Downgrading NOKIA LUMIA 920 from Black update to Portico Rom

Can you make a video tutorial or screen shot tutorial, I'm so lost in what I'm doing. I'm at the last step and the start button is not available
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hi, i wanna ask, in navifirm i cant find the portico update, it;s just showing one release with 3051.xxxx,, any help??
okay if i agree to downgrade to portico now...then wud i be able to upgrade it again in future if i want to?? jst like the other ones? or do i need to follow sum other method?
YES , I already tried amber, black and cyan update A.K.A windows phone 8.1 and I'm still able to go back to portico. Sorry for the late reply
okay if i agree to downgrade to portico now...then wud i be able to upgrade it again in future if i want to?? jst like the other ones? or do i need to follow sum other method?

YES , I already tried amber, black and cyan update A.K.A windows phone 8.1 and I'm still able to go back to portico. Sorry for the late reply
I just bought and received a Lumia 920 yesterday. It appears to not have been updated and is still on Portico. I'm guessing I should hold off on updating? The camera is one of my main reasons for choosing this phone.

Dont even bother at all, If you bought that because of the camera then stick with it. If you don't care about the camera and you want all the fancy features on the new update then go for it, By the way the fancy feautures are just like shortcuts you can live without it lol. It's up to you, Based on my experience they're useless. I just downloaded the windows phone 8.1 its very fancy and nice too but like I said you can live without those fancy stuff. Good luck :)
hi, i wanna ask, in navifirm i cant find the portico update, it;s just showing one release with 3051.xxxx,, any help??

The portico is the one before the amber update 1232.5962.1314.0000 the amber update is the one that has like this xxx.xxxx.1326.xxxx it has 1326.
Today I tested a 1520 with Lumia Black and also with this device we have the horrible issue at the camera :-(
I'm thinking now to downgrade my 920 from Black to Portico because is incredible that Nokia doesn't fix it in all this time... (the other solution is waiting the upg to WP8.1 and hope (another time like with Black) in Nokia....)

Windows phone 8.1 did not fix the issue, I just tried it and its still the same so downgraded to portico again.
A question:
when your device have Portico then is possible to upgrade to GDR2 and GDR3 without the fw amber and black ?
If yes then I'm sure to downgrade my 920 from GDR3+Black to Portico then I upgrade it only to GDR3 :-)

Yeah dude its possible, I already upgraded my phone to windows phone 8.1 and then downgraded to portico again because the camera is still the same they didn't fix the camera issue in windows 8.1
These are currently not available in Navifirm+ for AT&T, i.e. red in color and 404 error. Navifirm tells me they will be available when Nokia puts them back on their servers. Will they ever be put back up? Or am I screwed? I am downgrading because I replaced the digitizer on mine and it won't work. someone here Why is the digitizer on my Nokia Lumia 620 not working? - Nokia Phone - iFixit says the replacement digitizers aren't compatible with newer versions. Not sure if this downgrade would even help but it is worth a try if I can get it.

Did you try it to downgrade? If you need help downgrading just let me know.
Can someone give me portico firmware for lumia 925 maybe?? I just cant stand my camera, I'm so frustrated about that....

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