High Heartrate When Sleeping?

You guys who posted charts woke up 6 and 7 times during your sleep. Did you get out of bed or go to the bathroom? I had low heart rates for most of the night but with several spikes which, when I checked on the first (moon symbol) graph, correlated exactly with the times I got out of bed or went to the bathroom.
Mine shows I woke up 11 times. I know I slept poorly last night (woke up with a headache), but I didn't get out of bed once and don't recall actively waking up.


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Freddy Krueger probably visited you. It was the eve of Halloween after all.
"Sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, too."

Dead right it can, I had to share a room in a hostel with 6 other bikers, one of them had sleep Apnea and my blood pressure went through the roof as I ended up sleeping in a chair in the hallway........

If you can trust Wikipedia, I found an article that states a heartrate of 40-50bpm when sleeping is 'normal': Bradycardia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (but really, we should all take Wikipedia with a grain of salt :P)

That is fairly accurate. Bradycardia is when HR falls below 40 during sleep for a sustained period of time. 40-70 is normal, although you rarely see in in the low 40's. It also depends on age. Kids have much higher resting HRs than adults.

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