Do you NEED Continuum?

high res projector without making it super bulky
A phone with projector wont be a good idea for now(high res projector on phones could be possible in the future though) instead they could make a separate foldable touch screen that you can carry anywhere along with your continuum enabled phone. just spread it open into a 13inch screen and stick against a wall or something connect your phone and work anywhere. it should be paper thin and consume less power meaning that it can be powered by the phone itself or a small battery inside the screen holder or connect to a power socket. it will be amazing to carry a 13incher in your pant pocket.
Continuum will be a definite need for me, and I find it laughable for the comment, " no one needs it" sure just like no one needs SMS text, GPS, a camera, accurate compass, Navigation and so forth. My phone doesn't have any games on it neither is a used for social media, does not mean others really do not like those features.

I can remember when my wife bought our first desktop in the early 90's though that was a waste of money, after about 2 months of use found it was one of the best tools a person could have for gather valuable information, news, weather and technical equipment data instantly not to mention the office tools. She also had the 1st cell phone in our house which I thought was silly, finally she made me carry hers when I traveled by foot in remote areas by myself in case something happened to me, lol never let her know it only worked on top of the highest mountain, but then she got one with a camera around 2000 and that hooked me. Since then I've had several of my own now I have phone 1520 with a nice camera, gps device and pocket PC all in my pocket. Now tell us again, " no one needs that".

Everyone needed it. In fact when the first iphone came out people started buying it like crazy right from the start. This will not happen with continuum. It requires a screen and screens aren't just sitting everywhere. That's why laptops comes with screens!
Everyone needed it. In fact when the first iphone came out people started buying it like crazy right from the start. This will not happen with continuum. It requires a screen and screens aren't just sitting everywhere. That's why laptops comes with screens!

I did not say that everyone needs it, just the fact it will be available for those who do, as opposed to the thought, " no one needs it" And yes some will use it.
Everyone needed it. In fact when the first iphone came out people started buying it like crazy right from the start. This will not happen with continuum. It requires a screen and screens aren't just sitting everywhere. That's why laptops comes with screens!

People bought the first iPhone because of marketing, not because of any need. In fact, if you recall, the first iPhone or two were quite hampered and limited in their function.
I only see Continuum as something businesses will take most advantage of mostly. If it can be made available to connect to a Mac and show Windows there, then I could see having it on my phone to take advantage of Continuum. Microsoft haven't really detailed WHY continuum is anything beyond a business utility so at least for me, its not yet a must have.
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The thing is you still need a full-sized keyboard, mouse, and large monitor for most business purposes, so it won't really reduce the amount of crap you have to haul around with you. No business person would dare go on the road without a "real" computer (probably a decent-sized laptop) because you couldn't count on finding the right equipment at the other end of your trip to work with Continuum. Sure, there will be niche scenarios where it makes sense. For example, it might be a great backup if your laptop bites the dust, assuming everything important you need is in the cloud. But I don't see the current business model of computers in cubicles going away anytime soon.
The thing is you still need a full-sized keyboard, mouse, and large monitor for most business purposes, so it won't really reduce the amount of crap you have to haul around with you. No business person would dare go on the road without a "real" computer (probably a decent-sized laptop) because you couldn't count on finding the right equipment at the other end of your trip to work with Continuum. Sure, there will be niche scenarios where it makes sense. For example, it might be a great backup if your laptop bites the dust, assuming everything important you need is in the cloud. But I don't see the current business model of computers in cubicles going away anytime soon.

In all fairness, I expect the places where a business person would visit to do presentations are businesses that can supply things like keyboards, mice, a display and access to the network. All the presenter need do is whip out the phone and note cards. Standard stuff.
I see Continuum becoming big in another two or three. This first release will have challenges and will largely be a novelty, like any new technology.

