Cerulean Moment Goes Indiegogo

I'm all about ending world hunger. But I didn't give the cash in my wallet to the homeless guy I passed by on my way to work this morning. Would you chide me for that?

Honestly - What are we accomplishing by guilting the Windows faithful for not supporting this failed venture? Being a Windows 10 Mobile user has enough challenges. One of the lowkey benefits is the unity and camaraderie of the fan base. See someone using a Lumia on the train? New friend! It's great!

Let's give people the benefit of the doubt rather than calling their passion for the platform into question.
Nobody should have to judge another for what he knows he ought to do, but we are not talking faith here. Windows 10 mobile devices. It is a consumer driven world my friend, and I should be disappointed to think in such a naive way that folks would up and at least cheer them on. However I am one to give anyone the benefit of the doubt, unless you are sitting right next to me as an open book. I will add that you do not even need buy the phone, and you do not even need to contribute 1 dollar. Let's just be positive. Again, I have no clue who I am chatting with on the web except for what they state in the context of posts...
Nobody should have to judge another for what he knows he ought to do, but we are not talking faith here. Windows 10 mobile devices. It is a consumer driven world my friend, and I should be disappointed to think in such a naive way that folks would up and at least cheer them on. However I am one to give anyone the benefit of the doubt, unless you are sitting right next to me as an open book. I will add that you do not even need buy the phone, and you do not even need to contribute 1 dollar. Let's just be positive. Again, I have no clue who I am chatting with on the web except for what they state in the context of posts...

With that said, I hope Cerulean over comes the challenges thus far :)
I think the biggest thing that bothers me, support them or not, is the negativity. Why, so you can say "I told you so"?
As others have said, at least cheer them on. What does that hurt?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Exactly. I called an I individual out on a blog post for just flat out insulting Greg. The comment made was not even relevant to the blog topic at hand. I guess some feel the need to use the internet for their own personal game show.
wow the campaign is already almost over. Wonder what happens in 3hrs time....

At least on the software side our existing (*cough* eligible) devices should keep getting more and more features!
I think the biggest thing that bothers me, support them or not, is the negativity. Why, so you can say "I told you so"?
As others have said, at least cheer them on. What does that hurt?
Sent from mTalk on my SP4

No one here said "I told you so..."

I think this whole "Moment" kerfuffle has been sad and embarrassing for everyone involved. No one wins here.
It's all over the comments everywhere, all the naysayers waiting to pop the "told you so" card
1% of the marketshare doesn't send clear signals. At least not ones that anyone cares about.

Interestingly the "install base" is more like 1-2.5% (the number of actual users out there in the wild). There are more users WITH windows 10 mobile phones in % than there are people out their buying new ones in %.

Which suggests that OEMs aren't quite offering the right kind of proposition yet (as well as that UWP is a work in progress). Given the popularity of cheaper models, I think this may partly well be a better speced midrange offering that is missing.

Budget devices are the growing market, and an area with win10 mobile has always done well, but the current offerings both have only 1gb of ram, and meagre storage.

The rest of OEM releases have been focused more on the "flagship" idea, which maybe for HP and the 4s have worked to a degree, but I don't think the gap that seems to be present between "affordable" and "decent" is helping sales.
I think they should do what Alcatel did, and offer a SD820 device. But do better on the fw/sw support side. But they would have to come at this from a whole other angle then the way they first did here.

The IDOL 4s unlocked is under 280.00 still.
I think they should do what Alcatel did, and offer a SD820 device. But do better on the fw/sw support side. But they would have to come at this from a whole other angle then the way they first did here.

The IDOL 4s unlocked is under 280.00 still.

Yeah the idol isn't bad price wise for what it is, for sure. For the ram and processor, and screen its low priced. I'd be tempted if the EU version supports my local frequencies for sure.

But the only machine I feel justified in spending a lot of money on is something with grunt, like a PC or console. So as much as possible I shop midrange always with tablets and phones, specially seeing as the device turnover is high.

I think if something like the last Moly phone had shipped worldwide with compatible frequencies, it would have sold quite fast relatively to say, the 950 or 650. It had good reviews, was decently spec'd and came at an attractive price. Only downside and it's kinda ***** was no insiders program. Which is kind of dealbreaker these days.
My refund processed this morning.

So they didn't send you one they had around the office? Although I didn't expect that to happen, I thought it was a neat request! But I suppose most of the 100 or so supporters who paid for a phone would have wanted one as well.
So they didn't send you one they had around the office? Although I didn't expect that to happen, I thought it was a neat request! But I suppose most of the 100 or so supporters who paid for a phone would have wanted one as well.

I figured it would never happen either, but I also figured why not ask...

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