Do you have random battery drain

How do you reckon i collect that data

Here's what I posted above:

It would probably be value-added for people who are experiencing this battery drain issue to log a few things before they bounce the phone. I'd recommend the last app used, open and/or tombstoned apps (long-press back, list everything shown), background tasks (at least unblocked, but might be good to have blocked as well), and any system service states (WiFi, Bluetooth, Location, NFC, etc.) Of course device and OS version should be logged, too.

A thread here on WPC could be used for logging; I think that's the only way you're going to get the data you need to formally prove and get official recognition that this is an issue, especially if commonalities begin to form amongst the data.

There would have to be a grass-roots effort to get as many people here on WPC and out on the 'net in general involved. I have a hosted SharePoint site I use for... well, general foolishness, I'd be happy to put together a list where WP users could go to submit the data every time they encounter this random battery drain issue.

I really have no idea what causes this, it's random, I just can't pinpoint to anything. If there was an app like Better Battery Stats like on Android, It would tell me what is the problematic app/process.

But there HAS to be something. Some combination of OS version/background tasks/installed applications/usage/whatever. Getting as many people to log their phone states when it happens is just step #1. Then the data has to be analyzed for commonalities.

how can i 'reach' Nokia or MS?

That I don't know. But with a bunch of collected data - actual, real data, not emotional, frustrated bursts - showing an actual problem, along with commonalities (or the lack thereof) published far and wide on the internet, they'll get the message. We can tweet it to every Microsoft and Nokia account on Twitter, every blog, every support system they've got. Once you have the data, and you start pushing it around, they'll listen.
That is a valid idea but it's just shooting in the dark when there's not a diagnostic app. A friend just told me that it might be cause i'm not using 3G. I'm on Edge and i've just switched to 3G, i'll see what happenes.
Also i'm delaying the factory reset for Amber, but it might be the case that it won't come out till like December in Europe for 520..
@Boris Lozac

Send your Lumia for Nokia Care, maybe there's a problem with battery. Did you ever try a hard reset?

And I'm sure that many of complaints here are a real problem. But what I said was for the most people, they simply expect miracles.

And your friend is wrong, 3G causes a very hard battery drain.
I didn't see i "refused" anyone's help? I appreciate all of the advice here offcourse, just there's no need for "you're using your phone wrong" kinda posts. That's not helping anyone, just irritating..

So then you reckon it's not 'late' for those 3X times charges, for how much, 12 hours a time, 2001 style? :) I mean, do you think it has something to do with my problem, it would help, or just i would get a bit more juice out of a charge..

Btw i still haven't hard reset it, waiting for the Amber.

My god, you haven't even tried a hard reset?????????????? Honestly, I don't believe that willl fix your problem, but it is worth a try. Especially if Amber is still 2-3 months out. Your sporadic battery drain has NOTHING to do with data speeds, although 4G will use some additional juice over its predecessors.

And yes, you can do the 3X charge/discharge at any time in a battery's life. Not sure what you are driving at by "12 hours at a time" stuff. How many times now? Drain until it shuts off, recharge to full, drain till it shuts off.........3X The hardest part of this, if you don't have an extra battey and charger - which I've advised to you spend $5-10 on - is timing. Where you are, what you are doing, charging source, security, when the battery goes dead.

Ok, relax guys, a hard reset is not going to fix the problem.

But Boris, honestly, there is no simple solution to the problem (i.e. turn off bluetooth, or wifi), and it seems like any app can cause the issue. Your best bet is to download a battery app, I use a one called "Battery" and turn on notifications when I get 15% drain per hour. (There was another app called My Battery, but don't download that, it was actually causing it to drain more frequently haha) When I get that message, I reboot my device, and generally that solves my problem. Also, if you keep your phone off the charger when you sleep, then try rebooting before you sleep.

Aside from those, if it's really that unbearable, then I think you should maybe try to sell your phone and buy another device. If you buy another used device, you might not lose too much money.
I have Battery Sense that does that. But, it's not really a usable solution cause it will tell a 'drain' is detected when i'm actually using a phone, and sometimes a couple of minutes after using it. When the drain on stanby happens it will most likely by when i'm sleeping and i probably won't hear that warning. So yeah, probably reboot before sleep is the best bet.. Sigh..
Just had a similar drain on my 8X. Charged fully around 9 pm, all connectivity (usually only use wifi) off at 10 pm. Battery was 99. Woke at 9 to find phone was off. Really pissed. There was no app on. What is the advantage of windows phone if we have to start worrying about these things. Wasn't the point of windows phone that we don't have to micromanage everything like in android. Had a couple of drains before but that was when i was awake and had a chance to recharge/reset. This is too much. Unless Microsoft includes feature parity with android, they ve probably lost me (yeah im that pissed off, this was my first smartphone and i wanted to avoid such hassle)
Wasn't the point of windows phone that we don't have to micromanage everything like in android.

Ironic isn't it. I'm giving it a chance till Amber and stuff, factory reset and all that, but after that if it keeps happening it's going across the balcony.
Complaining or blame Windows Phone, HTC or Nokia will not solve anything. If u guys have tried everything (include hard reset) and nothing works, well, there's a customer service for this.

