Edge is behaving, even on Windows Central. Here's why

If your home router has the option to use static routes you could place them there. is the localhost for every TCP/IP address. The term for this is "blackholing". It would likely be a bit slower than having it local though.
This site only has descriptions with Windows 8, 7 and Vista. Are you sure its good to go for Edge and Windows 10. And what about the chances of that host file slowing down the pc?

A host file is not operating system specific. They have been around as long as TCP/IP
the first thing I did with windows 10 was add a hosts file so I could block ads in Edge. With that in place, its a joy to use.
But if you use Internet Explorer or another browser like Firefox, your email looks correct?

Yes, with firefox it works perfectly as usual . Haven't tried it with Internet Explorer because I can't find it

Where is it hiding in windows 10 ?

TY Jazmac!! your post proves that you should be the Local Host.
Have you Tipped Dan on this news to make a tutorial for the other unwashed geeks here ;) Although I doubt he would do it as this site runs heavily on ads :D

No. I haven't tipped him but you sure can alert him to this thread. I've been jaded about tipping those guys on anything I think is important info. And as I think about your comment about ads here, it shouldn't be that big a big deal to them. I generally use Firefox with AdBlock. I'm sure they do too with whatever browser they use.

But feel free to alert them because this is not about me.

No one has truly seen how fast Microsoft Edge really is except for maybe those in this thread. I passed it on to a couple engineers at my job today. They like Edge but after the host file, and they were completely astounded. I got a free Starbucks coming in the morning. :) Winning!
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Yes, with firefox it works perfectly as usual . Haven't tried it with Internet Explorer because I can't find it

Where is it hiding in windows 10 ?


Just click Cortana and type in Internet Explorer. It'll show up on top.
Internet Explorer is now a Windows Accessory along with lovely programs like Sticky Notes and I believe Notepad.
I did like Edge before this. I could tell how fast it was because everything loaded quickly, but it took ages to render. Now Edge does both faster.
Just click Cortana and type in Internet Explorer. It'll show up on top.

I just did and it's taking me to download IE. I don't want to download it.

I thought W10 left it somewhere on the system ,but I can't find it and don't want to download
it when I already had it before W10.

Where else should I look ?

I just did and it's taking me to download IE. I don't want to download it.

I thought W10 left it somewhere on the system ,but I can't find it and don't want to download
it when I already had it before W10.

Where else should I look ?


C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

or go to Run, type in iexplore then press enter
Okay...don't take my word for this. But there's no chance of the hosts file slowing down your PC unless it's above 135 kilobytes. If it is above 135 kilobytes, there's a simple fix to make it so it doesn't slow down your PC, by shutting down the DNS Client.

I wasn't sure til I tested it out. But agreed everyone should do this little trick. Its night and day difference.

By the way your quote in your signature. I'm kinda like you. I was all Apple than droid and Microsoft mixture. But now I miss Ios and wished I never would have invested in Droid. But price is keeping me away from Apples products.
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

or go to Run, type in iexplore then press enter

Ok..Verizon email works with internet explorer just as it did on W7. So Firefox and IE works just fine for my verizon email.

So I opened verizon email on Edge again and the same problem..nothing shows up in the left panel at all..it's just white and empty. I checked the verizon email settings and they are the same for IE and Firefox.

I'm stumped on how to get this fix.
Hi, I didn't face any of the issues or Edge being un usable by anyway, I even took a screen shot of my task manager running both Firefox (without addons) and Edge opening same number of tabs, still running better .:grin:

Firefox vs Edge.jpg
Hi, I didn't face any of the issues or Edge being un usable by anyway, I even took a screen shot of my task manager running both Firefox (without addons) and Edge opening same number of tabs, still running better .:grin:

View attachment 109942

You sorted the list based on app name, but you have to scroll the list down, then you will see the real used ram.
Or simply sort by memory usage

Same tabs on firefox and edge:

Jazmac: thank you for bringing the hosts file to our attention. I knew nothing about it but it has proved to be a fantastic improvement.

Thanks again.
Here is another one for the newbies.
Download http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.zip
Extract to a folder and run mvps.bat
All done. It does back up original host file for you. Works great on Windows RT too by the way.

Firstly I'm not an IT pro... but I'm intrigued about this for RT (Surface2 in my case) so is this a simple case of unpackaging the download and running a component of the zip? Does it do the required browser change for you or do I have to do some internal editing of something (as you may guess not my forte..) I just want a credible ad blocker on IE on my surface 2! Any help appreciated!
so this is exactly the same as running adblock + on the other browsers out there?
why not use another browser until edge is full featured? like having full-screen etc.
I wasn't sure til I tested it out. But agreed everyone should do this little trick. Its night and day difference.

By the way your quote in your signature. I'm kinda like you. I was all Apple than droid and Microsoft mixture. But now I miss Ios and wished I never would have invested in Droid. But price is keeping me away from Apples products.

I guess it would be prudent to tell the lovely people how to do it then.
Type [Win] + [R] to open up Run.
Type "services.msc" without the quotation marks.
Scroll down until you see DNS Client.
Right-click on it and select properties.
Click Stop.
Click the drop-down arrow for "Startup types" and click manual.
Click Apply/Okay and restart.

I thought my iPhone was decent but when I moved to Windows Phone iOS just became boring and uninteresting. I admire Apple for making efficient, polished software but it's also bland, overly simplistic. I rather like Android but it's too cluttered. There are places where the design is just too much. You have to take too many steps. Even the keys at the bottom of the screen don't work like I think they should in my head. I could easily use Android every day, but I'd rather have Windows Phone. When my Gmail got hacked I moved everything over to Microsoft services and they've been working far better than their Android counterparts ever did.

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