Also, how do I change my hosts file to a different hosts file? Do I simply store all my different hosts files (let's say I have the default one and the hosts file that blocks ads) in a different location and simply copy it into the drivers/etc folder, deleting the other one?
Well, to edit the existing host file, the way I do it is this: I first run Notepad or some other text editor
as administrator, click Open file from there and navigate to the hosts file, once in the folder change the file type to "all" so I can see the hosts file, then edit it and save. You don't have to do it that way, that's just how I like to do it. Jazmac's instructions work just fine too, potato potahto...
Or you can download a new one and just replace the existing one:
The hosts file that I downloaded, recommended by MartinCal (or by TechAbstract in the post above this one) has a huge list of adserver sites, and it's regularly updated and it's pretty well known, so I just downloaded a copy (I plan to go back and make a donation soon too). It comes in a .zip file along with an installer .bat but you really don't need that. For good habits and to learn, read the ReadMe and Licensing files! Then I just copied the actual hosts file from the zip folder to my desktop. Then I went into the hosts location via file explorer, re-named the existing file hostsOLD and left it in there, then copied or moved the new one into that folder. That's it. You should see the difference as soon as you open Edge, FF or any browser you have.
If you feel weird about the new hosts file, open it in Notepad first and see exactly what it says in there, no harm in that. Just remember it's not actually a text file, so in file explorer you have to choose all file types to view or you won't see it.