So I bought two Nokia 925's. Having used iPhones for many years I decided to try a windows phone since I was curious and the price was very good. My wife likes her 925 and it seems to work as intended, however my 925 had some issues. The back top left back cover was a bit loose and this I could still forgive somewhat, but the earpiece speaker was faulty and would cause distortion with any volume above a whisper. I am now waiting for a replacement.
So my final verdict? It's ok for the price but nowhere close to Apples build quality. Let me list a few reasons why:
1. The machine process used in manufacturing is inferior, just look at the sim tray, its nowhere close to flush with the aluminium. Not to mention the fact that I had to send a phone back for the first time since I started using iPhones.
2. Placing 2 925's next to each other would reveal that they look the same of course but it ends there. Things like button resistance and feel differ. The back lighting for the capacitive buttons aren't the same either. Even battery power seems to differ running the same OS version with the same apps and exact same usage. In the battery test my 925 outlasted my wifes by a good amount.
3. Even the vibrating sound/feel is distinctly different with these 2 925's
So how can 2 925's bought at exactly the same time differ in so many areas? The answer is that they were manufactured using different parts at different times (unlikely since the 925 is relatively new to market) or more likely the manufacturing process used is not as precise.
I like the idea of Win phone 8 and will keep the device for the next year or 2 (if they can provide me one that works as expected). Microsoft is throwing a lot of money at it and I won't bet against them, but the hardware build quality must improve! Hopefully MS can start to challenge Apple now that they bought Nokia's smartphone division.
If you read this and you are an iPhone user don't trust the reviews saying the 925 has superb build quality. Is it good? I would say yes but not close to an iPhone.
Yeah I completely agree with this guy.
I went through FOUR lumia 925's....only because aside from the build issues I thought it was by far the best looking phone out there. I also love windows phone 8 regardless of the app availability and development support compared to iPhone/android etc.