Buyers have either 15 days (non Microsoft Stores) or 30 days (Microsoft Store), so the urgency to resolve the issues are more pressing for some than others. Most of the issues the Book's are having are just...
so embarrassing. Imagine demoing your new Surface Book to a friend of family member, only to have the display flicker, go berserk, or to have it blue screen or have the tablet portion get stuck and not detach, etc. I'm just saying (like many others have also stated), the issues the Surface Book is having seem elementary with its purpose. If they can't deliver a product where the origin of its purpose and design is functional at the week of release, it is indeed a very big problem.
If it takes Microsoft longer than two weeks to release a statement or patches to fix these elementary issues, it IS a big deal, because some folks cannot return their devices for a refund. This is the thing I'm trying to drive home here.
It's easy to post comments blaming buyers for being early adopters... that it is the nature of being an early adopter to run into plenty of issues, I get that. But these issues people are having, are basic things to the design of the Surface Book. Browsing the web (in my experience, in any browser) causes my screen to flicker and wig out.
I had to force the computer to hibernate because it kills my battery if I put it to sleep. Even native apps seem to have problems. Netflix and AMC apps always freeze, I have to use a browser, which then means I have to deal with screen flicker. Sometimes when I detach the screen it kills the display driver even when nothing is using the dGPU. Things like this shouldn't happen, and this is all after the second round of updates.