Die hard windows fans

I've been with the Windows Phone ecosystem since WP7 but I finally had to give up the ghost last month. After convincing my wife to switch from iPhone to an HTC 8X at the onset of WP8.1 it's been a battle. Losing critical apps related to banking and driving were difficult to explain away, watching her struggle with her phone and then trying to show her on my own phone and find I had the same issue was hard. Finally when my 950 and her BLU Win Jr (and my old BLU Win HD LTE which I gave her when the Win Jr got physically ruined by a stray cocktail spill) both physically would not stay ON, not receive phone calls (that absolutely killed it for her when her supervisor could not reach her while working at home) and not crash for more than a few hours I couldn't take it.

My decision was actually influenced by the writers at Windows Central. The recent spat of defeatist articles showed me that unless I wanted to stick it our for another year or so, praying the Surface Phone actually came out and actually was good, there was little hope.
I forget who did the review but the article on which Android phone was most accessible to Windows Phone users featured the Oneplus 3T which I immediately started stalking on eBay. I found first a used 3T which I gave to my wife which also was my learning experience with Android.

The app gap was profoundly demonstrated to me when I made the switch myself. Every app I've heard about is here and the one's that were available for Windows Phone are SOOOOO much better on Android, it was an eye opening experience. The performance of the Oneplus 3T is buttery smooth compared to the Lumia 950 I had. The camera is almost as good (I know I can't have it all) and I'm surprised that importing contacts is more difficult on Android but overall I'm starting to regret my stoic position on Windows Phone all these years. As I said to my wife when I hopped into my car for the 2nd time with this phone and the Bluetooth connection immediately kicked in and Groove Music picked up without missing a beat "I think we're going to see our quality of life increase from here on out on all things related to the phone."

It's been a good run, I know I'll miss Live Tiles and I hope to be back. Keep up the good fight, guys.
Nokia Lumia 520...lest we forget..

Microsoft stopped updating my Lumia 520 years ago and I currently have the last Windows 10 insider build running on it.
Still check it once every couple of months to update WhatsApp and FitBit as other apps have now all stopped/slowed their updates.
It's all very sad, just very sad.

Windows phone 10 could've been great for older people who just want the basics of a modern smart phone, without all the complications and fuss.

My battery will eventually become depleted and the Nokia Lumia 520 will fade and all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
I was a die hard been using since the gimped Verizon version of the HTC touch pro 1. I just couldn't deal with being left out of the Facebook updates. The app on windows phone is at least a few years out dated. I moved over to Android and the axon 7. There's just more hardware options and app support on Android.
I used Windows Phone 8/8.1 & Windows 10 Mobile on a Lumia Icon, then got a Lumia 950 XL after 2 years. I hit my last straw with Windows Phone last month, and went back to Android. My battery was draining terribly, even on standby, my camera lagged or froze in crucial moments when I needed it most on my 950 XL, and a lot of the apps I needed were getting canned by their respective developers. I still use Groove Music, Word, Outlook, OneDrive, and other Microsoft apps on Android now. I hope Microsoft returns with a good Mobile OS in the future, but I feel as if Windows 10 Mobile, right now, is going nowhere. I couldn't stick around, and it was painful to switch. I still have my 950 XL as a backup and love using it from time to time still. If the Surface Phone rumors ever come true, I'll be back for sure.
Microsoft - start copying iPhone 8 features NOW!!!! Shamelessly do it!
Mobile is life....

Just Do Something!!! (not trademarked by Nike)
I will abandon Winphone when Satya say MS quit mobile. Until then, I have my 2x 950XL. Not sure if I can live with Elite X3 camera though.
I'm using an Alcatel IDOL 4S and a Lumia 950XL mainly for the camera and have had no real app gap issues. MSFT has a lot of apps that I used as secondary anyway so when weather apps like Advanced Weather HD, or Flipboard discontinued though I was a little disappointed, I was able to get pretty much the same information. The MSN app suite is still one of my favorites. I wish MSFT would have all MSN apps like they have weather, sports, and news. The way the live tiles present the information to you is still the crowning feature in my opinion, and you if you're integrated in the MSFT ecosystem like I am (Surface 3, Xbox One) I have no reason to switch.
The battery problems on my Lumia 950XL with the random shutdowns/reboots have made way too inconvenient, both for personal and professional needs. I've been on the team since the Windows Mobile days, but I think it's finally come to a point where I'm actually excited about other device options. I've been looking a lot into LG's V30, launching soon, and it looks like a killer device...super powerful camera with Nokia-type camera app settings galore, plus expandable storage, Qi, latest processor, and much more. It seems to tick off a lot of my musts, which Microsoft's/Nokia's devices had met up until recently. Maybe one day we do see something out of the Surface team, but I'm very much done with waiting for now.
Started with Lumia 920, currently have a 950, and still continue to be amazed at this technology. I'll stay with Windows 10 Mobile as long as I can get a very high quality device, with fantastic camera functionality, and can afford it. The engineers who work on work on Windows 10 Mobile and Windows 10 OS are amazing! Microsoft is a business that has to appeal to real consumers, not just to fans. I'm not emotional about it, just realistic, hoping MS and/or its OEM partners find a way to make more money with phones with this amazing OS, to justify its continued existence/expansion. Realistically I rely on my Windows 10 tablet (currently a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro S) more than my phone, and I think that will be a trend in the future (I don't know when). I think as the pendulum swings back, more people will focus less on apps on their phones and perhaps become a little less phone-centric again. I may be wrong, but that is where I am today.
The App Gap drives me crazy because if developers would simply make the apps they would run on my Surface Pro my wife's Windows 8" Tablet and possibly even Xbox so even if there was not one Windows Phone there is a huge Market! I work in IT so I end up supporting both iOS and Android Phones and I have been trying to actually use a Galaxy Note 5 but the lack of context word suggestions and the fact that spell check screws up what I typed correctly while failing to correct the mistakes I actually make. I wiped the phone and get a bricked phone back. Other than about 4 Apps I really like and the stylus I despise the using the think! Luckily I have a 950XL so it should keep working for me for at least another year or two. When it dies I am thinking I will go back to a Flip Phone if I can find one. I just can't deal with stupid smartphone after having a Windows Phone that works except for the App Gap.
Have been using WP as my primary AND only OS since 2013, love how beautiful and unique the OS is, and what really keeps me loving it IS YOU THE PASSIONATE OPTIMISTIC COMMUNITY!!! + can't see my self with Android (even though I'm a Nokia fan) neither Apple user 🤢
Short period of time (4 years), through these 48 months MS have rebooted WP 3 times, with each release more from other platforms with uniqueness being killed + a huge ignorance from MS and many Dev, even though can get whatever I want done on my 930...
I got a Lumia 730. Just not interested in moving to any other platform. The phone design, size , UI smoothness, camera just makes me feel good everyday while using it. Will stay with it till the end.
Such an awesome phone/OS which is in a worst situation.

