Do you have random battery drain

I just received a replacement 920 because of the battery issues. The replacement phone will be going back for the same reason. I will continue to send defective devices back until they send me a NEW or a DIFFERENT model! I have replaced 6 different 920s for various OS and mechanical defects.
2-3 days?!! which phone do you use?
with my L820, with all apps blocked for background processing, with 2G data on all the time, i barely make it to 20-22hrs (incl 6-8hrs of idle time. when i'm asleep)

I have an L920. Try turning off location services and see how well you do.
I've not yet had any sudden, major difference, but I'm seeing signficant swings while on standby. Prior to Amber, 2.5% per hour, very consistently. Wifi always on, no BT, no GPS. That's almost four days. (It's important to use standby, preferably for overnight, since other than standby there are too many variables.) Of course, no glance, no triple tap.

I've beern trying to get a handle on w/Glance, and/or with triple tap, and things are all over the ballpark. Overall, I'm usually seeing over 4% with both Glance and Tap turned off. And then another time, it's down to 2%.

found the same behavior on my htc8s. i am ussualy at average 1.7%/hour, but it sometimes raises to 5-10%/hour even i am using the phone exactly same way as usual. same background tasks, no new apps, etc..
soft reset ussually helps, but would be great if MS works this out for gdr3.
Good summary, & mirrors my NL 920 experience. I would add / emphasize:
- My phone almost lives on a charger - desk, car, bedside, etc.;
- I have very few apps, and all possible are blocked;
- Only live tiles are phone, 4 e-mail accounts, calendar, & Battery Pro +;
- I always fully close all apps when done with them;
- Hot 7 drain happens ~1-2+ X / week;
- Seems common after downloading app updates;
- Some apps seem to aggravate frequency / intensity of problem - I delete them almost immediately;
- Apps without obvious need for location (mining our phones for location advertising data) seem esp. troublesome;
- Nokia Drive + was awful;
- Being away from "urban density" cell phone towers is a sure thing killer;
- Above, with only one map (Google, Nokia Here, or Bing) AND charger heats & kills phone in 3-4 hours;
- When driving in country, & when phone heats up, the GPS function seems to die, & phone seems to lock to "nearby" cell towers, (frequently miles away from highway or present location), causing map function to constantly and incorrectly re-route or reset . . .
QUESTION: Does anyone know of a hardware or battery tool / app which gives numeric rate of charging in either milliamps, or at least percentages? (This would allow us to eliminate faulty or inadequate chargers from the mix.)
@artzznyzzz: If your phone lives on the charger, that could prevent a healthy battery. If your battery has not gone full charge to shuts-itself-off empty, cycled three times, your battery will not perform fully. It's the nature of all rechargeables, but lith-ions seem the worst (compared to nicads and NMH's)
More distant cell towers eat up batteries, that's a fact of cellular life, regardless of the phone. When a phone signal is week, the tower ramps up the transmitting power of the phone. Pretty cool.
Location services/GPS will always consume more power. It's the way it is. My Android used to drain in a couple of hours, the battery was almost hot. WP doesn't seem to suffer such consumption. But, sure, always turn the location app off when done.
Chargers aren't faulty or inadequate except for outright failure. All the charging controls are in the phone.
My phone went from 100% to the battery saving mode in 3 hours in airplane mode. I left it inside of a metallic locker at work. When I went on my break and picked up the phone I couldn't believe my eyes. As I have mentioned - airplane mode, just Bing Search was open. Wtf???
I have issues with random bouts if high energy drains. My battery app will just sometimes pop up a msg that the phones battery has dropped a large amount is the last 22 mins or whatever the time is. It happens usually when my phone is just on standby, nit being used and nothing is open in background or anything. And when I charge it only goes to 99% most of the time. Oh, mine is an htc 8x.

