How it could end.......(We need 4G)


New member
May 12, 2011
Guys we are the pioneers the explorers the bad science experiment if you will. This platform has room to grow this platform needs to grow Microsoft is in for the long hall so is Nokia. These threads bring the short comings to light these threads are where Microsoft will get what they need to make available to developers what developers need to give us what we want. Microsoft leaves things out (WIFI tether) so they can be introduces where and when it is rite to do so. The evidence is everywhere so relax people there is not one thing discussed in this thread that is not possible with Mango (I'm not sure about blinking led for notifications seams that has been left out) but has been left out for a reason. We will get 4G, we will get, custom alert tones, we will get WIFI tether everything is possible but left out for a reason we have room to grow we will grow its going to be a long time before the WoW factor is gone from Windows Phone so relax and enjoy the ride because we are the pioneers.

:cool: Dave

yeah... what he said... :cool:


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Well, here in the UK..... 3G coverage is like "uber-fast" broadband.....
Only about 35% of the coverage is the faster connections.

I find "4G" over here as more a of gimmick until at least 70% of the country actually gets 3G.
So, in my opinion; WP7 will still compete with the "4G" phones regardless....

With regards to what Big D said.....

Look at Apple, they leave things out for a reason too..... They leave it out so they can continue their brand.
Example, iPhone didn't have 3G when they could have included it.... But they left it for the iPhone 3G 6-12 months later.
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New member
Aug 14, 2011
My HTC Inspire 4G gets the exact same Up/Down as my Focus. On avg ~2Mbps down and 1Mbps up. Yeah yeah... I know what you're thinking... My carrier is sloooow... But I think this is the norm for 90% of US smartphone users.


New member
Jun 7, 2011
I love WP7 but I think WP7 will be hit with a 3 hit knockpunch, that will result in WP7 losing 80 percent of it's already shrinking marketshare, as a result of this WP7 will never be able to recover and MS will be forced to retire the platform in summer 2012.......(maybe bring it back later as Windows Phone 8)

The 3 hit knockout punch will be...

Step 1 - Droid Bionic Sept 9th and Galaxy S II devices on Sept 9th

Step 2 - Nexus Prime/Droid Prime running ICE CREAM SANDWICH

Step 3 - iOS5.0 and the iPhone 5

MS currently just doesn't have the firepower to compete against these devices and MANGO alone will not be enough..............


New member
Aug 14, 2011
I love WP7 but I think WP7 will be hit with a 3 hit knockpunch, that will result in WP7 losing 80 percent of it's already shrinking marketshare, as a result of this WP7 will never be able to recover and MS will be forced to retire the platform in summer 2012.......(maybe bring it back later as Windows Phone 8)

The 3 hit knockout punch will be...

Step 1 - Droid Bionic Sept 9th and Galaxy S II devices on Sept 9th

Step 2 - Nexus Prime/Droid Prime running ICE CREAM SANDWICH

Step 3 - iOS5.0 and the iPhone 5

MS currently just doesn't have the firepower to compete against these devices and MANGO alone will not be enough..............

You're crazy. The galaxy s2 has been out for months overseas. The bionic is not going to live up to it's delayed delayed of a delay hype, and iOS 5 doesn't bring anything spectacular that 4 doesn't have. Besides maybe a camera icon on the unlock screen and some new notification methods...

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New member
Jul 19, 2011
My HTC Inspire 4G gets the exact same Up/Down as my Focus. On avg ~2Mbps down and 1Mbps up. Yeah yeah... I know what you're thinking... My carrier is sloooow... But I think this is the norm for 90% of US smartphone users.

That's more because that 4G isn't real 4G. It's just a bit faster 3G.

Real 4G is hardly available anywhere. All just marketing.

Pretty useless, I'd rather have better batteries and higher resolution displays (not bigger, higher resolution, 4 inch is the maximum I give a **** about.)


