Do you have random battery drain

I am still having very random battery drain. It happens mostly when the phone is not even being used. Seems to have no patterns and I have checked background apps and all the settings and such. It has happened on my 8X before AND after the update. Its not been a really severe issue, but just annoying at times. Probably because I am almost always home and have chargers at the ready, but if I were out all day each day it would probably be bothersome.

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I do have the same problem. I had 1.5% discharge speed on idle with wifi on 100% and 5 apps background test. I did reset to factory setting when the discharge went to 10% suddenly after downloading mehdoh. Uninstalling it has no effect to the battery, still 10% per hour. Now I installed it again and after the reset the battery went from 1.3% to 3.78 - 4.98% and it will remain the same even after I uninstall mehdoh. I have 10 apps installed and 3 working in background. Uninstalled weather flow yesterday.

When I use the phone to surf internet or using twabbit/mehdoh, the battery drains even fast 4x. At least 10% in 5 to 10 minets!!

HTC 8x
It's not helping this case that people charge their phones couple of times a day, put it on the charger during the night etc.. They can't even know if they have the drain..
I believe that the random battery drain may be carrier related; at least somewhat.

Both my wife and I have been experiencing battery drains for the past 3 weeks.

My friend, who also has a Lumia 920 and lives in the same county has been experiencing similar problems.

This weekend I went out of town and my phone and my wife's phone both have had stellar battery life.
Just asking, but do you guys charge your phone while they are turned on or turned off? And do you work something on your phone while you are charging it? If so, it could be the same result like on laptops when you have turned on your laptop and working on it while there are still battery and charger in. It kills your batteries life cycle.
Sorry but stupid questions and has nothing to do with a sudden drain while you're doing nothing. And you can't charge it when it's off, it turns on automatically.
Yes, the biggest problem could be that it is turning on automatically. It would be great if Microsoft provides the fix for that problem (because it is a problem) in the next GDR update. And it is not a stupid question, it is quriosity about WP8 devices technical side.
When I use the phone to surf internet or using twabbit/mehdoh, the battery drains even fast 4x. At least 10% in 5 to 10 minets!!

HTC 8x
8)-10% / 10 minutes? This is way too much.

I eexperienced the drain yesterday, but it was 3 times higher than my normal days.
Its been happening to me too frequently recently. The odd thing is, these random drains are followed by a day of literally full battery percentage. My battery sense app shows as -0.8%/hr a day after these drains after I charge it back up.
Yeah, I can go for a good solid week of better-than-expected battery life and then out of nowhere have to recharge after 6 hours of no usage, which will go on for days and days. The 920 is about to be sent in to Nokia for in-warranty servicing of the non-working flashes and battery drainage. I've never purchased a no-contract phone before, but the Moto X is starting to tempt me after the camera update, even considering how frustrated I've been at Google's policies these past many months. I'm REALLY hoping that 8.1 turns me around.
I've owned my 920 since March. It drained randomly about a week ago, but I've had no issues otherwise.
The other day, I had an instance where the phone rang and I tried to swipe the lock screen. It froze about half way up and I never was able to answer the call. Later that day, I noticed my normal ~1%/hour battery drain had tripled to ~3%/hour. I rebooted and it has fallen back to 1%/hour.

Best guess is that somebody crashed and the phone did not terminate a stuck process.

Stuck process certainly seems like what's happening, regardless of specific app.

I've gotta day that I've often longed for some type of task mangler or "top" so that I could identify the runaway process and kill it.
Prior to amber update, phone used to last 10-12 hours in standby. After amber update, its been terrible, 6-7 hours at max, in standby.
I noticed something strange. When I turn on wake up alarm my battery drain very fast (about 10% per hour). On the other hand my battery life is better after amber (Lumia 620).
I don't get that at all on my L925 in fact I'm very impressed with the battery life of this device.
Battery life on my Lumia 520 has been great. I normally get two days on a charge, but one day last week it was draining like crazy until I rebooted.

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