Obviously there is a serious problem in yours smarts. I never had this problem with or met someone who has had. So this is not a normal. Contact Nokia Care to end this pain, guys.
Complaining or blame Windows Phone, HTC or Nokia will not solve anything. If u guys have tried everything (include hard reset) and nothing works, well, there's a customer service for this.

Obviously there is a serious problem in yours smarts. I never had this problem with or met someone who has had. So this is not a normal. Contact Nokia Care to end this pain, guys.

This is a problem that many users are experiencing, it is one of many defects in the Lumia/ WP8 devices. It has nothing to do with smarts, and from reading the forums it seems like the norm. Regardless of whether you have experienced it or not.
This is a problem that many users are experiencing, it is one of many defects in the Lumia/ WP8 devices. It has nothing to do with smarts, and from reading the forums it seems like the norm. Regardless of whether you have experienced it or not.

And yet Microsoft/Nokia doesn't even officially recognize it as a "thing" and everyone here who experiences it seems like they'd rather rage-gam about it on a forum than do anything about it. So it can't be that big of a deal.
Is it possible that there may be background processes running that have a specific sync timing ?. Look I'm no expert but if I'd have to guess...this would be my conclusion.
I fully charged my phone (HTC 8x). Start discharge time was 05:53, the time when i checked the battery sense app was 08:59 and my battery was at 50%(my battery depletion rate was -21.5% per hour). So in just 3 hours and 6 mins and my battery was at half. During this time I was listening to music stored locally so not streaming. I was also browsing on IE a bit.

I know the HTC 8x only has a 1,800 mAh battery but surely it should perform better, or is this normal?
And yet Microsoft/Nokia doesn't even officially recognize it as a "thing" and everyone here who experiences it seems like they'd rather rage-gam about it on a forum than do anything about it. So it can't be that big of a deal.

Offcourse they don't recognize it as a THING. How marketingly stupid would that be. Sorry but i hope it happens to you, just so you stop beeing such a smart... person.
Sorry but i hope it happens to you, just so you stop beeing such a smart... person.

All I'm saying is that if it's truly as big of an issue as you're making it out to be, quit b*tching on forums and do something about it. I even offered to help you. If you don't take action, obviously it's not that big of a deal. That's all I'm saying.
After Amber im having more frequent random battery drains...requires restart to stop. I hope over time the phone and software work out these kinks.
Battery life on my 920 was exceptional when I first got GDR2/Amber. Yesterday and this past Friday, however, the battery drained ridiculously fast. Friday wasn't as bad in spite of going to 57% in three hours because once it reached 51%, it stayed like that for a few hours and I was able to use the phone into the evening. Yesterday was really bad because the battery went from 100% to 49% in under five hours. Unreal. I last charged via my laptop sometime in the early evening yesterday and now it's normal again at 70% (last charge was 16 hours ago). Very weird and temperamental the battery's been the last couple of days.
I've had a few sudden drainages that I associate with being in areas with poor 3G reception; not sure though. My battery lasts a whole lot longer since I got Amber. 820.
Since everyone wants to keep this thread alive, I'll add this. I voted Yes on the poll because I had one incident of sudden discharge; my batter monitor flicked up with a warning. Other than that, no problemo. And regardless, compared to my Android and Nokia C7, this phone has Energizer Bunny DNA.
I have had no battery issues until about two weeks ago I started getting the annoying random battery drain. I would drop as much as 20% in one hour! After much reading here I have my battery life back!

1. Turn off games connecting to Xbox
2. Turned off unnecessary location services
3. Turn on setting to keep WiFi on even when screen turns off (constantly reconnecting every time I unlocked my phone really drained it, I saw a good improvement with this option)
4. Only background tasks running are Battery, Weather, and Simple Calendar.
5. Check email accounts for hung syncing as well as push frequency.

The last one is what really killed my phone. I have it set to fetch new messages from my Gmail account every 2 hours. Apparently there is a bug with Gmail which causes the phone to not connect to the servers and keeps trying and trying to sync. I deleted the account from the phone, reset it, added the account back and presto! It syncs perfectly every time usually in a few seconds! My battery is back to normal and here are some pics to prove it.

I usually take my phone off the charger when I leave for work approximately 6:20am. On 9/3/2013 you can see my drain started around 7:10am. I don't usually use my phone in the morning, maybe a quick Facebook check but other than that it doesn't get used till around 11:00am. About 1:40 it really kicks in and by the time I go to bed at 11:00pm it's really done for (this particular day it actually died on me)

After the changes above it now looks like this.

Same time coming off the charger in the morning, about the same usage throughout the day, maybe just a tad less. Consistent drain throughout the day until I started a long phone call around 8:30pm. Only got down to 70% before I went to bed and put it on the charger.

I'm not saying this will work for everyone but the hung email syncing was 75% of my problem. I plan on slowly adding the other services back (location, Xbox, etc) to see if any of those really make a difference. I just wanted to share my findings in case someone else could use this to help their battery life.

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