Discussion following the Windows 10 Event!

Re: Waiting room for W10 :few hours left:

Do any of you guys if there are anywhere I can find the video of the event when it is released without seeing any spoilers? I am not able to see the livestream but would like to see the event and getting as suprised as you watching it live.
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

Nobody really knows exactly what will and will not be talked about, because the topics have been kept secret. If you want to know what they will present, just watch the event.

^This^! Anything else is pretty much just speculation. It starts at lunchtime for me, 12:00PM EST, so the timing is perfect!
Re: Waiting room for W10:A day more:

Perfect if you're EST.
As usual with MS, the rest of the world can go hang.
Re: Waiting room for W10 :few hours left:

The actual event day there goes on until about 8pm pacific. This is just the initial presentation that is streamed. Rest of the day is workshops and 1 on 1 with press and media so we may see more info hit later as well. We shall see.
Re: Waiting room for W10 :few hours left:

Workshops and 1:1's on zero new features/hardware/vision sounds like a dull day.
Re: Waiting room for W10 :few hours left:

Do any of you guys if there are anywhere I can find the video of the event when it is released without seeing any spoilers? I am not able to see the livestream but would like to see the event and getting as suprised as you watching it live.
According to this article an on-demand version of the stream will be made available shortly after the live presentation on the same page the stream took place: Windows 10: The Next Chapter
Re: Waiting room for W10 :few hours left:

Go out and catch up with friends. It will still be the same (disappointing) news tomorrow.
Re: Waiting room for W10 :few hours left:

*edit* never mind. The stream wasn't working for me but now it is.
Re: Waiting room for W10 :few hours left:

Go out and catch up with friends. It will still be the same (disappointing) news tomorrow.

Oh, can you stop being pessimistic and join us to see what MS has to offer today? If no, then you should really hang out with your friends ;-)
Re: Waiting room for W10 :few hours left:

I can't even get the live stream to work on my Lumia, had to pull out my iPhone to get the Microsoft page to load properly. *Sigh* They've definitely (or should I say "defiantly" ;-P) got some work to do for this OS.
Re: Waiting room for W10 :few hours left:

Oh, can you stop being pessimistic and join us to see what MS has to offer today? If no, then you should really hang out with your friends ;-)

true that..... MS didnt promised anything super excited or preview release date to betray or delay i guess we all are waiting to see future of our phones :)
Re: Waiting room for W10 :few hours left:

Can't wait until Daniel starts posting pics of the inside of the room! There are always little tidbits that can be gleaned from before the event.
Re: Waiting room for W10 :few hours left:

every one refresh yourselves have some food ... and come back !! :P

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