New member
Dec 30, 2010
I love WP7 but I think WP7 will be hit with a 3 hit knockpunch, that will result in WP7 losing 80 percent of it's already shrinking marketshare, as a result of this WP7 will never be able to recover and MS will be forced to retire the platform in summer 2012.......(maybe bring it back later as Windows Phone 8)

The 3 hit knockout punch will be...

Step 1 - Droid Bionic Sept 9th and Galaxy S II devices on Sept 9th

Step 2 - Nexus Prime/Droid Prime running ICE CREAM SANDWICH

Step 3 - iOS5.0 and the iPhone 5

MS currently just doesn't have the firepower to compete against these devices and MANGO alone will not be enough..............

Of those, only the iPhone5 is going after a similar demographic.

MS has made such a large investment into this, not only in Windows Phone itself, but the whole ecosystem, that they are nowhere even remotely near giving up.


New member
May 3, 2011
I love WP7 but I think WP7 will be hit with a 3 hit knockpunch, that will result in WP7 losing 80 percent of it's already shrinking marketshare, as a result of this WP7 will never be able to recover and MS will be forced to retire the platform in summer 2012.......(maybe bring it back later as Windows Phone 8)

The 3 hit knockout punch will be...

Step 1 - Droid Bionic Sept 9th and Galaxy S II devices on Sept 9th

Step 2 - Nexus Prime/Droid Prime running ICE CREAM SANDWICH

Step 3 - iOS5.0 and the iPhone 5

MS currently just doesn't have the firepower to compete against these devices and MANGO alone will not be enough..............

I don't see those as knockout punches. The only people who will HAVE TO buy an iPhone 5 are people who already have an iPhone 4. I think Apple will lose some people who are tired of getting hyped up about a now old-looking OS, but Apple may gain about the same amount when Sprint carries the iPhone 5. There's room there for MS to take customers though.

To the majority of cell phone customers, you just mentioned the Droid blah blah, the Droid blah blah blah, and some other Droid phones. To most people there is the iPhone, the Droid, the Blackberry that used to be popular, and then everything else. MS just has to get out of the "everything else" category.

Besides, this isn't going to end on September 9. This is a long battle that will probably extend through Christmas 2012.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
I love WP7 but I think WP7 will be hit with a 3 hit knockpunch, that will result in WP7 losing 80 percent of it's already shrinking marketshare, as a result of this WP7 will never be able to recover and MS will be forced to retire the platform in summer 2012.......(maybe bring it back later as Windows Phone 8)

The 3 hit knockout punch will be...

Step 1 - Droid Bionic Sept 9th and Galaxy S II devices on Sept 9th

Step 2 - Nexus Prime/Droid Prime running ICE CREAM SANDWICH

Step 3 - iOS5.0 and the iPhone 5

MS currently just doesn't have the firepower to compete against these devices and MANGO alone will not be enough..............
Doubt it.
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Feb 23, 2011
I think everybody who wants an iPhone already has an iPhone, and everybody who wants an Android phone already has one. I don't see ICS, GS2 or iPhone 5 having much of an impact on WP7.

IMO the next year will be great for Windows Phone. Nokia, the world's 3rd biggest smartphone manufacturer (after Apple and Samsung) is going exclusively WP7. They're making a whole range of phones to sell worldwide. They will be selling them subsidized through the carriers in the USA, so you might actually see them at cell phone stores! And they're the only ones IMO who build hardware as good as Apple's.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
The main reason why Android is selling so much is because it's available on every carrier in every range. High, mid, low, Sprint, T-Mo, VZW, Cricket, Metro, AT&T, Big Louie's Cell Shack, US Cellular, you name it, there's an Android device. So 4G is not what's putting Android ahead of the game.

And comparing the Zune to this because it's a Microsoft product is null and void. WM has been around for YEARS before these other OS', so no, Microsoft is not going to drop it because of its sales. And this platform is not being treated like Zune, Palm, or any other failing item.

If anything, the UI would get overhauled before it's "dead"


New member
Aug 21, 2011
That's more because that 4G isn't real 4G. It's just a bit faster 3G.

