Cant add google account to build 14393.5 Anniversary

OK, how many times is someone going to post this!!!!! This isn't a solution, its a workaround. And a poor one at that. There is a problem on Googs side or less likely with Edge. Please read the prior posts before adding to the comments by repeating.

I had same issue, but I solved!
go to
settings -> Accounts -> Email & app acc.
click on + Add an account
then choose Advanced setup -> Internet email
how to fill you can find on:
Spot on. If MS cant stop the pee pee contest, guys, we are about done. Business users or not, not all small businesses use Exchange. In fact a high percentage use Google services, since they are free. I posted this in another thread about this earlier today... MS needs to pay up. They waste so much money on failures. Give Google 1 billion for 10yrs of cooperation. If MS truly feels they are positioned for businesses, this is only beneficial to Google.

I disagree. The only windows phone users I know are normal people that had a chance to play with a windows phone and liked it or techies that liked the OS and imaging software pre Microsoft takeover of Nokia. Microsoft may be trying to position Windows Phone as a phone for business people but I don't think the userbase as a whole is really there. So when something like this happens it should be a big deal to Microsoft. They're losing at least one new convert in my roommate who tried to switch but can't get her google services to sync(the reason I started this thread). And as we all know Microsoft really can't afford to alienate anyone when it comes to Windows Mobile...
I disagree. The only windows phone users I know are normal people that had a chance to play with a windows phone and liked it or techies that liked the OS and imaging software pre Microsoft takeover of Nokia. Microsoft may be trying to position Windows Phone as a phone for business people but I don't think the userbase as a whole is really there. So when something like this happens it should be a big deal to Microsoft. They're losing at least one new convert in my roommate who tried to switch but can't get her google services to sync(the reason I started this thread). And as we all know Microsoft really can't afford to alienate anyone when it comes to Windows Mobile...

I was joking about the business man. Offcourse even small business use gmail or outlook, they dont need a dedicated email service.
Guys, it seems to be an issue with how Google handles authorization tokens. It appears to have changed according to the topic below. Though it seems to be up to the developers to amend it.;context-place=forum/gmail

on the excerpt:

Robert Jackson Mfc said:
Oh it's Google alright! Problem started yesterday or late the day before - Google geniuses changed something again!

I'm a software developer and I added and was testing GMail in my current application and what was working now isn't! Even demos and tests I created months before are now not working!

As of yesterday I am getting this error when connecting to the GMail API: "Your browser is not supported anymore. Please update to a more recent one."

Apparently when trying to use for oAuth2 token generation purposes, it no longer works when using an authentication URL in an embedded browser.

In a regular (un-embedded) browser the URL works - but not in an embedded browser!

When users create an account and try to connect to it, they have to authenticate the connection with the GMail API and there's where their problems come from!

Good work Google!
With IMAP, you lose calendar sync, contacts sync and push notifications.

So at least you'll have your mail until this gets sorted. Luckily I stopped using google calender and migrated everything over to my MS account. It made more sense to me since I always have access to my ms account through pc or phone. And I don't have to worry about 3rd party stuff. It's a calendar, not like google offers any more incentive.
Suggestion from Microsoft Forums (
RuiDSCraveiro replied on August 5, 2016

Hi all,
I have found a workaround for the technically advanced. I'm afraid I don't have time to give a proper explanation right yet, but I will share the broad approach.
The problem is that Google decided to restrict the User Agent that is identified by Windows Phone webview. So, the trick is to, well, trick google into thinking we're using an accepted User-Agent. How?
Install and run Fiddler on a PC.
Get your PC's IP address.
Setup Fiddler to accept remote connections.
Setup Fiddler with the following filter:
Set Request Header.
? First box (name): User-Agent
? Second box (value): Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.82 Safari/537.36
Extract Fiddler's root HTTP certificate.
Copy that certificate to the phone (via whatever, for instance USB).
On the phone, use the file explorer app to find the certificate and double tap it. Import the certificate.
Change your wi-fi connection's proxy to the PC's IP address and port 8888, which is Fiddler's default unless you've changed it.
Try to add the account. It should work now.
Basically, what happens is that fiddler will be intercepting each call to Google and replacing the User Agent for one that Google still accepts. It is one **** of an hack, and Google should fix this (or Microsoft needs to scramble to update the user-agents).
Don't forget to undo the proxy configuration.
This problem seems to be on all (or many) Windows 10 mobile versions, including official releases. Problem occur when you either change your google password, or try to recover your phone from a backup, or when trying to link a new google account to your phone.

If you have no problems with your Google account with your Windows device, you should do nothing. Do NOT update password. Do NOT reset your device. Do NOT recover your device from a backup. Just be happy your mail, calendar and contacts sync ok.

If you have this problem, then there are workarounds for receiving emails, and you are able to transfer contacts from google to ms account. I do not know of a workaround for the calendar other than using your browser (but still you receive no calendar notifications on your phone until Google fix the bug).

