HTC 8X appears to have just died; won't turn on again...

u mean it working MilkyTee !!!!!!
Ye it is, I'm delighted to say :smile:

Just got absoluely inundated with texts that I missed over the weekend! A far as I can see, you have to allow the battery to run almost completely dry.
Stay strong fellas, your phones will probably kick back to life shortly!
Re: Frozen Htc 8x with GDR2 Update, Plez Help !!!

yeah this guy is right. you could check my thread as well. As i see, all problems are the same. After drained state, it will never come back.

you should contact with the support team
Actually, if you go into my thread now, you'll see that my phone sprang back to life in the last 40 minutes!

All hope is not lost, I'd advise you to wait before you dump the phone or shell out for a repair and lose your data.
So, to review, the phones that are "bricking" (not really bricking but locking-up and will then restart after some fiddling around) are unlocked phones. Ones not sold by a carrier and not updated via the carrier. They were updated via some other means. On top of that most of them have "whatsapp" installed? Is this what's going on?

I have a T-Mobile HTC-8X and the update hasn't gone live over-the-air to me yet. I feel less concerned because if the carrier causes a problem, it's up to them to replace it if I can't get it operating.

I'm planning on updating mine as soon as the update is available. Damn the torpedo's! :-)
So, to review, the phones that are "bricking" (not really bricking but locking-up and will then restart after some fiddling around) are unlocked phones. Ones not sold by a carrier and not updated via the carrier. They were updated via some other means. On top of that most of them have "whatsapp" installed? Is this what's going on?

I have a T-Mobile HTC-8X and the update hasn't gone live over-the-air to me yet. I feel less concerned because if the carrier causes a problem, it's up to them to replace it if I can't get it operating.

I'm planning on updating mine as soon as the update is available. Damn the torpedo's! :-)
I'm not convinced its limited to unlocked phones. To the best of my knowledge, most carriers haven't released theirs yet, so that's why the issue is only being reported on unlocked phones.

And yeah, to be safe, I immediately uninstalled Whatsapp 😋
Actually did your phone drain complety so charging light wont turn on? you said phone has been dead for about 3 or 4 days.. mine went to charger as soon as i got home but i need to know if you had drained it completly and charging light was off before turning it on?
Actually did your phone drain complety so charging light wont turn on? you said phone has been dead for about 3 or 4 days.. mine went to charger as soon as i got home but i need to know if you had drained it completly and charging light was off before turning it on?
See the pictures I attached above. Since turning off on Friday (when the battery was at about 90-95%), it's been in a very steady decline (the battery app logged all this info, even though the phone was in a zombified state).
Right when it was at about 5 or 10% capacity (totally unbeknownst to me remember, pure coincidence), I plugged it into the laptop as a last resort. It continued draining from there for about an hour, despite being plugged in, and I had basically given up all hope, until it finally hit Zero, or what is basically Zero. I reckon then is when the phone rebooted and began slowly recharging.

It then took another 20 or 30 minutes for the phone to actually BOOT, as prior to this, it was just a charging screen and a blinking red LED, and I couldn't actually turn the phone on.

I'm not sure what would happen if you let the phone totally drain, without it being plugged into any sort of outlet. The battery might be completely dead after that.
But because we know the phone did not draw any power when it was discharging, you may as well have it plugged in and wait for it to drain at which point it'll be caught by the power input and begin to recharge.
Re: Frozen Htc 8x with GDR2 Update, Plez Help !!!

Actually, if you go into my thread now, you'll see that my phone sprang back to life in the last 40 minutes!

All hope is not lost, I'd advise you to wait before you dump the phone or shell out for a repair and lose your data.

OMG!!!! This is so so so great... I contacted the support team of HTC and would give my phone to them.

So, i should expect it to come back or to drain completely, right?

How long does it take? (draining ); what can i do at this phase? (my phone froze nearly 30 hours ago and have been closed for 15-16 hours)
Re: Frozen Htc 8x with GDR2 Update, Plez Help !!!

Well my phone "died" at around 90% battery, and it only completely discharged two hours ago so it took around 72 hours from what was virtually a full charge.

To be safe, Id leave it plugged in to a power source when you think the phone is running dry. In its state, my phone wasn't charging when it was plugged in, until the battery had completely drained. If it had gone totally dead and it wasn't plugged in, I don't know what would have happened. Probably Nothing, but you never know
Re: Frozen Htc 8x with GDR2 Update, Plez Help !!!

There is an article on WPCentral about this.
Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

You can't conclude that from a few people's HTC 8X's messing up. You have no empirical data to support such a conclusion. The OP even said his was freezing BEFORE the GDR2 update. He also has Whatsapp running which seems to be a theme with these lockups. Based on everything I've read it seems to be something that's taking over the phone, possibly in a loop, causing the battery to drain. The only fix seems to be to totally restart the phone killing anything that's running. However, if the app or apps that are causing this battery drain automatically run on startup, it'll probably continue to happen.

We'll have to see what happens when some carriers start sending the update out. I'll let everyone know how it goes as soon as I get it via T-Mobile. That's if it ever gets sent OTA. LOL!
Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

You can't conclude that from a few people's HTC 8X's messing up. You have no empirical data to support such a conclusion. The OP even said his was freezing BEFORE the GDR2 update. He also has Whatsapp running which seems to be a theme with these lockups. Based on everything I've read it seems to be something that's taking over the phone, possibly in a loop, causing the battery to drain. The only fix seems to be to totally restart the phone killing anything that's running. However, if the app or apps that are causing this battery drain automatically run on startup, it'll probably continue to happen.

We'll have to see what happens when some carriers start sending the update out. I'll let everyone know how it goes as soon as I get it via T-Mobile. That's if it ever gets sent OTA. LOL!

Before update, i had experienced some freezing and i could get over it by holding power button and camera button a while. Yet, in this issue, it is impossible to do reset.

I think This is much more complicated than you think.
Re: Frozen Htc 8x with GDR2 Update, Plez Help !!!

this cell phone battery is tough nut to crack , and we all complain regarding htc 8x battery life ,
mine froze on saturday night , drained till sunday morning ( i mean the led on the screen was finally off ) , and waiting with pc charger connected since tonight ...

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