Bugs / Defects with your Lumia 925

Just got my phone this morning. and after half hour playing around, immediately noticed that it gets really hot on the side of the top right corner. I put the phone to my ear and it's hot, not burning hot, but hot and very uncomfortable. also, after the full charge, the phone says I have 9 hours left.

anyone finds solution to this yet? I am going to hard reset and see that will solve the problem. I got nothing installed yet.

People are saying the phone gets really warm. Mine was doing it initially, but seems to heat up a lot less now. I haven't played any intensive games on it... well Ragdoll Run. But, I find it doesn't get too hot after having it almost two weeks.
Anyone notice that for music + video hub when ticking "connect with Xbox music" on it does nothing for my music files. It used to work on my Lumia 810.
Not completely sure what you mean. But, it seems to work fine for me. All my music is sync'd across all devices (Phone, Surface, Desktop).
Second morning in a row I've had to soft reset my 925. I left it on charge overnight and woke up to a black screen.

Should I speak to the network about an exchange?
Not completely sure what you mean. But, it seems to work fine for me. All my music is sync'd across all devices (Phone, Surface, Desktop).
thanks for the reply.
When you enter music + video hub go under settings and you will have the option "connect with Xbox music". This will enable pictures and metadata for your music files be shown, like on the lock screen an also artist info.

It does work on my Lumia 925.
I got black Lumia 925 unlocked from Vodafone Germany 32 GB... I noticed from the first moment that the brightness for the touch buttons is very very low compared to 920 and the light is not uniformly distributed over each button... also the color of the light look like yellow/orange/red combination, sorry its hard to describe the color precisely...
I have a Lumia 920 also and it has much much better brightness even though my 920 button has the yellow tint problem... My 925 button are yellow to orange color... The brightness very very low...

Another problem the right side of screen a little bit yellow compared to the left side when looking at the keyboard.. Also another issue which known for most Samsung AMOLED screens, if you go to completely dark room and open a black photo on the screen (you can use app called pixel doctor to check) you will notice black annoying dots darker than the rest of the screen... Mine has 7 main dots..

Is this normal? How yours looks like? Just wondering how many people has these problems...

UPDATE: I have another problem described below... Blurry text while scrolling....
Noticed that my lumia 925 has a blurry text while scrolling, specially when scrolling white text over black background or black text over white background... also noticed some blurry when scrolling tiles on the home screen, this blurry occurred around the black horizontal lines separating the tiles.... compared the scrolling with the 920 and there is a huge difference...
I read that some of the galaxy S4 units has this problem and that this problem related to Samsung AMOLED screens, and you know the lumia 925 has a Samsung AMOLED screen.
Any one has these issues? let me know in comments please..

I have a Lumia 1020 and I am experiencing the same issue with blurriness of text.
I got black Lumia 925 unlocked from Vodafone Germany 32 GB... I noticed from the first moment that the brightness for the touch buttons is very very low compared to 920 and the light is not uniformly distributed over each button... also the color of the light look like yellow/orange/red combination, sorry its hard to describe the color precisely...
I have a Lumia 920 also and it has much much better brightness even though my 920 button has the yellow tint problem... My 925 button are yellow to orange color... The brightness very very low...

Another problem the right side of screen a little bit yellow compared to the left side when looking at the keyboard.. Also another issue which known for most Samsung AMOLED screens, if you go to completely dark room and open a black photo on the screen (you can use app called pixel doctor to check) you will notice black annoying dots darker than the rest of the screen... Mine has 7 main dots..

Is this normal? How yours looks like? Just wondering how many people has these problems...

UPDATE: I have another problem described below... Blurry text while scrolling....
Noticed that my lumia 925 has a blurry text while scrolling, specially when scrolling white text over black background or black text over white background... also noticed some blurry when scrolling tiles on the home screen, this blurry occurred around the black horizontal lines separating the tiles.... compared the scrolling with the 920 and there is a huge difference...
I read that some of the galaxy S4 units has this problem and that this problem related to Samsung AMOLED screens, and you know the lumia 925 has a Samsung AMOLED screen.
Any one has these issues? let me know in comments please..

On my Lumia 925 I got problem here about blurry text when scrolling. Hope Nokia find a solution for that soon :(
I have had my 925 for 8 days and this afternoon it turned itself off and never recovered. I had just received a phone call and an appointment reminder popped up. I looked back at it a minute or so later and it looked like it was re-booting. It was at the T-Mobile screen and then it went black. I wasn't able to boot it back up.
I took it to the T-Mobile store on the way home from work and they couldn't get it to boot up, so they gave me a new one.
I'll just chalk it up to a faulty unit, but it still makes me a little nervous.

