Bugs / Defects with your Lumia 925

Vodafone & O2 2G are both prone to this noise on their networks but it won't be heard using 3G. This type of sound if it is a phone fault is called digital breakthrough whereby the sound on 2G that the radio waves make can be heard through the earpiece. If it is beside a speaker for instance that is the network not a fault of the phone.
I there - ordered a 925 from Omegacell in Canada. All three camera apps, Camera, Nokia Pro Shot, Nokia Smart Cam either send me back to start screen, black screen but not hung or tell me "Something went wrong: The camera failed to launch"
Firmware 3047.0000.1326.2007
Sending it for replacement as soon as I get an RMA. Will reply back.
I bought a 925 the other day, and just wondered if anyone else has an issue with the vibration being really low? I can't even feel it vibrating in my pocket! even on my desk it hardly makes a sound even when turned all the way up to 30. Is this normal for this phone? Do I have a dud? Many thanks..
I notice it too iIwas wondering that ats well
Unlocked Lumia 925 black screen on boot.

I have an issue with often booting into a black screen. When I power on the phone, the vibration signals "power on, starting up" but then nothing happens, after a while I can feel (by vibration feedback) when operating the home and back buttons. At this moment the screen is still black but it responds to touch - I can take a photo by first pressing and holding the camera button and then tap on the screen to take a photo (screen still black). I then must press and hold the power button a while (as long as it normally takes to get the "pull down to turn off" message), and then swipe down on the (still) black screen. The phone then turns off and I can retry the boot process.

Some times, after booting into a black screen, the lock screen shows up when clicking the power button. The phone then works normally until next boot.

And then sometimes the boot process is normal with the Nokia logo showing up first, then Windows Phone logo and finally the lock screen.

Just recently updated to the latest OS version with no changes on the boot issue (OS version: 8.0.10328.78)

Anyone else experience this?
Man I've just had a random reboot and maybe at 4 or 5 in the last week. I'm not sure why but it feels like its the glance feature doing this. I had it off for a bit hardly no reboots but then I turn it back on it reboots more often.
Well, i think nothing is without issues. So question more or less is, what do you mean issue is. This phone of course has some issues, true. As any other phone. From my point of view, of course "stupid phones" were much more reliable then current "smart phones". Thats also true. But doesnt mean i would buy the other phone. I have small issues, but no real issue, that would lead to not to buy the device.
You mean that having a bunch of issues, like mentioned all over here is a non issue?

For a customer that gets his phone on a two year plan, there is nothing worse than a bunch of issues, that remain unresolved, leaving the customer with a smartphone of dubious utility.

For me, there is nothing worse than unresolved software issues that keep spoiling an otherwise good product.

Yes, MS is to blame for a large number of bugs is WP8, but Nokia is to blame for all this freeze, camera dead and random reception problems. Like VW is to blame for its many never resolved software problems in its cars.

This is also why I avoid Nokia and VW AG products, been burned too often. It seems to me that faulty software is a typical German and Northern European problem.

I say, if your Nokia 925 is not top notch, don't be patient, return it and get yourself something else from who makes something that works. It is your own money you are spending, make no prisoners! You work hard for your living!

None of you has any obligation towards any mobile phone manufacturer, you are the clients!
You mean that having a bunch of issues, like mentioned all over here is a non issue?

For a customer that gets his phone on a two year plan, there is nothing worse than a bunch of issues, that remain unresolved, leaving the customer with a smartphone of dubious utility.

For me, there is nothing worse than unresolved software issues that keep spoiling an otherwise good product.

Yes, MS is to blame for a large number of bugs is WP8, but Nokia is to blame for all this freeze, camera dead and random reception problems. Like VW is to blame for its many never resolved software problems in its cars.

This is also why I avoid Nokia and VW AG products, been burned too often. It seems to me that faulty software is a typical German and Northern European problem.

I say, if your Nokia 925 is not top notch, don't be patient, return it and get yourself something else from who makes something that works. It is your own money you are spending, make no prisoners! You work hard for your living!

None of you has any obligation towards any mobile phone manufacturer, you are the clients!

Jesus man :-) We have democracy :-) You can buy whatever you want. If you dont like Nokia, dont buy Nokia, if you like Android, buy Android, its your choice. Really YOUR choice. Everybody can buy, or return. I am just realistic, i have NEVER had phone without issues. Honestly, i have never had any consumer device without any issues. Just buy what you want, if you dont like Nokia 925, no problem for us. Really :-)
When I attempt to "reply" to a post here on my phone I literally can't type the keyboard bobs up and down not allowing me to access the keys! That is very annoying and a definite fault.
Secondly, the phone gets very warm, uncomfortably so that I need to keep a cover on it for both the heat and for grip because I find this phone very slick and don't want to drop it!
Initially when my phone was new it seemed to be burning up, now that the battery is more conditioned it seems to have subsided but is not altogether resolved either, it will become hot and uncomfortable to hold without a cover. I've never encountered this type of heat before with my other Lumia's I've had the 710, 810 and 521, this is quite different really cooking....
Otherwise I do like the phone and camera my only complaint really is the heat it produces.
Jesus man :-) We have democracy :-) You can buy whatever you want. If you dont like Nokia, dont buy Nokia, if you like Android, buy Android, its your choice. Really YOUR choice. Everybody can buy, or return. I am just realistic, i have NEVER had phone without issues. Honestly, i have never had any consumer device without any issues. Just buy what you want, if you dont like Nokia 925, no problem for us. Really :-)

