Guys we are the pioneers the explorers the bad science experiment if you will. This platform has room to grow this platform needs to grow Microsoft is in for the long hall so is Nokia. These threads bring the short comings to light these threads are where Microsoft will get what they need to make available to developers what developers need to give us what we want. Microsoft leaves things out (WIFI tether) so they can be introduces where and when it is rite to do so. The evidence is everywhere so relax people there is not one thing discussed in this thread that is not possible with Mango (I'm not sure about blinking led for notifications seams that has been left out) but has been left out for a reason. We will get 4G, we will get, custom alert tones, we will get WIFI tether everything is possible but left out for a reason we have room to grow we will grow its going to be a long time before the WoW factor is gone from Windows Phone so relax and enjoy the ride because we are the pioneers.
yeah... what he said...