GsmArena's review of WP 8.1: We didn't do our homework properly

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Sport Driver

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Apr 1, 2013
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Ok, I do not know what is wrong with review ? They said that WP is grat middle path, best of the both worlds, a hybrid betwen iOS fluidity and Android feautre richnes. I didn't read the article only conclusion but in cocluson they said it is solid OS. Mostly I agree with app catalog but anyway I can live with that. That Cortana lacks compared to GNow & Siri, well I don't agree with that. I still find her more useful than GNow on my tablet, and as said it is still in beta but ok, one flop in review.
After first post I expected that they were bashing WP all over but no, they said it is good OS, better than ever and closer than ever to big boys ( iOS and Android). So I still consider GSMArena as credible source. Those were my 5 cents ;)


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Mar 5, 2013
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I don't think anyone has that type of date to say more people want it than don't want it. I can assume but assumptions don't count as evidence that its needed. the uservioce is not an indication that everyone wants it. I can say that my sisters never heard of it , does that mean that its needed and they want it? NO so again don't speak for anyone but you on that aspect. also that goes back to if I don't need it why would I want it there in the first place? the data compression on windows phone doesn't change the flow on how users will use their phone but a file manager will.

what he is saying is if you don't use it , it being there isn't going to harm your use of the phone , but it not being there limits people that need it , its quite simple to understand

its the same with micro sd cards , why not put them there , people who need them can use them , people who don't use them can forget its there , simple , everyone is happy and a winner ;-)

you can argue this and that about both but the fact is if its there then people who need it cant moan and people who don't need it don't have to use it

sahib lopez

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Apr 29, 2013
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what he is saying is if you don't use it , it being there isn't going to harm your use of the phone , but it not being there limits people that need it , its quite simple to understand

its the same with micro sd cards , why not put them there , people who need them can use them , people who don't use them can forget its there , simple , everyone is happy and a winner ;-)

you can argue this and that about both but the fact is if its there then people who need it cant moan and people who don't need it don't have to use it

i get what hes saying that its like an option to use it or not to use it . but for me i don't see the need for one and to me i think it would be a waste to put a file manger in wp when i think it works fine without one

sahib lopez

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Apr 29, 2013
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No it will not change anything. Just makes thing more convenient.
Why you are afraid of file manager?

I told that more user want it because I know lots of user who want, rest doesn't care and very few who don't want this feature.

Anyway can you tell me why user voice exist in a first place?

1) im not afraid of a file manager but i don't see the reason for one . i have a pc to manage the files i need why does a phone need that ?
2) i can say the same thing i know lots of people who don't want one or need one but few want a file manager . so its all on perspective .
3) this is why its there "We’ve created this site as a tool to help Microsoft understand how customers use Windows Phone and we welcome your feedback.

Standard Disclaimer – our lawyers made us put this here ;-)
and now i don't think ill respond to the file manager debate because that's getting off topic in a way :p


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Aug 5, 2013
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System-wide file manager is indeed something that's missing. It's a feature that even old Symbian Nokia phones years ago had. It's something iOS is also missing, but WP should aim to be better than iOS.

You're right about the rest, anyhow.

System wide file manager is also missing from Android as well. So I'm not sure what he was trying to say. Cortana is beta and is on par with both Siri and Google Now. Btw, Siri uses Bing as its default search engine.

Windows Phone is ALWAYS going to be fighting an up hill battle for a few of reasons.

1. Just because it is made by Microsoft. Microsoft took a really big black eye with Windows ME, Windows Vista, and Windows 8 (though Win8/8.1 IS better than 7). There are many people with long memories who remember the debacle of Windows ME back in 2000 and again with Windows Vista in 2007. That was why Windows XP was around for so long. I have more than a few friends that jumped ship to Apple because of those two mistakes.

2. Windows CE was not a huge success back in the early days of smartphones and PDAs. Windows CE was percieved as unstable and a mediocre competitor to Palm OS and Symbian. Also, Palm OS and Symbian were already fairly well established when Windows CE powered phones and PDAs was released (see reason three).

