Cerulean Moment Goes Indiegogo

I really do not understand the logic there. I listened to the pod cast on Friday. My take from it is it all ties into their views on how silent Microsoft is with mobile. I do not see how writing articles on non-windows mobile items or non-windows specific related items (Android/iOS) ties into getting Microsoft to come clean and announce something specific about Mobile. Let alone trying to get them to fork over 1M for the funding.

It is not a game, and that is what it seems like from my perspective.
The ball is in our court. Only we can make this phone a reality.

Plot twist: WhartonBrooks actually has an investor, and all the money they need. At the (literal) last minute, said investor will "pledge" whatever is needed to hit $1.1 million. This way, they at least are guaranteed as many sales as how many devices were pledged in the crowdfunding campaign.
Plot twist: WhartonBrooks actually has an investor, and all the money they need. At the (literal) last minute, said investor will "pledge" whatever is needed to hit $1.1 million. This way, they at least are guaranteed as many sales as how many devices were pledged in the crowdfunding campaign.

Knight in shining armor?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Plot twist: WhartonBrooks actually has an investor, and all the money they need. At the (literal) last minute, said investor will "pledge" whatever is needed to hit $1.1 million. This way, they at least are guaranteed as many sales as how many devices were pledged in the crowdfunding campaign.

Got a link?
So, I'm back in. Have the cash built back up and I need to put my money where my mouth is.

If, by some miracle, this goes forward that would be groovy by me.

Again though, I'm really disillusioned by the apparent apathy of our user base.

There is about 20 hours left in the campaign.
Again though, I'm really disillusioned by the apparent apathy of our user base.

My friend, you are mistaken if you think apathy of the user base is the main reason the "Moment" didn't get funded. There are many words I could use to describe the Windows Mobile community. Apathetic is not one of them.
The way I look at it (still) is this... A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

When this was announced it was the only confirmed phone for W10M with a 2017 release. The sole entry into the field.

Everyone is in hover mode waiting for a mystical Surface messiah to save us. Still no word other than "wait some more."

Rumors of a maybe X3 refresh from HP. What does that even mean? Consumer oriented or more business stuff at high $? Nobody knows and still no announcement.

Rumors of a new Alcatel. Still nobody knows for sure and they have unaddressed firmware issues with what they already have on the table and they are dragging their feet to get Idol 4S Windows released outside the US. Not auspicious. I like my Idol well enough, but the demonstarble lack of commitment from Alcatel leaves me cold in the end. And there is still no announcement.

Later, after the crowdfund effort for Moment started, we heard of a Wileyfox phone. Cool. But UK only then maybe EU. When? Don't know. How far will it spread? Don't know. I still have a gut feeling the Wileyfox is the Moment rebadged. Something about the announcement makes me willing to bet it is so. And it would make sense as the territory that will be covered does not overlap Wharton Brooks' area. But again, this was not known until after the crowd fund and still no date.

And then we have the recent news (after the crowd fund started) about Coship's AI PCphone... When? Again there is no telling.

But meantime the only confirmed release for our platform is being passed by.

We are sending a quite clear signal. Interpret that how you will... I still think it looks incredibly bad that the community won't support a new player and give them some momentum and incentive to grow. We'd rather let the only phone we know of for sure this entire year die on the vine.
I agree with @RumoredNow. I do not know for sure how many users here were not willing to even support them. But it speaks more than words when a user base in the thousands on the forums here exist and only 102 backers are showing in the indiegogo campaign. Don't have to buy the phone to support them, and that is where I got disappointed.
When this was announced it was the only confirmed phone for W10M with a 2017 release. The sole entry into the field.

But meantime the only confirmed release for our platform is being passed by.

We'd rather let the only phone we know of for sure this entire year die on the vine.

An indiegogo, by a no name company that has literally zero track record in the industry, and requires $1,000,000 for production is hardly "confirmed."

Later, after the crowdfund effort for Moment started, we heard of a Wileyfox phone.

Unlike Wharton Brooks, Wileyfox is a reputable OEM. They have a record of actually producing and distributing hardware. Their entry into the market is far more encouraging.

We are sending a quite clear signal.

The market signal that there's a lack of interest in Windows Mobile was sent to OEMs long before this "Moment." Windows Mobile market share has been dwindling and stalled for a long time. 1% of the marketshare doesn't send clear signals. At least not ones that anyone cares about.

Don't have to buy the phone to support them, and that is where I got disappointed.

I'm all about ending world hunger. But I didn't give the cash in my wallet to the homeless guy I passed by on my way to work this morning. Would you chide me for that?

Honestly - What are we accomplishing by guilting the Windows faithful for not supporting this failed venture? Being a Windows 10 Mobile user has enough challenges. One of the lowkey benefits is the unity and camaraderie of the fan base. See someone using a Lumia on the train? New friend! It's great!

Let's give people the benefit of the doubt rather than calling their passion for the platform into question.

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