I had the same issue. I was sitting at my desk and a popup from the My T-Mobile app came up and said something like I haven't restarted my phone in a while and that I should to keep peek performance. Didn't think anything about and dismissed the message. That evening I had my phone plugged in at my desk listening to some music and then the music stopped and the phone just rebooted. It stuck at the T-Mobile logo. I did the volume down/power button hold to reboot and it rebooted. Then about a hour later with the phone idle not doing anything it did the same thing. I was able to reboot the phone attain.

I though it was the "Battery" app I installed so I uninstalled to test. The phone made it though the night but the next evening I pulled the phone out of my pocket and the T-Mobile splash screen was stuck again. This time the reboot via the volume/power buttons only showed the battery graphic and the animated plug in. So I plugged it in waited about a hour and the phone booted but only displayed the blue background of the windows phone logo screen.

I forced a reboot again and got the battery graphic but even being plugged in it gave the indication it wasn't plugged in. Then I forced the reboot again and got the windows 8 insert media message. So at this point it looked like defective hardware.

T-Mobile did a nice job of just swapping the phone but I worried about the quality now....this is the second replacement I had of the 925.
1. I have the same clock/date changed issue on WP7 (Lumia 900), tot that is instance device only
2. auto lock - may it be the power button connecting problem? suggest to chk with Nokia maint.
I found my 925 reboots once in few days, not really critical, but should not be of course. I did and firmware upgrade, i am runing on 3047.0000.1326.2001

may be you should check if you have last possible firmware via Nokia Suite or Nokia Software Update for Retail tool.
Phone discharged abnormally fast after lasting 25 plus hours on a charge. So I left it charging for a few hours. Then it seemed like my issue was still going on. So I turned off the phone and back on again an I gained back 5%. Looks like my issue is resolved now, no biggie.
Sometime after unplugging the charger / and getting to work this morning ( 1 hr time gap) mine went to a black screen and was completely unresponsive. I had to do a soft reset and then it worked again. Another problem... im starting to loose confidence in this model...
Did a bunch of soft resets lately, however I still love the phone and I believe they are going to fix these annoying bugs. I have wiped the phone, updated to 3047.0000.1326.2001.
Got another one from another supplier and it is working fine, the back plate is very solid this time around with no "pressing" issues (first time was astonishingly squashy for a near ?500 phone). Overall, it's a great phone, superb screen, solid, feels great, fast, good camera...etc etc etc
I just got my 925 from Vodafone last week (32GB black) and loving it so far.

Only problem is that I've loaded about 22GB of music onto it and when I go to Music + Video and choose to play a song - the music starts playing fine, but the screen becomes completely unresponsive for about a full minute. Odd and mildly annoying - can't seem to figure out why it's doing it though.
I just got my 925 from Vodafone last week (32GB black) and loving it so far.

Only problem is that I've loaded about 22GB of music onto it and when I go to Music + Video and choose to play a song - the music starts playing fine, but the screen becomes completely unresponsive for about a full minute. Odd and mildly annoying - can't seem to figure out why it's doing it though.

I used to have a similar error on my HTC 8x, but I never have it now on my 925. The only real difference is that I turned off Xbox music cloud collection in the Xbox music settings.im not sure if that's really what did it, but worth a shot. :)
I used to have a similar error on my HTC 8x, but I never have it now on my 925. The only real difference is that I turned off Xbox music cloud collection in the Xbox music settings.im not sure if that's really what did it, but worth a shot. :)

Thanks Sir Knight - will give it a try later. Hopefully it'll do the trick! :)
I encounter one FM radio issue these days. When this internal app starts, the sound will frustrate and the voice sounds glitch meanwhile and finally stop working, then I have to click "pause" button and "resume play" to fix this defect, but it will appear soon or later...I really cannot understand how it behave like this, it looks has something to do with app instead of earphone or external environment.
Have a T-Mobile 925 and it loses signal every so often and shows no service on the screen. Also having troubles with sending MMS messages, takes about 10-15 tries before it will send.
Have a T-Mobile 925 and it loses signal every so often and shows no service on the screen. Also having troubles with sending MMS messages, takes about 10-15 tries before it will send.

Try turning Wi-fi calling off. I have heard about it causing issues with mms.
My Lumia 925 seems to be rebooting 3 or 4 times per week. I'll randomly pick it up and press the button to see the lock screen, and the screen will stay black. Only way to turn it on is by completing a soft reset.

I know 920 had the same problem, so I hope an update will be released ASAP to get this matter resolved!

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