3. Windows Phone is seen as a "Johnnie come lately" OS. Look at what happened to the Zune. It was superior to iPod and other MP3 players, but because Microsoft dragged its feet when entering the MP3 arena, it was dismissed as an iPod follower. Microsoft's new CEO hopefully will help turn the tide. Ballmer was to slow enter into a new market, he was entirely too engrossed in the desktop OS realm and couldn't grasp that mobile is where it was going. Bill Gates almost made a similar mistake 20 years ago when he didn't think much of the internet. He quickly changed course and ensured that Microsoft was a major player in the browser wars and network connectivity of PCs.

Ultimately, Microsoft has to overcome prejudice more than anything. It really needs to step up its marketing campaign. It also needs to focus on Android more than Apple. Apple users tend to stay Apple (approx. 90%). Focusing on Android is what Microsoft needs to do to get converts. I would wager that the majority of Android users have a Windows based PC/laptop where as most iOS users have an iMac or MacBook.


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Jun 20, 2011
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I almost punched my computer monitor reading this:

"What's still missing:

  • System-wide file manager
  • Options for more quick toggles
  • Battery percentage on the status bar
  • Richer app catalog
  • Cortana is some way behind Android and iOS rivals"
Some simply just don't get it. Since when is a file manager something that's "missing"?

iOS has been like this since the start - why not take a hit iOS, hmm?

"Options for more quick toggles" - If they are referring to turning off mobile data, then yes. but otherwise, everything is there and customisable..

"Battery percentage on the status bar" - flip down the action center and boom, battery percentage. are these reviewers serious?

"Richer App Catalog" - absolutely nothing to do with the OS. Yet another lame addition to the review.

"Cortana is still some way behind its competitors" - Hmm, I wonder why? Oh that's right, it's in BETA.

That's actually the first or second time i've visited GSMArena - I won't ever visit again. Not because i'm being fanboyish or anything like that - my view on the review was nothing but professional. The issue at hand is that it just misses the point in so many ways, and it truly feels like they spent 10 minutes with the OS before reviewing it. Appalling.

It was only a matter of time. All this serves is to protect android from the coming Microsoft juggernaut. Woot. But on the whole, I think there is reality setting in for a lot these g-trolls. They wrote this to their credit: "That list of disadvantages is getting shorter with every next iteration, so Microsoft is certainly doing something right. At this point WP8.1 not only matches its rivals in almost all key aspects of the user experience, but puts its own twist on some popular features, while offering a few exclusives along the way. " Pretty soon it will be off to find new and preconceived weakness in the platform that boost page views. Trolls must eat.


Mar 17, 2013
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System wide file manager is also missing from Android as well. So I'm not sure what he was trying to say. Cortana is beta and is on par with both Siri and Google Now. Btw, Siri uses Bing as its default search engine.

Windows Phone is ALWAYS going to be fighting an up hill battle for a few of reasons.

1. Just because it is made by Microsoft. Microsoft took a really big black eye with Windows ME, Windows Vista, and Windows 8 (though Win8/8.1 IS better than 7). There are many people with long memories who remember the debacle of Windows ME back in 2000 and again with Windows Vista in 2007. That was why Windows XP was around for so long. I have more than a few friends that jumped ship to Apple because of those two mistakes.

2. Windows CE was not a huge success back in the early days of smartphones and PDAs. Windows CE was percieved as unstable and a mediocre competitor to Palm OS and Symbian. Also, Palm OS and Symbian were already fairly well established when Windows CE powered phones and PDAs was released (see reason three).

3. Windows Phone is seen as a "Johnnie come lately" OS. Look at what happened to the Zune. It was superior to iPod and other MP3 players, but because Microsoft dragged its feet when entering the MP3 arena, it was dismissed as an iPod follower. Microsoft's new CEO hopefully will help turn the tide. Ballmer was to slow enter into a new market, he was entirely too engrossed in the desktop OS realm and couldn't grasp that mobile is where it was going. Bill Gates almost made a similar mistake 20 years ago when he didn't think much of the internet. He quickly changed course and ensured that Microsoft was a major player in the browser wars and network connectivity of PCs.