Sent from my iPad 3rd Gen using Tapatalk
I use Battery by Enless Soft on my Lumia 820.
I have reduced my average battery consumption from just under 4% an hour to about 1.65% - most dramatic effect was reducing background apps / settings.
Go to system, swipe right to applications, then disable stuff you don't need, ie, City Lens, Nokia Care, You Tube etc. Disable stuff like the xbox games service unless you use it, look in the Internet Explorer advanced settings for stuff like send browsing history and take that out. Music and Video you can turn the connect with Xbox options if you don't use them. In a nutshell if it communicates information, it needs an active (and power draining) connection. My phone is fine now. Btw I'm running Amber.
Took the phone off the charger at 7am and put it on my desk. I did not touch it until 2:30pm AT ALL. I noticed the battery was down to 25%. What!!! Then there's the days when I do the same exact thing and still have 85% then there are the days when doing the same thing it down to about 60%. Very erratic. I have all toast notifications turned off except texts off course and email is set to every 30 mins.
This is now a total turn off for me, forth or 5th time now, in 40 days. Charged it fully last night, did a minute of twitter, one forum also for like half a minute and i woke up with 44% 7 hours later. A classic reboot didn't help, had to do a soft reset. Are these people kidding me? What the __ is this, some alpha software/hardware? I'm so angry. I know i won't get a replacement in this stupid country and if they take it to 'service' they'll just keep the phone for 40 days and say everything is fine..
This is now a total turn off for me, forth or 5th time now, in 40 days. Charged it fully last night, did a minute of twitter, one forum also for like half a minute and i woke up with 44% 7 hours later. A classic reboot didn't help, had to do a soft reset. Are these people kidding me? What the __ is this, some alpha software/hardware? I'm so angry. I know i won't get a replacement in this stupid country and if they take it to 'service' they'll just keep the phone for 40 days and say everything is fine..

Like Bill Clinton, I feel your pain, Boris. When I got my Android several years ago, it had an 8 hour battery life, no GPS on! I got it up to 16, that was livable. May I suggest getting a battery on eBay and see if it does any better? They are cheap enough, and if you get a charger and battery combo, you can always have one fully charged. Don't forget to fully discharge and recharge a new battery three times. You've done that with yours, right?

Nokia repair isn't the black hole you think it is. They pay for two day UPS and the official time allowance in the shop is 7-10 days, but I had my phone back in, I think, 11 days total. The biggest problem is that despite what they tell you in the form that they send you, the link to check on status just takes you to the Nokia USA homepage, and you do not get a logged in to the system email as promised. And there is no page for checking on your phone that I could find. I had to do a chat session, was told it is in the shop, and then it appeared in two days! Then, a week later, I got an email saying that it has been shipped! So, don't rely on communications, but the service was more than adequate.

The biggest problem I had was getting my Nokia E73 to accept the micro-SIM with adapter into the slot. But it worked. I always advise friends and family and on forums to have a backup phone. No one heeds my advice and then they freak out when their phone is dropped, stolen, or goes in for service. Naked.
I'm not from US of A, i have to deal with 3rd world countrie customer service here.. And the battery cappacity isn't an issue, it's the ___ random drain that happenes from time to time which now totally ruined WP8 for me..
And li/ion battery don't need those 3 time charge/discharge.
Every forum (Android, IOS or WP) have this complaint.

Never had this kind of problem (Galaxy Ace, Galaxy SII, Lumia 710, Omnia W and now Lumia 820). So I think is more a misuse than a hardware or software problem. Why?

People want miracles from battery with only 1400mAh or 1600mAh. There is no miracle. If you use 3G or WiFi all the time, will have serious problem with battery life. If any Here app is running in the background, that's a problem too. The same for Facebook, 6tag, 6sec or any other that requires real-time notification. If you use a lot Whatsapp, also have problems with battery. If you play games sometimes, even 1 hour per day, it's a lot for a smartphone. Same for those who don't have a good and stable signal. The battery drains very fast, really fast in poor coverage areas.

So if you are a heavy user, don't even think to buy a smartphone with less than 2000mah battery. Or even more if you can.