When we see a lot of phones that are Intel-based, we'll see Continuum making a can't in the consumer market. Some people who dont consider themselves big computing enthusiasts may choose to just have one main computing device. They'll have a docking station at home.
The thing is you still need a full-sized keyboard, mouse, and large monitor for most business purposes, so it won't really reduce the amount of crap you have to haul around with you. No business person would dare go on the road without a "real" computer (probably a decent-sized laptop) because you couldn't count on finding the right equipment at the other end of your trip to work with Continuum. Sure, there will be niche scenarios where it makes sense. For example, it might be a great backup if your laptop bites the dust, assuming everything important you need is in the cloud. But I don't see the current business model of computers in cubicles going away anytime soon.

This really isn't for traveling IMO. I think the idea here is meetings and "on the move" work. For example where I work, they allocate cube spaces throughout the buildings for traveling users, these cubes are called "Hot Desks". Basically we stage these desks with a Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse & Docking station. The idea is for users to bring their own business laptop, dock in and work. Now apply the same ideology to Windows 10 Mobile continuum devices. This would also be great for presenting PowerPoints, Excel's, etc in meeting rooms and presentation rooms without having to bring your entire laptop along. Another scenario would be say your desk is in Building A, but you're currently in Building C and you need to update a document before a meeting or type a lengthy response to an important e-mail, you could just hop into one the Hot Desk cubes, dock your phone and have a Desktop experience for working in Office without having to run back to your desk or deal with typing on a mobile device.

Definitely a feature catered to business & enterprise at the moment.
My phone has 20 MP camera, NFC and rarely use it.

I don't even use that Qi charge stand for cars.

Continuum may great but I don't think that I'll use it often for now. But it always nice to have features.

In future continuum came to low end phone and high end one has more silly features. Maybe holographic continuum so you don't need any mouse keyboard and monitor.

Who knows?
I heard last week that 20-30% of (US) smartphone users, that is their only computer. If that lone computer can be used for "more than a phone", I believe continuum makes for a very compelling option.
Will I use Continuum? Maybe, maybe not. I have a gaming desktop PC with 4 monitors and a surface pro 2 so this is definitely not a major feature for me. However, do I see it being really useful for a significantly large amount of people? Yes! My mom and brother both use Windows Phones right now (brother has an Icon, mom has a 635) based on my recommendation. Neither of them really have a need to have a powerhouse desktop or laptop -- they do some light web browsing, social media, youtube, etc. If they could just drop their phone in a dock or connect it with a cable to be able to seamlessly work on a monitor, keyboard and mouse it would be more than enough power for them. Right now my mom has me book her airline tickets and hotels and things like that because she doesn't like typing that much information on her phone, if she could connect to a screen and keyboard she'd absolutely use it and love it.
I bet continuum will be amazing in emerging markets like Africa and SE Asia where everyone has a mobile phone, but can't always afford a laptop or computer. If an NGO is going to bring technology to a school in rural africa, wouldn't it make more sense to just get the teachers 5 montors or projectors for the cost of 1 laptop, if they already happen to have WM10 phones anyway? It's a potentially unique way of ensuring access and bringing education and technology to people at a lower cost.
What about business where the networks aren't accessible unless your computer is a part of their domain.

Some businesses, won't even allow you to connect to a WIFI if you aren't part of their corporate domain.

How will this work for the phones? Will the phones be able to join a domain?

Is there an ethernet port on the continuum dock?

Now.. It seems just useless...
For the average user, Continuum may be overkill. For Road Warriors and others like me who are constantly in remote locations, it could be very beneficial. Being able to finish a project on a remote site without having to reconvene at an office due to not having presentation equipment could be the difference between closing a deal or being an also-ran. It is sure to impress clients who haven't seen or heard of that type of technology.
I don't have use for it. I cannot imagine a situation, when I have a keyboard and screen available but not having a tablet/laptop with me.
And IMHO, it's the reason for reduced usability and UI awkwardness that we are seeing in WP 10 now. I want it to be a good smartphone first.

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