Ultimately, Microsoft has to overcome prejudice more than anything. It really needs to step up its marketing campaign. It also needs to focus on Android more than Apple. Apple users tend to stay Apple (approx. 90%). Focusing on Android is what Microsoft needs to do to get converts. I would wager that the majority of Android users have a Windows based PC/laptop where as most iOS users have an iMac or MacBook.

1.) Android does have a system wide file manager ability, it is up to the manufacturer to bundle a file manager with the phone or not. If not there are dozens, if not hundreds of file manager apps (full featured and if you have root, you can access core components of the phone itself from it) to choose from.

2.)Microsoft is not invulnerable to criticism, if there is something missing or wrong with a product, it is up to a reviewer to point it out, so that any joe who looks up a WP8.1 review knows what they are getting into.

3.)WE ALL KNOW Microsoft has made mistakes in the past, but that is not the reason why they are criticized, they are legitimately putting out products that are going to be judged and if they aren`t good of course there will be negatives. BB10 was buried by criticism, iOS 7 was even bashed on The Verge (hipster heaven), Android KitKat is constantly bashed because it`s only on less than 5% of Android devices.

There are weaknesses with all ecosystems and all products, Microsoft should be no exception. Put fanboyism and Microsoft love to the side and be critical and look at the weaknesses and strengths of your platform of choice.

Karthik Naik

Jan 17, 2014
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1.) Android does have a system wide file manager ability, it is up to the manufacturer to bundle a file manager with the phone or not. If not there are dozens, if not hundreds of file manager apps (full featured and if you have root, you can access core components of the phone itself from it) to choose from.

2.)Microsoft is not invulnerable to criticism, if there is something missing or wrong with a product, it is up to a reviewer to point it out, so that any joe who looks up a WP8.1 review knows what they are getting into.

3.)WE ALL KNOW Microsoft has made mistakes in the past, but that is not the reason why they are criticized, they are legitimately putting out products that are going to be judged and if they aren`t good of course there will be negatives. BB10 was buried by criticism, iOS 7 was even bashed on The Verge (hipster heaven), Android KitKat is constantly bashed because it`s only on less than 5% of Android devices.

There are weaknesses with all ecosystems and all products, Microsoft should be no exception. Put fanboyism and Microsoft love to the side and be critical and look at the weaknesses and strengths of your platform of choice.

ios 7 and android criticism is valid!!
i just dont get why people bash BBos7,BB10,WP8,WP8.1 all the time, i mean these os's have proved themselves in my eyes
ios 7 design looked very girlish and kiddish
android kitkat was supposed to be an update for most android devices when it was yet to release so it could fix bugs for older devices
ive used all of the said operating systems and still own all my phones, havent sold a device in a long time,so its just lying around at home
Blackberrys problem is that despite having a woldwide presence their staff here in my city and other major cities in my country dont value warranty and refuse help without payment and are putting down the phones more and encourage android, im sick and tired of people around me fighting about android vs ios as well especially when they havent given an alternative OS a try
Alternative OS's are popping up everywhere but despite all being promising,BB seems to be in a tough spot,microsoft is undisputedly the next big thing in phones
nokia care is the best service centre ive seen, very efficient and helpful staff who are eager to help
i look forward to where windowsphone takes us!!
so far i dont see a 'downgrade' from android/ios,infact im happier than i was on any other platform


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Nov 4, 2013
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I like what Fisher said toward the end of the PocketNow video look:

"For those still wondering about the viability of Windows phone in the modern world...can stop wondering....
Version 8.1 isn't just a solid upgrade it's the first incarnation of Windows phone to feel complete enough to temp people away from competitors.
That in of itself makes 8.1 a more significant upgrade than ever."

I took the above as an important note from a good reviewer.


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Feb 26, 2012
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The app catalog for Windows Phone is incredibly lacking, I don't get why so many people don't think so. I can see that your use of the phone doesn't bring you to lots of apps, or specific apps that don't exist at all (like myself). But in comparison, as a whole, to android or ios, it's lacking big time.

Even though I use Windows devices as my primary devices, I still have an iPad and iPhone. Have been using iDevices from day one. I agree that ios and android stores have lots of apps but then nobody needs so many apps that are never used by the majority.

The best way is to have limited useful apps. Windows store provides useful apps.