Have a Nexus 5 for backup (In case I wanna use any apps/games not available in Windows)
Lol. I've got windows phones coming out of my ears...figuratively speaking. Well not so much any more I suppose... 3 1520s, a 1320, and a 929 (have a Madosma Q601 on its way..). I used to have the latest flagships. But they're expensive when they break. I really enjoy them and what the OS offers.
To be honest I love my lumia icon. Unfortunately I'm about to give up on it. I love the windows ecosystem. I like a lot of the things about that environment that none of the other phones can provide. My phone is getting old. I don't like that I can't really use it heavy without the battery dying or the phone getting to hot. I am trying to put a second battery in my phone now. Microsoft has been making numerous mistakes which is causing me to give up on them with the phones. Let me start by saying they are scrambling. They are making so many big changes that app developers have gotten tired of making apps for a device no one uses. They are also pushing the low end phones. Thats a big mistake. When I got my first windows phone, it was a phone and it worked. In a room full of people recording, you weren't. At the airport or restaurant when people watch videos on their phone, you would be leaning over to see theirs also. When I upgraded to the lumia icon, most of that changed. It was a phone that literally phones today still lag behind. The build was awesome. The feel was awesome. The screen looked great. The features like the 20mp camera and wireless charging were and still are above most of the phones out here. With all that being said, where did they go wrong? They wanted to close down the lumia plant. They made great phones. They upgraded to windows 10 which was so different than 8.1 that a lot of the developers said screw it. Windows was on the cutting edge. Cortona has been around. If that was such a bad idea why is siri, hey google, and alexa out here. I am just so pissed at windows for making fatal errors. I can sell the windows phones to people but they need to work and have access to at least the top apps. Amazon, facebook, and other major apps have given up on this phone. My advice to microsoft is to take an idea and build on it like windows 8.1. Screw the continuum feature. Make that an option on the high end versions without completely jacking up the operating system. The windows phones were fast with almost no lag or freezes. I hate to dump my phone but I'm probably going to get the iphone x soon. Also one last thing. Put the hardware in it so all networks work. I'm on Verizon. I've been left hanging by microsoft. If I wasn't I would have probably bought the hp elite x3. Fix this. I've been on windows long enough and I'm going to miss it but they left me.
after 5 years with my yellow 920 (excellent phone), i change for a white 1520 4 months ago, for now i'm stay on Windows phone.
I feel like I've walked into a group therapy session of people who refuse to let go of their rotting 8-track collection. Maybe in 10 years we'll see Tommy Lee Jones pull out a windows phone while driving a 2017 Ford Crown Vic.
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

I still love Windows, but unfortunately I switched over to Android, but I keep my old Windows phones around as back up. It just got too annoying that the apps we're outdated. I hope Microsoft gets their phones up to date. The start screen is the best, and the camera is excellent.
Idol 4s owner here. I recently picked up a heavily discounted LeEco LE-S3 and am currently trying to assimilate into the world of Android - for the third time now.

the LE-S3's PROS:
- apps, apps, apps
- the quality of said apps
- build quality of a much more expensive phone - all metal design - decent screen
- super quick fingerprint reader - especially compared to the Idol 4s
- did I mention apps

- buggy - constantly seeing "sorry, (name of app) has stopped" messages throughout the day
- must reboot phone at least twice daily for it to remain stable
- tons of unremovable bloatware - on a non-carrier-subsidized phone !?
- default apps for dialer, contacts, and messaging no where near as good as Google stock Android apps, and
- stock Google dialer and contacts NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS PHONE - per Play Store
- wifi calling works less than 20% of the time - on the same wifi network where 3 WM phones work flawlessly
- a lot of functionality that's baked into WM requires apps and/or tweaking on Android

If it weren't for the one job-related app I need to get work done, I'd chuck this thing.

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