No, you what it is, I am realistic, I tell it like it is !, I don't live in a fantasy like you and others , who live in a fantasy and pretend that all is well with WP7, your guys pretend like the current crop of hardward is just perfect and you guys pretend like WP7 is actually selling well. You guys are in denial, but then again this is the same crap the WebOS people said, this is the same fantasy WEBOS folks lived in..............
Like i said, if new interesting 4G WP7 hardware doesnt come out soon, iphone 5 and ICE CREAM SANDWICH devices(Nexus Prime and Droid Bionic) are going to hit WP7's marketshare with a KO punch..............
Mango should have been released from Jump, and MS should have had some dual core devices out by now with front facing camera's and 4G LTE.
1. hardware .. ok so we dont have duel-core and FFC... what else we missing? ( witch we are getting BTW )
2. we are getting Kinenct Integration soon, what other phone has that? non , so we just jumped ahead + Xbox live integration .. who else has that? no one.. PS Android phone is just a android with a Controller lol .
3. no WP7 is not selling well ,but its doing better then WEBOS was and is on par if not better then RIM (blackberry) so its not that bad...
4. my Samsung FOCUS is 4g... not LTE but i can pass it as a 4G cause People think HSPA+ is 4G .. lol . just as easy to sell. and most reg consumer dont even know WTF LTE is ,.. they only know .. 1x , 3g , 4g , EVDO ect.... so this wont really effect sells.
5. ICE scream sandwich LMAO!! .. thats just an other way to tell all Android user to get a new phone cause the old one will get saturated away into the Archives. something good about WP we dotn leave phone behind ( all phones get the updates ) compare to Android . that alone helps some people to get WP. or they can get a new Android every year.
6. as for market shares... MS is UP and Google is DOWN. so im not worried right now ,
We could say that WP7 has some unique innovation and that Android and IOS are the one that are behind cause they don’t Offer some of our Intergrated Features.. .
just like they can say the same for us about are HARDWARE…
MS is Also working on a Much better Eco system then the others , and thats not fantasy thats facts. witch is also going to help.
+ keep in mind that the 500+ features coming with MANGO that most of you tested are 50% unfinished . and the fact that we haven’t seen NOTHING yet regarding the NEW *API* access( witch is gona allow for an other 500+ related APP features ).... this phone is gona BLOW up in the next phew months in terms of quality. And alote more DEVELOPERS are heading to WP after mango launches.
All thes post tell me is that people lack patients.
Its not fantasy, its SIFI coming to a future near you!