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Aug 20, 2012
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GSMArena is the most honest site for review.
I don't know why you guys are Angry.

1)System-wide file manager
is their a proper file manger in WP in which you can arrange files according to name or date or else. I think not.
This site is the biggest joke of the century .Feature Suggestions: Top (50217 ideas) ?€“ Feature Suggestions for Windows Phone
I don't know why this site exist if MS doesn't provide what users want.

2)Options for more quick toggles
Isn't their a limitation of 4 to 5 .
So, what wrong with this limitation. I think next update probably gonna solve this but still it's a limitation in WP8.1

3)Battery percentage on the status bar
Well their isn't a percentage bar. It's in notification. But I don't know how this is a limitation?
Who care for Battery percentage on the status bar.
I don't know what are GSMArena was thinking.

4)Richer app catalog
Totally agreed. considering Android and iOS app ecosystem
Example - Their is only one decent video player in WP(Moli Player) which is paid on WP and free on Android where as Android have VLC, MXplayer etc lot more than that and they are free. Moli player never consider as good as them in Android.

5)Cortana is some way behind Android and iOS rivals
No it's not just some way behind but a long way behind. First of all it is only available for US.
Even if you use it by changing region you will face accuracy problem, and cortana also not able to give much information.
It's just USA only.
So, Yeah Totally agreed Lony way behind GN and Siri..

4 out of 5 is 100% true limitation of WP.
So, why angry?
Better learn to except the truth instead of getting Angry.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but are you the guy from GSMArena who reviewed WP 8.1?

Let me correct you.

-File Manager = WP isn't Android. WP prides itself on blurring the lines between the backend, and frontend. browsing and managing files on your SD card is the only reason I see fit for a File Manager. Why would MS go to the effort to make automatic upload to OneDrive so efficient, just to plonk an ugly file manager in the OS? Nope, i'll defend the fact that it isn't needed to the moon.

-Toggles - There is a limitation to 4 toggles (or 5 on a 1520), but the options for customising the toggles is around 10. For me, 5 is a perfect number of toggles. I would definitely welcome a flashlight button in the action center, but other than that its truly perfect.

Cortana - Oh dear. I've discussed this in another thread, but i'll re-iterate.

Why would you want a half baked, non-region specific experience of Cortana from day 1, rather than a Cortana tailored to your country and region? The US is MS' guinea pig - they will ensure that all features are of the highest standard, then Cortana will come out of Beta and roll out to the rest of the world. Plain and simple, this is the way it should be done. Siri was a joke in Australia upon release, due to Siri really being in "Beta" in a lot of ways - guess what? everywhere that Siri wasn't tailored to the region, it copped it from reviewers.

In short - the GSMArena review is off the mark by a long, long way.


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Apr 7, 2013
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No, I am a guy who understand what GSMArena mod was trying to say here.

1) File Manager- Is it in your dictionary File Manager is the second meaning of Android?
File-Manager doesn't mean Android. It's available since ages.
and One Drive can never be a substitute for File Manager(not until next few years). It's very stupid even to think about it. May be it's good for Documents, music but what about the large files(videos ,movies). and One Drive limitation is internet, if you don't have internet what will you do or say if you have slow internet?
May be in future we will stored all data on net but right now their is a SD card and phone memory and we need a File-Manager, so that user who have tones of files in their phone can arrange it properly(sort by date, name etc)

2) Toggles - Are you representing whole WP users? 4-5 toggles enough for you it is not necessary it will be enough for all WP family. You just made a personal comment here. Well I need atleast 7 toggles for my need. So , is it enough for me? no not. I am also not representing whole WP users here but 4-5 toggles isn't enough for everyone.
and that's what Mod was saying in GSMArena.

3) Cortana - You are also saying same as GSMArena then what is different? Cortana is for USA only. We all know that. That is why it is limitated.
It is as good as doesn't exist.
USA isn't guinea pig but the top priority of MS. Have you ever used MS services, they are focus on US only, best example is Bing.
So, stop making excuses here.
When cortana going to release in other country it will still be a beta version, they will solve first accuracy problem, local search etc. So, the thing US got now, other countries will get almost same after a year. It will not be a better or something.
US got it first and they will always get better services than rest of world.
Don't let them fool yourself.

