Bugs / Defects with your Lumia 925

Its not sounding like I'll b abandoning my 820 anytime soon as I'm hearing little complaints like this alot!! That's MS fault as there's nothing wrong with the hardware

first off, 500MB is nothing. If you read the article explaining what the space is used for than you'd understand. Its supposed to be there. And its supposed to go up and down. But when it exceeds maybe 1GB than I would assume its an error. The space is used for making the OS faster. For multitasking and such.
As for getting a new phone, I have the 925 and its absolutely amazing. Depending on carrier, 928 and 920 are fine as well considering there relatives and same Gen. My two cents.
Gorilla glass seems to vary quite a bit in hardness. My wife's 8x was like plastic; fine scratches were everywhere. My 810 and 720 were really tough. I couldn't find a scratch on them. It makes we wonder if corning sells different grades of GG, perhaps some are age hardened or otherwise treated. I dunno.

Regarding the quality of the 925 bodies. I'm on my third. The screen on the first was literally falling off. The screen in the second one was uneven in the housing. The third one they offered showed warpage and large gaps in the white plastic. Fourth one was good.

that's pretty funny to be honest. Mine was good from the start. Getting the insurance just in case though.
My 925 was off today same time as I discovered it last time in a non functional state. I tried soft resetting it, but it turns on and start booting then has a blue screen and either stays on that blue screen for a while or quickly turns off. I cant seem to do a soft reset, because if I hold down the power and volume down button it just tries starting, then turns off, tries starting then turns off. Since it agrees to try to start it appears you cant soft reset it... can only soft reset if it purely will not start / is totally unresponsive?

This phones is going to give windows phone a horrible name. I never believed in that "nokia" quality, I think it always was a myth.
So I've been waiting like a month for the black color to be released, and the more I look into this phone the more I get a little leery. The hardware seems to be a big change for Nokia and I feel the phone may need 6 months for the production line to work out the kinks.

My question for people with the phone is are any of them working fully with no issues..and the owners have had them more than a week or 2?
So I've been waiting like a month for the black color to be released, and the more I look into this phone the more I get a little leery. The hardware seems to be a big change for Nokia and I feel the phone may need 6 months for the production line to work out the kinks.

My question for people with the phone is are any of them working fully with no issues..and the owners have had them more than a week or 2?

I would also like to know this. Good question. 2 weeks seems to be the timeframe issues occur.
Well, i think nothing is without issues. So question more or less is, what do you mean issue is. This phone of course has some issues, true. As any other phone. From my point of view, of course "stupid phones" were much more reliable then current "smart phones". Thats also true. But doesnt mean i would buy the other phone. I have small issues, but no real issue, that would lead to not to buy the device.
I never turn on Wi-Fi calling. Its really weird cuz my 810 had the same problem and my daughters 521. Think Nokia must use bad Chips or something as it will randomly lose signal in different places here in town.
Ok, here is a question for 925 owners on T-mobile US. Has wi-fi calling worked for you? If you have it set for wi-fi preferred and you're connected to wi-fi, does your phone consistently remain in wi-fi calling mode?

My 925 only shows that it is in wi-fi calling mode once in a great while even though it's consistently connected to wi-fi. Even if there is no cellular service and its connected to wi-fi, it may not switch to wi-fi calling and allow me to make a call.

Has anyone else had this problem? Have you resolved it and if so how?
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Ok thanks, yea issues wise I mean random reboots, phone getting too hot and slowing down etc. I'm talking hardware issues, not software. If its a bug I really don't care because it will likely be fixed.
I've been thinking about getting a Lumia 925 for quite some time now, and it would finally be available here in the Philippines on August 19. After going through the comments on this thread though, I'm now a little worried.

Regarding the loose back plate, can you guys give me an idea on how tight it's supposed to be? I remember reading a review a while back where they have an attached audio of the sound that the back plate makes when they press it. Do your units have the same sound? Is that normal, or should I look for a unit that has a back plate that's tight and does not make such a sound?

Also, regarding the rebooting, it seems like most of the issue is from phones bought from T-Mobile. Or are there other 925s from other carriers exhibiting the same behavior?
I have a few of problems with my phone. Sometimes when using Spotify for example, the song and controls won't show up when you press the volume rocker. Sometimes the phone will auto lock itself. Sometimes I won't be able to send text messages and require restarting the phone, and last and probably most important, the battery tends to drain quickly. Oh, and not sure whether it's related to my phone or not, but sometimes the other person on the phone sounds as if they're cutting out.

The back plate on my phone isn't in perfect position, but I understand this is normal and it bothers me not because I have wireless charging which also helps with the battery issue.

I hear there's a phone update people are getting but nothing shows when I manually check my phone or using that Nokia updater for retailer program, it simply says I can update to the version I already have.
I bought a 925 the other day, and just wondered if anyone else has an issue with the vibration being really low? I can't even feel it vibrating in my pocket! even on my desk it hardly makes a sound even when turned all the way up to 30. Is this normal for this phone? Do I have a dud? Many thanks..
Have a T-Mobile 925 and it loses signal every so often and shows no service on the screen. Also having troubles with sending MMS messages, takes about 10-15 tries before it will send.

I lose signal a lot too, but I've noticed that in general, my Lumia doesn't get as a strong of a signal as my Z10 in the same areas on T-Mobile. Sitting at my cube at work, I don't have great T-Mobile reception, but my Z10 holds the signal better and recovers it faster than my 925. Sometimes I have wait 5 mins before the signal returns to send a text. Disappointing, this is the first Nokia I've used in probably 10 years. They used to be kings of reception. My old 6200 was insane with holding a signal. Other than that, they phone has been great.
I lose signal a lot too, but I've noticed that in general, my Lumia doesn't get as a strong of a signal as my Z10 in the same areas on T-Mobile. Sitting at my cube at work, I don't have great T-Mobile reception, but my Z10 holds the signal better and recovers it faster than my 925. Sometimes I have wait 5 mins before the signal returns to send a text. Disappointing, this is the first Nokia I've used in probably 10 years. They used to be kings of reception. My old 6200 was insane with holding a signal. Other than that, they phone has been great.

I just got my Lumia 925 back from Nokia Europe's central service (Czech repuplic). It got it's antenna and antenna cables replaced because of bad signals and no 4G signal at all. I hope there ain't too many of these defective antennas around...
I don't know if its the 925 or just t-mo but the WiFi calling is either cutting me in and out or the person I talk to in and out

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