Crashing/Battery Issues


New member
Jul 30, 2013
So for about the last 3 months, my phone has been driving me crazy... It's been having issues with restarting randomly, battery draining extremely quickly, buggy software, SD card resets, and more.

Currently, the phone is running 10.0.15063.297

Originally, I thought it was a bad SD card, since I'd get the error on startup that it had bad data. I bought a new SD card and installed and at the same time did a hard reset.

All problems are still happening. I ended up buying a new battery from Ebay, but am still having the issues.

Maybe the battery that I purchased was a bad one as well, but I've run out of options. Having to carry around a battery bank with me because the phone can't even make it more than a few hours before it dies.

Can anyone recommend a good battery supplier or think of what else could be wrong? I really don't want to have to give up on WP, but this issue is something that I don't want to keep dealing with.
Someone mentioned on this forum somewhere that microsoft is selling genuine batteries from 27th March. will see if I can find the link.

FYI: I am having the exact problem as you - except the sd card resetting. just posting it off back to b2x support and I hear it had been fixed and is on its way back. somehow, I doubt its fixed but wait and see!
I had all the crash/reboot problems. I bought a genuine 950xl battery from dhgate and all the problems have gone. The battery was branded Microsoft - maybe I was just lucky.
So for about the last 3 months, my phone has been driving me crazy... It's been having issues with restarting randomly, battery draining extremely quickly, buggy software, SD card resets, and more.

Currently, the phone is running 10.0.15063.297

Originally, I thought it was a bad SD card, since I'd get the error on startup that it had bad data. I bought a new SD card and installed and at the same time did a hard reset.

All problems are still happening. I ended up buying a new battery from Ebay, but am still having the issues.

Maybe the battery that I purchased was a bad one as well, but I've run out of options. Having to carry around a battery bank with me because the phone can't even make it more than a few hours before it dies.

Can anyone recommend a good battery supplier or think of what else could be wrong? I really don't want to have to give up on WP, but this issue is something that I don't want to keep dealing with.

Try to match the battery's RM-XXXX with the phone's version, e.g My phone's RM is 1116 so look for one online that matches up. You may see mostly RM-1118 check for phone's information to be sure. After that use the WDRT with the new battery installed and install OS updates which should start from the 10586 branch. I did that with my L950XL DS and so far I'm very pleased with the results, no restarts as yet. I strongly believe that the restarts have gotten worse based on the bad batteries + the OS updates that are not properly optimized for these devices to function optimally and as a result we're getting constant restarts and high battery drainage.
Try to match the battery's RM-XXXX with the phone's version, e.g My phone's RM is 1116 so look for one online that matches up. You may see mostly RM-1118 check for phone's information to be sure. After that use the WDRT with the new battery installed and install OS updates which should start from the 10586 branch. I did that with my L950XL DS and so far I'm very pleased with the results, no restarts as yet. I strongly believe that the restarts have gotten worse based on the bad batteries + the OS updates that are not properly optimized for these devices to function optimally and as a result we're getting constant restarts and high battery drainage.


How to Find RM-XXXX with the phone version. ??

I am facing same issue as posted above; the battery doesn't last for 1.30 Hours. The phone starts rebooting once disconnected from charging & also while working on anything the screen goes blank or get restarted automatically.

Phone model is - Microsoft Lumia 950 XL Dual SIM
OS Build - 10.0.15063.297

Does this problem fix with the battery replacement only or do i need to rebuild the OS again. ?

Also, i have a problem with notification not showing on screen.
when the phone is the lock; any notification came either Message notify or Wattsaap or any other app notif; it vibrates & sound but the phone still in idle mode (not wakeup with the new notif on screen)

Is this a sensor problem (hardware related) ??

please provide your input at earliest.

it very irritating to carry powerbank connected to phone all the time.
phone is heating up very speedily while self restarting.

How to Find RM-XXXX with the phone version. ??

I am facing same issue as posted above; the battery doesn't last for 1.30 Hours. The phone starts rebooting once disconnected from charging & also while working on anything the screen goes blank or get restarted automatically.

Phone model is - Microsoft Lumia 950 XL Dual SIM
OS Build - 10.0.15063.297

Does this problem fix with the battery replacement only or do i need to rebuild the OS again. ?

Also, i have a problem with notification not showing on screen.
when the phone is the lock; any notification came either Message notify or Wattsaap or any other app notif; it vibrates & sound but the phone still in idle mode (not wakeup with the new notif on screen)

Is this a sensor problem (hardware related) ??

please provide your input at earliest.

it very irritating to carry powerbank connected to phone all the time.
phone is heating up very speedily while self restarting.

If it is a dual sim 950 XL then it is RM-1116_XXXXX
If it is a single sim 950 XL then it is RM-1085_XXXXX
Can anyone paste a good source or link for the batteries on the 950 XL model?

They are 3400/3340 mAh
BV-T4D is the model I see. The one in this phone is from 10/22/2015, one of the original. I want to get a spare while I can.

Looks like this person on Ebay is still selling them New. Replace Battery BV-T4D.

The one I linked though says it is unbranded/generic so I guess buy with caution.