My iPhone4 had no issues until after 2 years it froze for one hour. My HTC One had no issues so far. Except for those two, all my other smartphones had issues... I hate issues...
Sometime after unplugging the charger / and getting to work this morning ( 1 hr time gap) mine went to a black screen and was completely unresponsive. I had to do a soft reset and then it worked again. Another problem... im starting to loose confidence in this model...

I got a firmware update a couple of weeks ago and since that update mine hasn't had this problem anymore.
Man I've just had a random reboot and maybe at 4 or 5 in the last week. I'm not sure why but it feels like its the glance feature doing this. I had it off for a bit hardly no reboots but then I turn it back on it reboots more often.

I had a firmware update a couple of weeks ago that fixed all my issues like this and there is also a second firmware update that will be released very soon that brings final version of glance and improves performance and bug fixes
So I got a Lumia 925 last week, and I've had to charge it up to three times a day because the battery drains so quickly. It is also constantly warm, which makes me believe it's an app running in the background.

Even while charging, it takes up to five hours to charge instead of the usual two or three. In the last seven days, there was only one charge which completed in two hours' time (this is how it should be), and the phone wasn't hot as it seems to usually be while charging.

I've tried rebooting the phone in case the process is killed, but restarting doesn't do anything. Another oddity is that even switching Battery Saver on doesn't help. Battery Saver is supposed to allow apps only in the foreground, isn't it?

I'm now in the process of going through my list of applications under 'Background tasks -> Advanced' uninstalling them one-by-one to see which application (if any) is the culprit; this'll take a while. The same apps are installed as were on my HTC 8X (and battery life there was excellent), so it's either an app not playing well with GDR2/Amber or it's a Nokia application causing the problem.

Here's a screenshot of my phone about 30 minutes off the charger: http://imgur.com/W24dZp0

Edit: Hmm. Something interesting: if I switch Battery Saver to 'Always on (not recommended)', and restart my phone, the megadrain stops. So this is perhaps an app/process that starts when my phone boots but doesn't stop when battery saver is turned on, unless battery saver is on when the phone boots, in which case the app/process doesn't start in the first place?

Edit 2: This is reproducible and a temporary solution (I can't always be on battery saver after all): the phone is stone-cold (room temperature, actually, but the cold metal feels great) after I unplugged it from the charger, switched on Battery Saver to Always On, and restarted.
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The volume of the ringer is incredibly soft! No matter which ring tone I tried with, none of them are actually loud enough to be heard in pockets. Volume is already set to 20/30. Is there some kind of throttling of the volume?
I am experiencing pretty much the same problems as most folks in here- very fast battery drain (barely lasts through the day), poor reception. Also screen rotation doesn't always work, it seems to me that I got this problem after recent marketplace software updates.
I had a firmware update a couple of weeks ago that fixed all my issues like this and there is also a second firmware update that will be released very soon that brings final version of glance and improves performance and bug fixes
What firmware are you on?
Does anyone else keep getting logged out of apps like 6tag and even the wpcentral app cuz its happened several times! Also my Bing lock screen doesn't update day to day. Maybe I didnt give it enough time to change but yea anyone seeing these probs?
My problem has something to do with the camera, so I posted a few pisc in the picture tread.


Please look into it.

I guess that my unit has an autofocussing issues especially when pressing shutter button. Or I have a faulty unit with a big blurry spot right in the middle of the lenses/sensor...

I had the following deffective camera phones so far:
Motorola E1000 - totally blurry pictures, no focus at all
SE K750i - left side totally blurry
Nokia N73 - same thing but less amount of picture blurry
Nokia N95 - when it got older corner sharpness got worse, all 4 corners
Nokia N86 - big blurry spot right in the middle towards left side, later on 2nd unit dust in the sensor which went away
Nokia N8 - right side blurry stripe, 2nd unit lower left corner very blurry
Nokia Lumia 925 - focussing issues

I love mobile photography and I seem always to get the bad units :evil:

Exceptions though:
Nokia 808 PureView - everything perfect there. :)
Samsung D900i - razor sharp 3MP images, better than N73
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I am struggling to get the battery indicator to show the correct battery %.

I let me phone drain to it turning off and I turned it on immediately after and it said there was 18% left. I put the phone on the charger and the phone was at 98% while charging and then all of a sudden it went down to 75% on the charger...

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