Look for applications on Background Tasks and shut off those you don't use or don't need live notifications. Like Here apps, gMaps, etc.
OMFG, sorry but i have to write it like that. Why does everyone assume that we don't KNOW how to use the phone? It's not rocket science. Yes i did check everything that could be an issue, everything that makes sense (to waste battery) is turned off. In background tasks it's only Weather Flow and Battery Sense.
I'm not expecting miracles, that's NOT the issue here. When it works i get two days usage and that's perfectly fine. I just don't want random drain of 70, 80% while i'm SLEEPING and everything is the same as the night when there wasn't draining...
You see my point?
Look, man, I'm trying to not engage you, we tend to clash when we do. I see the numbers on the poll you posted, and I see the responses. Try as I might, however, I can't find any formal, official admission or recognition by Microsoft or Nokia that random battery drain is a "thing". Right now all it is, is a bunch of people gnashing their teeth and rage-gasming on forums and blogs.

If you want to get it addressed, you're doing it wrong.

Like I said in a post above, start collecting hard facts. No "I think", or "it tends to", or "sometimes". Hard facts. Have people start logging everything they did and had running when their battery took a digger. Send all that hard data to Microsoft and Nokia.

I've been a developer all my life. I can guarantee you that the way things are now, whatever issue which you guys are having is never going to get fixed because the people at Microsoft and Nokia are going to look at their phones and reply with "cannot reproduce problem." But if you give them hard data which will allow them to reproduce the issue, THAT is how you get it handled.

I'd be happy to help collect this data, but really, that's what has to happen.
How do you reckon i collect that data, I really have no idea what causes this, it's random, I just can't pinpoint to anything. If there was an app like Better Battery Stats like on Android, It would tell me what is the problematic app/process.
Offcourse Nokia or MS won't admit this as a problem, they are cowards like every other company, they might secretly fix it. And yes, as you can see by the poll numbers, we can't all be re*ards who don't know how to use a phone. Might aswell turn everything off, put it on Airplane?
I know this is not the way but tell me what is, how can i 'reach' Nokia or MS?
I'm not from US of A, i have to deal with 3rd world countrie customer service here.. And the battery cappacity isn't an issue, it's the ___ random drain that happenes from time to time which now totally ruined WP8 for me..
And li/ion battery don't need those 3 time charge/discharge.
Boris, you are absolutely wrong, wrong, wrong about lithions not needing the 3X charge discharge. I have been an amateur electronics person for over half a century. I have built camcorder battery packs way back, custom camera packs, and more. I've been through the original Gates branded new technology of spiral wound gel cells, nicads, NMH, and lith-ions. I have never seen an outta the box lithion that didn't get increased capacity from the 3X charge/discharge. Never. Sometimes the increase is minimal but noticable, and sometimes, like my new 2500mah battery recently, went from 12 hours of run time to 4 days.

I have had one incident of the sudden discharge rate you're experiencing. While you tend to think of the battery as a passive partner in your phone, it is not. It has a tiny chip in it reporting things back to the phone's power center. That's why there are three, and sometimes four, connectors on the batteries. This is the old Sony Info-Lithium system. Your phone could be consuming a lot of power suddenly, or the chip could be reporting falsely. In other words, there's still a lot of "juice", but the phone has been told there isn't.

I don't recall if you've addressed it before, but when this power surge happens, does the battery get warm? That would tend to indicate the problem is in the phone. Nor do I recall if you've done a hard reset. Sorry if the answer is "Yes."

I've given several real world tips to you, but you seem to rather keep complaining. What have you got to lose by doing the 3X system other than monitoring time? It's free, for crying out loud. I suggested you get another battery, preferably with a stand alone charger. I don't know about customs duty where you live, but if it is zero like here in the states, you can get TWO batteries and a charger for $10 or so. And you know what? If you won't send your phone in for service, then maybe your best option is keeping charging batteries and keep one in your pocket. I've done that in the past with two phones in particular.

As the gentlemen above suggested, you need to log these things if you ever expect to get help from anyone. Nokia or here.

A lot of people have tried to help you, Boris. It's time you figured out your course of action.
I didn't see i "refused" anyone's help? I appreciate all of the advice here offcourse, just there's no need for "you're using your phone wrong" kinda posts. That's not helping anyone, just irritating..

So then you reckon it's not 'late' for those 3X times charges, for how much, 12 hours a time, 2001 style? :) I mean, do you think it has something to do with my problem, it would help, or just i would get a bit more juice out of a charge..

Btw i still haven't hard reset it, waiting for the Amber.
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