As I wrote it seems that it is a Google issue, and MS can not fix it without Google.
To reproduce the OAuth problem, you can make a request to:

using User Agent:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows Phone 8.1; ARM; Trident/8.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 930) like Gecko

or using User Agent:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows Phone 8.1; ARM; Trident/8.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; Microsoft; Lumia 640 XL LTE Dual SIM) like Gecko

You can then see that Google Site redirects to:

I can not think of this bug being there by mistake. I guess someone figured this to be a good hit against MS and MS users.

I guess many users will move to android or ios devices if this bug is not fixed within hours.
I can not think of this bug being there by mistake. I guess someone figured this to be a good hit against MS and MS users.

I guess many users will move to android or ios devices if this bug is not fixed within hours.

I went in a total google boycott at the time WP8.0 went out: if Google doesn't want me as a WP user then I don't need them. I moved everything I had with them including my own domains and never used Google (even search) once again.
I guess many users will move to android or ios devices if this bug is not fixed within hours.

Within hours?... I have this issue since tuesday, no one gives a s**t. No official response from MS nor Google, simply useless.
That for me is a second strike. First one, was the spotify update that got it nearly impossible to use due to the new interface be too demanding. Second one was this, seriously, MS should had forseen this and now they prove I am right by not giving a s**t about it. I have an office cell phone it?s an LG L70, it?s clearly inferior to my 640xl, but the system flows perfectly, spotify loads in seconds, if it wasn?t by the tiny screen I would have already moved to it and left my 640 xl to dust.
I found this tip from PdG1974 over on the Gmail help forums, and it has worked for me - so far.

Add a new account for calendar/contacts by choosing iCloud. Enter your Google email address and password (remember to generate a new one-time password if you're using 2-step authentication), and follow the directions below to change the servers.

My calendar and contacts are synced up now on my Lumia 950.
PdG1974 said:
I fixed it by choosing imap for e-mail and created another account where I chose iCloud (?!?) for contacts and calendar. You have to change the servers to google (imap and smtp). For contactserver and calendarserver you just fill in Google. Workes so far.
I found this tip from PdG1974 over on the Gmail help forums, and it has worked for me - so far.

Add a new account for calendar/contacts by choosing iCloud. Enter your Google email address and password (remember to generate a new one-time password if you're using 2-step authentication), and follow the directions below to change the servers.

My calendar and contacts are synced up now on my Lumia 950.
PdG1974 said:
I fixed it by choosing imap for e-mail and created another account where I chose iCloud (?!?) for contacts and calendar. You have to change the servers to google (imap and smtp). For contactserver and calendarserver you just fill in Google. Workes so far.

Just tried this on my Google for Work account (legacy free edition) and it didn't work. Might work for personal accounts though.

I was close to actually ordering a few Lumia 650s for my wife's company to deploy to staff in the field but since she uses Google for Work, this won't do what we need. Looks like I'll need to acquire some inexpensive Android devices instead (maybe the Moto X Pure or Nexus 5X when the new Nexus is slated to arrive).
Just tried this on my Google for Work account (legacy free edition) and it didn't work. Might work for personal accounts though.

I was close to actually ordering a few Lumia 650s for my wife's company to deploy to staff in the field but since she uses Google for Work, this won't do what we need. Looks like I'll need to acquire some inexpensive Android devices instead (maybe the Moto X Pure or Nexus 5X when the new Nexus is slated to arrive).

This is exactly what I mean. Google is used by businesses. Microsoft claims to be pointed at businesses. Microsoft/OEM phones can't access google services. Not. Good. The elite here can't actually think work arounds, Jerry rigging, and non standard means of adding accounts aren't going to sway current, or even converts, away from the platform.... Huge bowl of crack being smoked.
Has anyone else noticed that with an account, there are no notifications on the phone when a new e-mail arrives? I receive notifications on my MS band 2 but not on the phone. They are listed under the notification area but no sound or other notification is present when an e-mail arrives. I also have an exchange account for work which works as before.

I am curious if others are not receiving notifications since the 8/2 update.
So at least you'll have your mail until this gets sorted. Luckily I stopped using google calender and migrated everything over to my MS account. It made more sense to me since I always have access to my ms account through pc or phone. And I don't have to worry about 3rd party stuff. It's a calendar, not like google offers any more incentive.

I just migrated everything to Microsoft and now I have an odd issue. When I had reminders in my Google calendar I got them via notification. Now that they are in my Outlook calendar I get both an email and a pop-up notification. Can't see where to change this, either on PC or mobile. I can see that I can turn reminders on and off and set when in advance they come, but not how to keep the pop-up but get rid of the email.
Just tried adding a Google account again on my 640 and it worked. Looks like the problem has been resolved somehow.
Just tried adding a Google account again on my 640 and it worked. Looks like the problem has been resolved somehow.

I was also able to add my google account again, but I still receive no notifications for the or gmail accounts. Weird.

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