So, in Short - GSMArena review was very good and honest. Their is nothing wrong in it except that battery thing.
Last edited:


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Mar 28, 2013
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My thoughts on the reviewers who review WP/8.1..

They sort of try to benchmark against the other's namely Android/iOS so their expectations from WP are next to them but it's hardly fair. Both Android/iOS had an early start. I remember the days when iOS didn't have copy/paste and WP was incredibly fast in implementing that. They just cannot compare to other platforms given the head start they had and yet WP is the fastest growing OS.

It's understood that MS is putting all their efforts on WP development with Cloud first/Mobile first strategy and the development will be faster than ever before but MS has a rich portfolio of products and services and their commitment to that portfolio is just as important.

I started with an iOS in the early days (since Android just came out) and then jumped the ship when Android got matured. I saw the pros and cons and something's I just couldn't live without. I ditched Android and jumped to WP and I feel extremely satisfied with the development of the platform. Despite everything that one can do on Android, I would be happy to sit back and check the progress of WP as it evolves ever so fast.

To the reviewers: Don't just look at what's missing and what's not. Look at the unique factor and the appeal.


Ambassador Team Leader
Nov 4, 2013
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My thoughts on the reviewers who review WP/8.1..

They sort of try to benchmark against the other's namely Android/iOS so their expectations from WP are next to them but it's hardly fair. Both Android/iOS had an early start. I remember the days when iOS didn't have copy/paste and WP was incredibly fast in implementing that. They just cannot compare to other platforms given the head start they had and yet WP is the fastest growing OS.

It's understood that MS is putting all their efforts on WP development with Cloud first/Mobile first strategy and the development will be faster than ever before but MS has a rich portfolio of products and services and their commitment to that portfolio is just as important.

I started with an iOS in the early days (since Android just came out) and then jumped the ship when Android got matured. I saw the pros and cons and something's I just couldn't live without. I ditched Android and jumped to WP and I feel extremely satisfied with the development of the platform. Despite everything that one can do on Android, I would be happy to sit back and check the progress of WP as it evolves ever so fast.

To the reviewers: Don't just look at what's missing and what's not. Look at the unique factor and the appeal.

Excellent thought!!
I agree wholeheartedly.
Didn't know exactly how to put my allegiance to the Windows phone into words until reading your words here.
I knew making comparisons were going nowhere because they seldom do for anything.

Thank you xuggs for shedding brilliance.

Karthik Naik

Jan 17, 2014
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No, I am a guy who understand what GSMArena mod was trying to say here.

1) File Manager- Is it in your dictionary File Manager is the second meaning of Android?
File-Manager doesn't mean Android. It's available since ages.
and One Drive can never be a substitute for File Manager(not until next few years). It's very stupid even to think about it. May be it's good for Documents, music but what about the large files(videos ,movies). and One Drive limitation is internet, if you don't have internet what will you do or say if you have slow internet?
May be in future we will stored all data on net but right now their is a SD card and phone memory and we need a File-Manager, so that user who have tones of files in their phone can arrange it properly(sort by date, name etc)

2) Toggles - Are you representing whole WP users? 4-5 toggles enough for you it is not necessary it will be enough for all WP family. You just made a personal comment here. Well I need atleast 7 toggles for my need. So , is it enough for me? no not. I am also not repenting whole WP users here but 4-5 toggles isn't enough for everyone.
and that's what Mod was saying in GSMArena.

3) Cortana - You are also saying same as GSMArena then what is different? Cortana is for USA only. We all know that. That is why it is limitated.
It is as good as doesn't exist.
USA isn't guinea pig but the top priority of MS. Have you ever used MS services, they are focus on US only, best example is Bing.
So, stop making excuses here.
When cortana going to release in other country it will still be a beta version, they will solve first accuracy problem, local search etc. So, the thing US got now, other countries will get almost same after a year. It will not be a better or something.
US got it first and they will always get better services than rest of world.
Don't let them fool yourself.