Real 4G is hardly available anywhere. All just marketing.

Pretty useless, I'd rather have better batteries and higher resolution displays (not bigger, higher resolution, 4 inch is the maximum I give a **** about.)

Real 4G (meaning Wimax-Advanced or LTE-Advanced, if to go by the original meaning of the term 4G) isn't available anywhere at all and won't be for some time. However, what is being marketed as 4G is significantly faster than what is being marketed as 3G - we'll eventually have 168 mbit/sec on 4x4 MIMO on DC-HSPA (2x5 MHz carriers on the forward channel) and compared to classic 3G of 7.2 mbit it's probably worth a bump in the definition.

Marketing or not people are aware of the difference and it is a selling point and a fair number of people would, for example, be able to see the difference in streaming video on 3G vs what's being marketed as "4G" (LTE and the more aggressive HSPA+ variants).


New member
May 3, 2011
Marketing or not people are aware of the difference and it is a selling point and a fair number of people would, for example, be able to see the difference in streaming video on 3G vs what's being marketed as "4G" (LTE and the more aggressive HSPA+ variants).

That's a good point, but I think battery life is a bigger hurdle for mobile media streaming. Unless you're talking about the tablet market where data speed may be a deciding factor.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
Ios 5 is just gona be a Faster App launcher...

the Android ICE CREAM SANDWICH is freaking Cranberry flavor , who wants that? lol

The Galaxy S 2 has been out in Canada for over 1 month and it int doing THAT great ( i know cause i sell it )

and who says market shares for MS are shrinking? they are actually growing.. lol . the OS is soo new and the fact that its just came out . its impossible that they are shrinking . not like they sold NEGETIVE 1million phones? lol??...

as for battery life . WP7 has the same as any other Smartphone’s .... so that’s a bad point.

Phone HW .. its now only missing due-core... but we still have 1.4+ Ghz coming witch is nice. and probly faster then most duel-core phones ont he market ( specially the Motorola ATRIX )

4G (lte) is still NOT WORTH it for MS and OEMs to invest into because not enough carriers around the world has it yet ( like 4-5 of them do out of 20+ ) So MS concentrates on more prominent Features that will make a differents to the OS NOW better then the HW later. OS is more important then a stupid Antenna.

What some of you dont relies yet is that the stable OS with Proper features is Much more important then Hardware.

Getting apps out , Adding more Xbox live features , more PHONE features , more Integration Into the OS of general Features. that’s what Count for MS.. not some stupid HARDWARE or ANTENA that will do ACTUALLY NOTHING for them, let them start by making the OS the best it can.

have you ever tried playing Xbox while having SEX? not a good idea.. probly not gona work very well. lol
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New member
Dec 6, 2010
iOS 5 is going to be great. The new notifications menu is going to be great.

LOL, to say the Galaxy S II isn't selling is just a ROTFLMAO statement. I'm sure they've sold more GS2 phone than what MS has sold WP7 total. If not, its very close.

1.4 core is not faster than a dual core. It just aint

Catch phrase that has caught on. Now that a lot of area's actually have 4G service.

What features are proper that are in WP7 that isn't in iOS/Android?



New member
Dec 16, 2010
iOS 5 is going to be great. The new notifications menu is going to be great.

LOL, to say the Galaxy S II isn't selling is just a ROTFLMAO statement. I'm sure they've sold more GS2 phone than what MS has sold WP7 total. If not, its very close.

1.4 core is not faster than a dual core. It just aint

Catch phrase that has caught on. Now that a lot of area's actually have 4G service.

What features are proper that are in WP7 that isn't in iOS/Android?


well the GS2 int selling that Great at BELL i can tell you that much. and that?s a fact . i haven?t even had a client ask me about it yet. Maybe business client just dont care.
but i ship out about 10-20 Android/iphone/BB a day ( thats just me ) none of does being GS2 .. i sell alote of other cheaper androids doh.

