HTC 8X appears to have just died; won't turn on again...

battery drained , now background led of the lcd off . connected to charger for 2 hours , but no result . only vibrates a bit when power switch pressed ...
very depressed , too bad .....
Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

I updated my phone three days ago. I didnt faced with any problem until this happened. While listening to music, i got a massage on whatsapp and when i tried to open it, my phone froze like the below picture. Before update (gdr2), my phone froze two times, and i got over it by pushing both power and camera buttons.

Yet, this time it has not worked. I did all combination ( down volume + power, Power+ down volume+ camera), but no way. My phone is now unresponsive and the screen lights a bit ( 3 buttons` lights just works )

What can i do to come my phone back? any idea?

I bought it from amazon (retailer was amazon) two months ago.

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Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

I know you're indicating a blank screen at power up w/no mention of an exclamation point, but maybe give this a try if not already done...
Manual hard reset guide for HTC 8X (Alternate method) ...via Verizon
Note: there are pics at the above link that accompany the procedure, reposted below, for ref if you need them.

1.Ensure that the device is powered off.
If applicable, press and hold the Power button then drag the window to the bottom of the display to power off. Once the "goodbye" message appears, allow up to 15 seconds for the device to completely power off.

2.Press the Power button to turn On the device.

3.Press and hold volume down.

4.When an exclamation mark (!) appears on the display, press the following keys in the the following order:
?(1) Volume up
?(2) Volume down
?(3) Power key
?(4) Volume down

5.The device is now hard reset
Allow up to 5 minute for the process to complete.
6.Refer to Initial Activation and Setup.


Edit to add...
Here is a variation of the manual hard reset when no settings can be accessed..
from 'cellphone forums'

To Perform a Master/Factory Reset via Hardware

If you can?t access the settings of your smartphone or can?t even turn it on, you can perform the reset using the buttons of the handset.

1. Turn the phone off.
2. Press and hold the Volume Down button and then briefly press the Power button.
3. When you see an icon on the screen, release the Volume Down button.
4. Now press Volume Up -> Volume Down -> Power -> Volume Down.
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Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

i tried draining my battery too and plugged the charger for nearly 2 to 3 hours . no miracle happened , it only vibrates when pressed power switch ...
Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

Mine too died yesterday, about 16 hours of use after the update, before that it worked like a charm, no problems whatsover, really frustrating. :(
Likewise, I get some vibrate feedback if I hold the power button long enough but nothing happens, the light does not even indicate that it's charging and my computer does not recognize it being plugged in. Did anyone get a replay from HTC on twitter?
Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

thanks for replying

let me explain something, when i did manual reset two weeks ago, i noticed that when i plugged the phone in, red led turned on moreover when i connected it with my computer on Usb cable, i could see my documents.

However, things i said above doesnt work now.

By the way i did all you mentioned , the phone didnt respond to me (guess because of the unresponsive buttons like power, volume etc)

the situation is now like the below picture. So i wait for the moment the phone will turn off by itself . Unfortunately,I dont know what i will do

foto?raf (2).jpg
Hold the Power button with the Volume Up button at the same time for about 10 seconds. If it isn't completely dead this should force shut down the device and reboot it. You can do this on a device that won't power up or even on a running device if it happens to freeze up and you can't exit an app. You may or may not get the vibration feedback.

If you get the vibration feedback, try to power up normally. If it still only vibrates, then plug it into a charger for at least 30 mins. and then try to power up normally again.
My unbranded, c620e 8x was updated to GDR2 on Friday in the US. Two days later, phone was "dead" -- no power -- in the middle of the day, thought there was 50% battery left. Initially charging did not resurrect, neither did power button. Soft reset: power + volume down and the phone did reboot while plugged in for a recharge. Crossing fingers I don't see that again, but back to life for now.
I left mine alone for to days, I've now set it to charge and gonna try a soft reset later on, hope it works, fingers crossed :x
Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

Hi, i have exact the same Problem, phone is dead LED light is on, cant so anything.
I left mine alone for to days, I've now set it to charge and gonna try a soft reset later on, hope it works, fingers crossed :x

Hope you get it working.

I'm considering getting one, although it looks like a bad time to get one. :(
Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

Hi, i have exact the same Problem, phone is dead LED light is on, cant so anything.

Has anyone tried the remote Hard Reset via page
The Erase menu item?

Mine doesnt even vibrate

Mine too died yesterday, about 16 hours of use after the update, before that it worked like a charm, no problems whatsover, really frustrating. :(

My phone turned completely the power off. I tried to have hard reset. It was just vibrate. I noticed Its battery run out. When i plugged it in, red light didnt appear. Moreover, I got the same result when using usb cable to charge.

I can say that my phone is dead...

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