So, in Short - GSMArena review was very good and honest. Their is nothing wrong in it except that battery thing.

yeah right thats why we indian users have full access to microsoft services unlike google and apples
mixx radio etc kills itunes completely

Roderick Aspiras

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Feb 4, 2013
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Well what a bunch of A-h0les.

These morocious A-h0les have nothing but to compare WP to Android or iPhone. Its not proper but that's what they use for benchmarks. You will never please those people until Windows Phone does everything Android and Apple does and then some.

Problem is people listen to them.

I think it now goes down to preference not apps at least that's what I think.

I almost punched my computer monitor reading this:

"[h=3]What's still missing:[/h]
  • System-wide file manager
  • Options for more quick toggles
  • Battery percentage on the status bar
  • Richer app catalog
  • Cortana is some way behind Android and iOS rivals"
Some simply just don't get it. Since when is a file manager something that's "missing"?

iOS has been like this since the start - why not take a hit iOS, hmm?

"Options for more quick toggles" - If they are referring to turning off mobile data, then yes. but otherwise, everything is there and customisable..

"Battery percentage on the status bar" - flip down the action center and boom, battery percentage. are these reviewers serious?

"Richer App Catalog" - absolutely nothing to do with the OS. Yet another lame addition to the review.

"Cortana is still some way behind its competitors" - Hmm, I wonder why? Oh that's right, it's in BETA.

That's actually the first or second time i've visited GSMArena - I won't ever visit again. Not because i'm being fanboyish or anything like that - my view on the review was nothing but professional. The issue at hand is that it just misses the point in so many ways, and it truly feels like they spent 10 minutes with the OS before reviewing it. Appalling.


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Apr 7, 2013
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yeah right thats why we indian users have full access to microsoft services unlike google and apples
mixx radio etc kills itunes completely

Yeah!just like you have Xbox One, Xbox Music, TV etc....
Oh! wait You have top class Bing search engine which is even better than even US bing.

Bing map put totally shame on Gmap and Here Map.
You also use Bing Videos which is million times better than YouTube.
and India also got special version of Cortana too. Which is specially made for India.

So, did I left anything else?


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Apr 7, 2013
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I don't understand why users are getting Angry on GSMArena review.

My question to those who think GSMArena is wrong.
Are you guys think WP8.1 is a perfect OS and their is no limitation in it?
While mention limitation they should put standard below Android or iOS.

I don't understand, where GSMArena is wrong about limitation?


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Apr 7, 2013
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My thoughts on the reviewers who review WP/8.1..

They sort of try to benchmark against the other's namely Android/iOS so their expectations from WP are next to them but it's hardly fair. Both Android/iOS had an early start. I remember the days when iOS didn't have copy/paste and WP was incredibly fast in implementing that. They just cannot compare to other platforms given the head start they had and yet WP is the fastest growing OS.

It's understood that MS is putting all their efforts on WP development with Cloud first/Mobile first strategy and the development will be faster than ever before but MS has a rich portfolio of products and services and their commitment to that portfolio is just as important.

I started with an iOS in the early days (since Android just came out) and then jumped the ship when Android got matured. I saw the pros and cons and something's I just couldn't live without. I ditched Android and jumped to WP and I feel extremely satisfied with the development of the platform. Despite everything that one can do on Android, I would be happy to sit back and check the progress of WP as it evolves ever so fast.

To the reviewers: Don't just look at what's missing and what's not. Look at the unique factor and the appeal.

So, you mean GSMArena should hide limitation and only tell positive things.
Sorry but MS do not own GSMarena.

If you know GSMArena their is always mention limitation.

iOS and Android came in early.Agreed.
But that time they had hardware limitation, and it was also time of beginning smartphone era.

But now we have powerful CPU , GPU or processor.
It's 2014 now. Not 2007 or 2009.
No excuse of not at the level of them.
and It's already been more than 4 years.

So, why not compare with their competitor which are only 1-3 year old more .


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Feb 26, 2012
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Actually no need to get angry about the various OS since none of us owns WP, iOS or Android.

A file manager was available from the windows mobile days and lot of us remember how it was used to side load apps and OS variants.

If adding music, movies are the need for a file manager, then we can use the windows phone app to transfer most of the needed files.

Eliminating file manager is necessary to keep the OS clean.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
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