My FOCUS is faster then half the the duel-core on the market right now ( not the new once doh ) if you dont believe me then just go hit up youtube vids and watch the speed tests..the GS2 is faster doh. FOCUS = faster then ATRIX =duel core...

and yes allot of the Areas are covered by 4g LTE but by 1 carrier out of 5 in a country. so not really worth making LTE phones for 1 carrier out of 5. not profitable.

** What features are proper that are in WP7 that isn't in iOS/Android? ** hmm , Zune and XBOX LVIE :p LOL..


New member
Dec 6, 2010
GS2 sold 3 million units in 55 days and is reaching the 10 million mark!

Faster as in how? It's due to Moto blur. Put a stock rom on that phone.

Saying that iOS/Android doesn't have XBL/Zune support is saying that WP7 don't have iTunes/Airplay/FaceTime support.

Strange, All carriers in my little neck of the woods have 4G service, except AT&T.
well the GS2 int selling that Great at BELL i can tell you that much. and that’s a fact . i haven’t even had a client ask me about it yet. Maybe business client just dont care.
but i ship out about 10-20 Android/iphone/BB a day ( thats just me ) none of does being GS2 .. i sell alote of other cheaper androids doh.

My FOCUS is faster then half the the duel-core on the market right now ( not the new once doh ) if you dont believe me then just go hit up youtube vids and watch the speed tests..the GS2 is faster doh. FOCUS = faster then ATRIX =duel core...

and yes allot of the Areas are covered by 4g LTE but by 1 carrier out of 5 in a country. so not really worth making LTE phones for 1 carrier out of 5. not profitable.

** What features are proper that are in WP7 that isn't in iOS/Android? ** hmm , Zune and XBOX LVIE :p LOL..


New member
Jun 22, 2011
The Galaxy S2 has been out in the UK for quite a while now. I know someone who has one. Lovely screen, lovely hardware, but Samsung's TouchWiz is such a rip-off of iOS it's unbelievable (want to know why Apple are winning those lawsuits? Because they have a genuine case). Also, despite its processor and power, it still stutters now and again. And I can't see that improving in Ice Cream Sandwich (which should actually be called "Fudge", given that it's a mish-mash of the phone OS and tablet OS that probably now suits neither format brilliantly).

I think that, coupled with OEMs getting the jitters about Google buying Motorola and the launch of Mango and (hopefully) some standout Nokia hardware, gives WP7 a great opportunity to pick up people fed up of their Android phone being old literally a month after they bought it. The iPhone 5 is the one to beat for sure - but there's no shame in aiming for second place first. And WP7 could get there by going after people disillusioned with Android by offering something that's as useable and slick as iOS but different with it.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
GS2 sold 3 million units in 55 days and is reaching the 10 million mark!

Faster as in how? It's due to Moto blur. Put a stock rom on that phone.

Saying that iOS/Android doesn't have XBL/Zune support is saying that WP7 don't have iTunes/Airplay/FaceTime support.

Strange, All carriers in my little neck of the woods have 4G service, except AT&T.

1.IF the phone has motoblure 99.99% of clients dont take it off cause they dont know how to install ROMs witch in return my stock focus is faster then the stock Atrix with Motoblure. if you dont want motoblur why by a Motorola? lol so right out of the BOX my phone is faster ..

sure i could open up my FOCUS tweak it to over clock and pump liquid Hydrogen in it to keep it cool and run FREAKIGN FAST .. like they do po PCs , but who does that?? Lol its just as doable as installing Custom ROMS that run smother

2, no **** lol . your the one that ask the question. lol features are prety much the same for all phones , but who need facetime we have skype , who needs itunes we have zune .. much better.

2. i know the GS2 is selling allot . just not that much with us here in Canada. its selling allot more in Europe

3. not all carriers have 4g LTE ..

in CANADA we have: Rogers , BEll , Tellus , Koodo , Fido , SOLO , VIrgin ... and ROGERS is the ONLY one with LTE
in the US they have over 10 Providers . and not even 50% of them have LTE.

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