Do you NEED Continuum?

With a good census of applications and an easy way to interface with full size hardware Continuum will allow phones to replace tablets in a fashion similar to the way the Surface has replaced laptops.

This is a frame shift for "phones".
I can see great use for continuum in my future, considering I spend 8 hrs a day minimum before a computer with my phone in the pocket. Not having to take out my phone for every whatsapp/fb/sms/phone is wonderful if you ask me.
Apparently , I'm one of the few Enterprise guys here. Do I NEED this; no. Do I massively want this? YES!!! I want this for my corporation, I selfishly want this for me business trips, and even more selfishly want it for my home. Just to the latter alone: on any given day, I've got 2 servers, 1 desktop, 5-7 laptops, 2-5 tablets and 6 to 20 smartphones (joys of having a teenage daughter !) on my home network. At any given point in time, I've got 10-50 devices live on my HOME network. OMG, do I massively look forward to this.

Enterprise folks, I have blown the doors off of people with what you can do with your Windows phone alone, and last year did an international tour with only my phone (Lumia 928) and a tablet (HP ElitePad 900). T'was hysterical, indeed. This being said, I still need my servers and i7 quadcore laptop to compute things. Having the output consumable and presentable with my phone? Priceless.
Also consider a household with several people with Continuum.

You could have 4 docking stations at home in different rooms. At any time, ANY family member could go to ANY station and start using it like their own personal computer, because it is.
I believe we have only scratched the tip of continuum's capabilities and potentially more features than already shown. What will kick it in high gear are the following. Use of x86 soc with a powerful gpu that and can make. Integrate munchkin adaptor into the phone. I see oem making dummy tablets and 2 in 1s, monitors oof all sizes, hd tv screens. it's will be great for enterprise, students and home use.
As an IT consultant I think it would be absolutely great. No longer do I need to carry a laptop to a client site. Sit down with my phone plug it into their projector, ask for a mouse/keyboard and I'm off and running. Less weight/clutter I need to carry with me everyday to work.
Continuum might not sound revolutionary right now, but in a couple years, as we see very powerful mobile devices only then will we be able to harness its true power. We just need to wait a few years.
I don't at the moment because I have a second PC at home. In the future I probably will. Between a tablet and a continuum capable phone, I wont need to replace that PC when its ended its life.
I can see great use for continuum in my future, considering I spend 8 hrs a day minimum before a computer with my phone in the pocket. Not having to take out my phone for every whatsapp/fb/sms/phone is wonderful if you ask me.
That capability exists right now but only on BlackBerry OS10. Blend allows you full access to every notification as well as access to your phone's file manager.

Sent from my BlackBerry Classic on Tapatalk
I can see great use for continuum in my future, considering I spend 8 hrs a day minimum before a computer with my phone in the pocket. Not having to take out my phone for every whatsapp/fb/sms/phone is wonderful if you ask me.
The question is whether or not your workplace would allow you to use Continuum to check Facebook and WhatsApp if they block those websites.
Minimal appeal to me. Cant see any scenario where this is a better alternative solution than carrying my S3 or any other 2 in 1, plus I'm not restricted by having to locate a spare monitor and either plug in wires or setup a wireless connection. On top of that the phone is going to be woefully underpowered to serve as your only PC, and any advancements in performance will apply even more to full tablets. It has its place in an emergency situation but the day to day utility is limited IMO.

Anyone here actually work in an enterprise? Is your employer really going to allow you to plug in your personal phone to work on their network? How about functionality? Need to work on a router and enter commands? Want to have an impromptu meeting round a table? Sitting in an airport lounge and want to made edits to your report? Which is easier, carrying your phone + keyboard/mouse and hunting for a monitor or just opening the screen on your keyboard-attached 2 in 1? The idea sounds cool but if being productive is the end goal this is not the ideal solution.
Yes. As a human race we need Continuum. I have been asking for it for 5 years now. Saying otherwise is destroying humanity. I am tired of being sane in my internet comments, regardless its all true.
We NEED to land on mars
we NEED automated cars
and we NEED phones that act as desktops too.

Questions about relevant to enterprise are irrelevant. Enterprise hurts humanity. I don't know how we went backwards but we went to the moon just to beat the Russians now we ask if we need a phone that can be our PC too. It's coming, why do we have to question it? Why do we need to justify awesomeness? Let's be awesome for the sake of being awesome.
I'll use it, if nothing else I'll use it for bragging rights. I'll find a reason to use it. lol!!! I can't wait to test it out!!!
I need and would welcome having I right now. I have no other device to hook up to my LED tv tp watch things. Surface through HDMI is too much of a hassle ATM, to plug in and especially control.
A Lumia 950 I would plug in the TV at night and watch stuff in a 40 inch screen, while at the same time I can chat and check apps. In fact, I would leave this plugged overnight and see the weather in the morning.

No, no smart TV does this, not like this and not certainly mine, and especially not as a continuity of the Windows ecosystem. So yeah, it will be useful already to me.

Regarding productivity, yeah, I could find an old monitor to set up an alternative station where I can work. I see this being useful with any small mouse and a BT keyboard like the foldable MS one. A little package to have an instant PC around.

And IMHO this will get bigger with time.
Yes we do need continuum. First of all think how easy it is for most companies, from, hotels, airports, railstations etc to have a room with cheap monitors, mouse and keyboards with fast internet conections, same goes for companies organizing meetings etc. Think that u cand have your phone while your child can watch something on the tv in the room in holiday. U can play games while away on the tv in the room. U can play movies from your phone etc... On full screen is way easier to write mails, calendar tasks, apoinments etc... Virtually every hotelroom has a tv so u can conect.
If... if Microsoft finds a way to make Continuum work on old phones via a dock, I'll try it out just because I'm curious (assuming the price isn't absurd). I'll unplug my desktop and give Continuum a week.
Yeah, they may be able to AFFORD a 950 and a Laptop, but they won't NEED to own them both if they have Continuum! Or at least they won't nee to carry them BOTH all the time when they travel, etc. Continuum will allow Full Application use without the need for the Laptop when needed.
I personally believe the idea is amazing but I will have no use for it. If I do buy it then I will use it a few times but no real use for it.
Maybe I won't, but an interesting article, perhaps even noted here recently, noted that in many emerging markets, and even in the developed world, as PCs and tablets decline, for many their phone will be their only computing device. Continuum would allow even more flexibility when it could be paired with a TV, cheap Bluetooth keyboard and or mouse. Face it, I accomplished almost everything I needed from the train today that I would have from my laptop - viewed websites, listened to Podcasts, opened Netflix, answered email, viewed Excel sheets, downloaded, shared, uploaded photos and other content, and interacted with my Band, including viewing my train ticket without logging in and checking my seat online. So if it manages these things economically and on lower-end devices, it may become more than a niche feature.

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