned off battery saver. I haven't seen the problem before and am running GDR3, so was wondering if it is a bug with this.

Interested to hear if anybody else has experienced anything similar.

Was the reduce brightness setting enabled?
No I have enough.... When trying to focus with shutter button there is a big blurry spot right in the middle of the picture.

Touch focus is a bit better.

Manual focus (when done right) is super sharp.

I'm sending now my 925 to Nokia Care.

It's very strange. I have a strong focus on mobile photography and therefore it seems that I'm getting only the faulty units! :angry:
Moto E1000 - totally blurry photos
SE K750i left side totally blurry
Nokia N73 left side blurry
Nokia N95 corners blurry (kinda normal but still not nice)
Nokia N86 small but visible blurry spot in the middle of the picture
Nokia N8 right side blurry
Nokia N8 left lower corner totally blurry

Thank God Nokia 808 PureView (the real and only PureView) is PERFECT!
(I want to throw the 925 out of the window... but it was quite expensive at launch when I got it...:unhappysweat: )
LOL dpreview has the same defective unit Lumia 925 like me :D

Landscape and night scene: Nokia smartphone shootout: A sibling rivalry between the Lumia 920,925 and 928: Connect

100% center crop. Note the 925?s soft spot in the center of the frame compared with the sharpness of the 920 and 928.

Ironically, given the bragging rights of the sixth lens element, the 925 is noticeably soft in the exact center of the frame. We have to think this is a quality variation issue

WOW they gave photography experts a faulty unit!!!!!

This means than my Lumia 925 with the same problem is not alone! There are tons of that out there! :angry:


920 for comparison

I got black Lumia 925 unlocked from Vodafone Germany 32 GB... I noticed from the first moment that the brightness for the touch buttons is very very low compared to 920 and the light is not uniformly distributed over each button... also the color of the light look like yellow/orange/red combination, sorry its hard to describe the color precisely...
I have a Lumia 920 also and it has much much better brightness even though my 920 button has the yellow tint problem... My 925 button are yellow to orange color... The brightness very very low...

Another problem the right side of screen a little bit yellow compared to the left side when looking at the keyboard.. Also another issue which known for most Samsung AMOLED screens, if you go to completely dark room and open a black photo on the screen (you can use app called pixel doctor to check) you will notice black annoying dots darker than the rest of the screen... Mine has 7 main dots..

Is this normal? How yours looks like? Just wondering how many people has these problems...

UPDATE: I have another problem described below... Blurry text while scrolling....
Noticed that my lumia 925 has a blurry text while scrolling, specially when scrolling white text over black background or black text over white background... also noticed some blurry when scrolling tiles on the home screen, this blurry occurred around the black horizontal lines separating the tiles.... compared the scrolling with the 920 and there is a huge difference...
I read that some of the galaxy S4 units has this problem and that this problem related to Samsung AMOLED screens, and you know the lumia 925 has a Samsung AMOLED screen.
Any one has these issues? let me know in comments please..

I have those black annoying dots darker than the rest of the screen on my Lumia 925 also.
is there a fix available for this ?
Is this the phenomenon known as amoled burn in ??
Is anyone else having any issues with connecting to wifi? My wifi is always on and it would work perfectly but after a day or two it just wouldn't connect to known networks and keeps giving me the error that your phone has been unable to reach the wifi network.
My 1 week old 925 turned off to a black screen 3 times till now, I have to do a soft reset to wake it up.
I even tried a hard reset but still the same.

After a soft reset it wakes up with a wrong time and date.
If anyone found a solution please share.

I just got the exact same error. Not cool.
I'm having this issue that I've seen in other forums but no one has found a fix to it but to ask for an exchange and I'm not very sure if I could do that...
Today I dropped my phone from a rather short distance (50cm at most) and physically looks perfect, just some minor scratches on the side (I don't think the problem is related to it but just to give some context).
I received a phone call later on the day and when I answered I couldn't hear a thing, turned speaker on and it sounded just fine and I was being heard as well, I thought it was a connection problem but I've tried in different places with no luck so far. Seems that the phone thinks it has headphones still connected because when I go into Audio Settings I can change the equaliser and the advanced audio options that usually only display when headphones are on. I can hear the incoming call ringtone and the caller in speaker mode, but apps like music, videos or anything won't work through the speakers, in normal call mode the caller can't hear me. When I put some headphones on I can hear everything.
I've tried a couple of soft resets and even a hard reset, the problem is still there, I really don't know what to do because, as I've said before, the phone has some minor scratches and I don't know if my guarantee will still apply, it is really getting me down because I know the problem has nothing to do with the hardware but the people at the phone centre won't understand and won't care.
If anyone has any suggestions, please help me :( I've had it for nearly a month now, using some Apple earphones and Sony headphones now and then and everything was just fine. Thanks in advance, first post here by the way, sorry if it was too long.
I've had my phone for about 2 weeks. Everything about it is amazing, I love the 925! My only complaint is that the screen has pretty bad viewing angles... anything but straight on results in a bluish tint, especially the whites. I love the deep black but the tint really annoys me and I much prefer the screen on my old Lumia 920. Is this an AMOLED issue or does my 925 just have a bad screen?

If it's an AMOLED issue then I'll gladly wait for Nokia's next Lumia flagship on T-Mobile that has an LCD screen. But if it's just my phone then I might want to get it replaced (although, I don't think T-Mobile will do anything at this point. Maybe Nokia will, though).
does anyone have an issue with texting when wi-fi calling is enabled? is this a tmobile issue? text messages I sent are bounces back from tmobile when wifi is enabled.
does anyone have an issue with texting when wi-fi calling is enabled? is this a tmobile issue? text messages I sent are bounces back from tmobile when wifi is enabled.

I never observed this problem on my 925 (from A1, I think it's like Vodafone in Austria). At home I have WiFi always enabled and write 2-7 SMS per hour.

Sent from my RM-892_eu_euro2_254 using Tapatalk
Some times when I'm on a web page I can't go back to the last page I was on. I don't mean the last tab by the way, holding the back key works as it should but taping it does nothing no matter how many times I press it.

Am I just stupid or is this a problem with my phone.


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