Amazon is sold out atm.
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Radio Tech here, I've been using some of our testing equipment at work (sorry bossman) and I have finally figured out what the problem is with the 950 single and dual sim rebooting and shutting down.
1. factory battery has a high rate of voltage drop on discharge (at 50% voltage is 2.9V on my seasoned battery)
2.OS has a low tolerance for voltage drop and does not manage a low voltage situation well.
I connected my phone to a adjustable power supply, when I dropped voltage to anywhere near 3.6 the phone started locking up and resetting. when voltage was held at a steady 3.8 phone ran 4 days with heavy downloading, bitcoin mining and constant video playback without locking up once.

the only logical fix for this problem is to replace the battery as other have suggested, its just that I now have some measurable proof that the stock batter does not age well... so to speak.

I ordered a new battery off amazon and have been running stable for a week now. and on the plus side it fits more snugly into the battery compartment on phone.
Radio Tech here, I've been using some of our testing equipment at work (sorry bossman) and I have finally figured out what the problem is with the 950 single and dual sim rebooting and shutting down.
1. factory battery has a high rate of voltage drop on discharge (at 50% voltage is 2.9V on my seasoned battery)
2.OS has a low tolerance for voltage drop and does not manage a low voltage situation well.
I connected my phone to a adjustable power supply, when I dropped voltage to anywhere near 3.6 the phone started locking up and resetting. when voltage was held at a steady 3.8 phone ran 4 days with heavy downloading, bitcoin mining and constant video playback without locking up once.

the only logical fix for this problem is to replace the battery as other have suggested, its just that I now have some measurable proof that the stock batter does not age well... so to speak.

I ordered a new battery off amazon and have been running stable for a week now. and on the plus side it fits more snugly into the battery compartment on phone.

Great find. Batteries like any other mass produced items do not all function exactly the same. So it stands to truth that some batteries age well and others do not. Especially since they're are chemically engineered. As posted my Lumia 950 XL battery is from October 2015. But I have not had voltage drops/reboots or atleast ones that cause stability issues. Yet it depletes at an incredible rate sometimes 10% per hour. So maybe not long before I see one...I heard also that wireless charging over and over or explicitly ages the battery faster or differently.
I was watching others complain about 950 and 950 xl while mine was running trouble free. But with one of the last updates, I started having problems especially when picking the phone up when it had been face down. When I would press the power button i would usually see the infrared light go on and then I would feel it buzz and reboot. Now I have turned off the feature to autoadjust the screen brightness and have only had trouble once since and it has been several days. Don't know exactly what is going on, but it seems more stable now. Maybe adjusting the brightness cause some sort of battery surge that the os doesn't like?
Amazon UK is now selling non-OEM replacement batteries for the 950XL - manufactured, or labelled, by Cameron Sino. They have a one-year guarantee. I wonder if they're any good.

I'm waiting for someone to review them too. Too many reports of buying batteries on Amazon or eBay and them only charging to 80% etc. My 950xl battery is pretty poor but doesn't reboot or power off or anything. I'm not sure if it's just the phone being power hungry or if it's just not holding the same charge it did when new I've brought 2 batteries from them and my phone hasn't restarted once (Going on three months). I've recommended to a few others on here and on reddit and everyone who has purchase from them, has been 100% satisfied. They've have always mention that shipping has been extremely fast.
2950 mAh? why did it drop 500 mAh more or less for that product?

I just bought one off ebay and it stated it was rated at the exact same amp hours (3340) as the original.. But when I got it it labled that it was like 4250 mAh 16.xx Wh, I do not remember the exact numbers though. I was surprised. Of course Windows is not seeing more than the 12.9 Wh that the 3340 mAh original battery that came with it. But I think that is due to the Power config registry entries and PLAT and other boot partitions where that stuff is originally/statically configured.
Originally posted by Seldom
So for about the last 3 months, my phone has been driving me crazy... It's been having issues with restarting randomly, battery draining extremely quickly, buggy software, SD card resets, and more.

Currently, the phone is running 10.0.15063.297

Originally, I thought it was a bad SD card, since I'd get the error on startup that it had bad data. I bought a new SD card and installed and at the same time did a hard reset.

All problems are still happening. I ended up buying a new battery from Ebay, but am still having the issues.

Maybe the battery that I purchased was a bad one as well, but I've run out of options. Having to carry around a battery bank with me because the phone can't even make it more than a few hours before it dies.

Can anyone recommend a good battery supplier or think of what else could be wrong? I really don't want to have to give up on WP, but this issue is something that I don't want to keep dealing with.

Hey, I had similar issues with my phone. It is a battery problem that started with the creators update. I went to the microsoft store and the sales person told me that I was lucky to have bought the last battery available in stock. The sales representatives faced similar issues and had ordered new batteries of which I bought one.

Just replace your battery and then you will experience your phone like a new one.
Go to the microsoft store and get a new battery, if it aint in stock then ask them to order and wait. I got mine from the store in hyderabad India and it feels like I am using a new phone :)
Ok, if I'm not mistaken: if my 950xl constantly crashes I need a new battery?
The suggested answer is: go to a microsoft store ...
Problem: outside the US there seem to be three, three, 3!, stores!
Question: where can I get a battery?
get a new battery. I just replaced mine - and not crashed once.

Previously, it used to reboot just after I typed in the PIN, use the camera or when texting. Battery appears to be about 60% and then phone shutdown with dead battery symbol

now I don't get any reboots. In fact, I charged it up around 5.00pm yesterday, switching on/off, testing camera, browsing, installing apps, and as of 9.30pm this morning, I am at 67%. I am sure I never got anywhere near that.

btw, I got it from amazon. I guess I little more expensive but I couldn't wait with other suppliers. It appears to be a genuine battery

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