Do you NEED Continuum?

For work (bioinformatics), I need to be in a UNIX environment. All of the tools I use work best when run on OS X or Linux; working with UNIX on Windows is a major pain. That being said, Windows is, I feel, the best content creation platform, with content being things like slideshows and documents. Microsoft Office is, far and away, the best productivity suite and is the biggest reason I keep either a partition or (what I currently have) entirely separate device for Windows. What Continuum will do for me is eliminate that Windows laptop from the plethora of devices I use and carry around regularly. I love Windows Phone and have used since WP7 (HTC Trophy!). Heck, I even had a Kin way back when, Microsoft's mobile operating systems have always been my favorite. But for desktop computing needs, all I use Windows for is Office. For everything else, I live and breath Linux. With Continuum, I can (and will) connect to a keyboard, mouse, and monitor to use Office and cut out my need for a larger Windows system.
Is not only for bisnes ..I get the app flash sport, pro movies and I can see all the sports live and movies on a big screen... is great
Not only low-end or emerging markets need it. Unlike some here believe it is being marketed for those with no PC access at all, it's not. It has been related to business and enterprise a few times. In the video they also show how in a dock-filled environment, you just dock your phone. Your phone is not a phone any longer, with devices like 1320, 1520, 640 XL, 940 XL etc - you have huge screens that can be docked in a meeting room, where you have a screen per person to show off their bit of work on project one after the other. - Just one example. I see continuum in a BYOD environment as a success rather than in emerging markets.
If MS makes an app to make Continuum work on my Mac laptop, I would love that. Will be able to ditch the old HP laptop I keep just for Windows purposes.
I think Continuum is primarily for enterprise customers and that's why the 950 XL will be supported initially with the Continuum dock.

If there really is a market for Continuum as a feature, Microsoft could always adopt its app strategy with respect to iOS/Android to Apple/Android-based hardware by bringing Continuum to iPhones and Android phones. That would seem to be the logical way to expand Continuum usage.
It is a Windows Phone... you can already connect via "Work Access" that allows you to have all the normal permissions that a device would have if enrolled in the management software. If that is the case then the phone's wifi is a valid option and it doesn't matter if the dock has an ethernet port. not sure if it does.
LOL Apple letting MS tell it how to build phones.... not gonna happen. As for Android... out of the hundreds of people who can make phones do you really think they are going to listen?

Continuum is not just a feature that can be programmed into the phone it requires the hardware to go with the software. Can it be done? Sure... Will it be done without being on MS phones? Maybe!
Yeah, that would be funny. Like a 2x4 upside the head kind of funny. ;)

On second thought, if Continuum proves to be a feature that really catches on, then Apple can make its own iContinuum dock for iPhones and Google can make its own NexusContinuum dock for Android phones.
Yeah, that would be funny. Like a 2x4 upside the head kind of funny. ;)

On second thought, if Continuum proves to be a feature that really catches on, then Apple can make its own iContinuum dock for iPhones and Google can make its own NexusContinuum dock for Android phones.
Only problem with that, is that the Apple dock won't magically let the iPhone run OSX apps. Nor will the Android dock magically let the Nexus phone run anything but oversized Android apps.

To weigh in on the original question, yes Continuum is a feature that I need. For all the previously stated reasons plus others I haven't thought of yet.
I would be satisfied also with Miracast option only, but I'm afraid MS deactivated this feature in older devices (x20 series with MSM8960 Snapdragon S4 Plus), and they won't activate it at all in the future...
Everything is moving toward the 'cloud'; software, data, documents, the whole lot. So you can do your work anywhere on any device with an internet connection. TV's already are computers nowadays, you should not need your phone to use it as a computer. Continuum may seem innovative but personally I consider it evidence of old fashioned thinking.
you have huge screens that can be docked in a meeting room, where you have a screen per person to show off their bit of work on project one after the other. - Just one example. I see continuum in a BYOD environment as a success rather than in emerging markets.

Sorry, but for this use-case you just need wireless display or at least hdmi but not continuum.
No don't see it, on the other hand if they let me dock my WP into PC I would pay $100 cash for the dock now.

Does W10M support remote access gateway? that may bring some use for Continuum.
No don't see it, on the other hand if they let me dock my WP into PC I would pay $100 cash for the dock now.

Does W10M support remote access gateway? that may bring some use for Continuum.
The existing Remote Desktop app for Windows phones supports gateways, is that what you're talking about? Being able to use that on a big screen would be useful.
Continuum means I need only to own a single device, plus a monitor. I'm going to sell my PC, Xbox, and tablet. I only have a tablet because stylus, Xbox because home entertainment without tying up my primary device, and PC for streaming websites and using keyboard/mouse.

If I can use stylus, make calls/text WHILE watching TV on a big screen [both on Netflix and illegal streaming websites] and typing out a document in another window, all on one device, that's huge amount of value from a phone.
I hate all these knock-off, wannabe experiences. You need some bull**** app to screencast from one device to another for each type of media, for each device you want to cast from and to, and each corporate environment will support a different standard set.

This is part of the reason why people don't make apps for Windows tablets/PCs/laptops....because they can already do all this stuff, usually as a native function. With Continuum, Windows again proves to be the more powerful ecosystem because the widest set of standards will be supported: HDMI, Miracast, USB/continuum dock.

I'm assuming that the Universal Xbox app will be able to stream Xbox One on your phone, at least when using it in desktop mode. We can already pair a mouse and keyboard to our Windows phones, why not an Xbox controller too?

But to re-emphasize my main point, why use some crappy "viewer" app to try to interface WITH your phone in a crippled way, when you can plug in your phone and have it BECOME a computer?
Why would you get either a TV or a computer if you phone could connect to a monitor and do both?

Who wants to buy multiple devices?

Who wants to fiddle with idiotic cloud app crap? Definitely not the privacy-obsessed among us, or anyone who has songs, videos, large amounts of files and either a slow connection or low bandwidth cap - especially on one's data plan!

If you want to "work anywhere", you (1) need Wifi (2) need access to a "real" computing device like a laptop or a PC. are you going to rent one? (3) HAVE TO OWN MULTIPLE DEVICES....unless you have a continuum-enabled phone! It's not only a more secure option, it's cheaper, easier and more sensible.

It's the archetypal sci-fi fantasy...not a computer in every room, but interfaces in every room that are CENTRALLY controlled by your personal, portable device. Anything that brings Star Trek closer to reality satisfies my nerdy tech-cravings.
They will probably do exactly that, and you could type out your WhatsApp messages on your full-sized keyboard, or use the phone authenticator app without putting down your mouse.

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